Don't "put yourself down" !!
ALL contributions to the story are very welcome!
As I've said before, this isn't about getting some piece of high-class "literature", it's about us having some fun, and allowing our (creative) juices flowing !! lol.

Also, I see that you've only just joined our "sisterhood", so I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome you to TW.
You'll find us a friendly bunch of girls, willing to help/support each other through our "trials and tribulations", but, mainly, you'll find TW a great place to make new friends !!
Drop in, when you get the chance, to the "New Members" Forum, and tell us all a little about yourself, so all the girls can introduce themselves to you.
Angela. xx.
Great to see you "joining in". Thanks!
After a slow start, things are looking up!
I was beginning to despair, but yourself and Sue joining in, might just persuade a few more of the girls to "give it a go"!
BTW> We'll forgive your slight "geographic" error !
The nearest Railway Station to O'Connell St. in Dublin is Connolly Station, about 0.5 of a mile away. Still, without my intending it, you've now located the story in Ireland.
Such are the way things can go in a Chain Story!
Angela. xx.
May 25, 2008 11:27 AM BST
soz about the geography!
June 28, 2008 7:20 PM BST
Hi All .....................
I just wanted to let anyone who's following the "Chain Story" that a few new additions have been made to it in the past few weeks.
Have a read, and add a paragraph or two yourselves!
The more "participants" the better!
Angela. xx.
June 29, 2008 8:16 PM BST
How to get out of impossible situations:
'With one mighty bound our hero/heroine was free.............'
Lynn H.
June 30, 2008 8:12 PM BST
It occurs to me that I've left the story with broadly 4 alternative continuations,each one of which could take the story in a completely different direction.Would it be possible to allow the future development to follow each alternative?It's probably difficult from an organisational point of view- might require 4 threads........
Over to the TW writers collective...
Lynn H.
Hi Lynn,
Welcome to the "TW Writers Collective" !!
Your thoughts on "branching the story" would, I think, be extremely hard to do, without, as you say, running 4 separate threads.
But, if someone comes up with an easy way it could be done, I've no objections at all. But, it's hard enough at the moment to get contributions to one story-line .............. It could be even harder to try and run 4 story-lines at once!
But, I'm open to ALL suggestions.
Or, of course, you could start new threads here, to include whatever "literary" things you want!
So, looking forward to ALL your suggestions/ideas/new threads.
Angela. xx.
Just in case anyone thinks that my imagination has run away with me.........there really was an exhibition dealing with the 'Summer of Love' a few years ago in Frankfurt.And yes,the mandala on display quite clearly showed 'she-males'.Interestingly,this object was at just about the right height for children to admire it and,yes,there quite a lot of them there.I couldn't help wondering whether some parents had some awkward explaining to do afterwards! After all,something
like a mandala,in this case with a diameter of 1metre or so,is not easily overlooked!
ciao & lol
Lynn H.
July 13, 2008 7:56 PM BST
Just in case all our budding authors are wondering where the story might go,here are some of the contents of my devious mind............
1: is Tara really the centre of attention on the bus?
2:it might be interesting to flash-back and look into the family history
a little bit more:
was the fathers' death really so?
how old were the kids at the time?
more about the mother?
publicans tend not to drink,so what made the father an alcoholic?
are the two anglers really just up for a few trout and a short holiday in a 5*barn conversion,or is this just a front?IRA?
Police?Mafia?Secret service?
a bit more about Paul Grogan?
None of this has to be followed,believe me.I'm just trying to shed a little light in confusion I may have created.
Write on,girls and boys,
Lynn H.
July 24, 2008 6:32 PM BST
Nice one, Rachel!
Lynn H.
July 27, 2008 8:45 AM BST
Hi Girls,
As some of you will know, I've been "off-line" for the past number of days ................... gotta work now and again, I suppose !! .........................
So it's great to log back in, and find that the Story has gained a bit of momentum again, and that we also have acouple of new contributors!!
Great !!!!!!!!!!
Let's keep it up !!
Like "Chinese Whispers", it's taken a completely different "course" than what I had in mind at the start, but that's the fun of it !!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone puts their own "stamp" on it !!
Angela. xx.
August 2, 2008 12:10 PM BST
Hi Girls
I hope that my contribution hasn't resulted in the story coming to a full stop. I do tend to look at life a little laterally - I just thought a new twist might be fun.
So come on.....I'm waiting.
August 2, 2008 4:09 PM BST
Wait no more!!
I've been really busy work-wise recently, so haven't had much chance to add a paragraph, or two, but I've now done so.
Glad to see that, after a bit of a lull, the story has taken a "second life".
Come on girls (and boys, of course), get those creative juices flowing.
Angela. xxx.
August 7, 2008 6:51 PM BST
well,the plot(?) seems to be curdling nicely...................

Lynn H.
August 30, 2008 6:15 PM BST
Hi Lynn,
In your recent "addition" to the story, you said that I could correct your spellings of the Irish names, etc .
What's this !!! ???? ................................ You mean that you haven't got an As gealge Spell Checker ???? !!!!
And there was me thinking EVERYONE had an Irish Language Spell Checker !!!
Anyway, Lynn, thanks for "keeping things going".
Angela. xx.
August 31, 2008 2:38 PM BST
August 31, 2008 2:56 PM BST
Irish Language Pronunciation 101 .......................
As .................... pronounced Ass (as in an animal like a donkey) meaning "in".
Gaelge ............. (2 sylables) ............... Gael ......... pronounced Gale (as in a big wind)
ge ........................ pronounced as "g" as found in "dog".
So, before YOU say it .......... it could be translated as " a very flatulent assed dog".
In reality, it means "In Irish".
Tune in again soon for the next thrilling instalment of "The Irish Language 101" !!!

Angela. xx.
September 29, 2008 3:11 AM BST
Hi Girls,
Just a quick reminder that this story is still "active".
It's gone quiet recently.
So, if anyone has anything to add, "let it flow!"
P.S. Don't forget .................... Katie's Short Story Competition.
See the September Tribune for more details.
A. xxx.
December 17, 2008 5:38 AM GMT
Considering that this is a TG website I think that your story should focus on the TG motife and not just a general story.
December 21, 2008 4:10 PM GMT
The TG-motif is there,it's just a question of how interesting you want the story to be,and how,within the framework of the plot,you want the TG-motif to develop. I haven't thought about the story since my last contribution but,in the back of my mind,the TG aspect is central to developments.If all you want is a TG-story along the hackneyed lines of 'man forced into femininity by vengeful wife/girlfriend' or one of the many variations on this theme then all I can say is 'sorry',count me out. Of course,rather than just moaning,you could try to come up with a continuation to the existing story which brings it into line with your wishes and expectations,couldn't you?
Merry Christmas,
Lynn H.
December 24, 2008 7:24 PM GMT
exactly! Whether or not the TG aspect of the story plays a principal role or not is up to the -seemingly thin on the ground at the moment- authors. I can only speak for myself but what I've been trying to do is to come up with a 'plot' which leaves room for the TG aspect to develop whilst, at the same time,trying to avoid all the usual,recycled,boring and tired TG cliches.
Having been brought back to the story by recent comments here, I can certainly see possible further developments to it-with even a sop to those moaning about a lack of TG-specific content.Come on,girls (and boys),when you've all eased your stays after the Christmas blow-out,then how about taking the story a bit further whilst you're all in couch-potato mode.....?

Just one thing more- just don't ask me what the plot looks like!!
Merry Christmas
Lynn H.
Hi Angela,
I'm still discovering all the threads and forums and posts and goodness knows what else that may lurk deep in the TW underbelly...
... and somehow missed this forum altogether!
I hope your idea gathers momentum as its a great idea and fantastic fun! [and harder than it looks, lol]
Maybe people are concerned that they have to write in a certain way but the myriad of styles and idea's are the essence of a 'chain story'.
The hardest parts for me were to restrict myself to two short paragraphs [I hate that discipline!] and to try and minimise my natural quirkiness and humour - well, we have started off a litle sombre...!
Much love to you hunni - and thanks again.
Rae xx
lol, the rules are fine, Angela - I just have a terrible habit of not using a sentence when a paragraph will do!
Rae xx
July 3, 2008 11:33 PM BST
mmm. maybe four into one does go....
Much love
rae xx
September 29, 2008 11:31 PM BST
Not been to the thread for a while due to lots of other 'stuff' going on - and now fighting attacks on my pc's health, doh! But will add soon.
Have'nt seen the latest tribune and - for some bizarre reason, presumably known only by my own stupidity - can't find a link to it so no idea about Katie's short story comp...
Much love
Rae xxx
December 23, 2008 11:20 PM GMT
But a 'TG website' should'nt have to be constrained solely to 'TG stuff'. TG people have the same wide ranging interest and intellect as the rest of humanity - perhaps even more so...