Decisions, decisions

    • 71 posts
    October 12, 2005 5:59 PM BST
    OK, thought I'd throw this one in just to see what your response would be to this question.........

    Over the weekend, Sarah is looking a million dollars & SOOOOO sexy whilst I'm curled up in agony on the bed with really bad period pain, feeling like S**T & cursing the fact that I'm a GG.

    So here's the dilemma....
    IF you could be a GG for 24 hours, but you'd be having your period for the whole of that time, would you do it?

    I know it's a bit of a bizarre one, but Sarah couldn't answer it coz she thought it was unfair to be offered a dream only to have it blighted by the curse of womankind (which makes you feel so unsexy & awful)

    So, there it is- be honest!
    • 71 posts
    October 12, 2005 10:59 PM BST
    I am expecting most of the answers to be no coz I know you are aware of all aspects of femininity- it makes you no less a woman to be angry about or resentful about an aspect of what it entails! I am interested though if anyone answers yes & the reasons for their answer.
    But keep voting & tell us all why you feel that way- I feel it is an interesting exercise for all of us as to what motivates us!

    BTW Happy Birthday, Justine!!!
    • 71 posts
    October 13, 2005 12:18 AM BST
    A who;e weej of period pain?
    Would you really want that?
    • 430 posts
    October 13, 2005 1:12 AM BST
    Me personally, i am full time and live my life exactly the way I want> Id go with yes, because that and pregnacy is the only things I dont experience.

    I have actually heard there is experiments for making Ts's able to give birth. That would be a dream as I would absolutely love to give birth. I know its lots of pain to go through, big deal its not like everyother womyn on the planet doesnt go through it. The once a month one is just the price i'd have to pay for the gift of giving life.

    So the exact question would I do it for just one day and have my period then? hell yeah. The drugs I am on make my emotions cycle like menstration anyways, why not go the whole way. The way I see it there is only one difference between me and a gg, and thats it. Elminate that and then there is nothing.
    • 588 posts
    October 13, 2005 1:53 AM BST
    Well, my old dentist used to say: "Oh, the one with no pain limit !" Now, how did I ever learn that ?

  • October 13, 2005 5:44 AM BST
    I would definitely take the pain and the possibility of pregnancy. Already when talking about gyneocologists with other women I felt as one of them, more common experiences with other women would bind me still tighter to my gender.

    • 374 posts
    October 13, 2005 11:24 AM BST
    Yes I'd do it without a doubt. The pain would be worth the experience. It would also be nice to have to option of staying female for good or becoming male again after the 24 hours However, being female for 24 hours would be better than not at all.....period and all.


  • October 13, 2005 5:28 PM BST
    Yes absolutely....
    I would deal with a period so I could be female for 24 hours in fact I would deal with just about anything to be female.
    • 1083 posts
    November 2, 2005 5:42 PM GMT
    Hi, All--

    Having read just the top end of this thread, I'd take a week of "Real Girl" time--cramps and all!--over never having the opportunity to be 100% woman at all.

    Honey, trust me on this one thing...this is why there's a Pamprin!

    Luv 'n hugs,

    Mina Sakura
    "Almost-Angel, T-Girl Genius, and Ultra Flirt"
    • 1652 posts
    October 12, 2005 11:16 PM BST
    Yes, absolutely.
    24 hours as a gg unpoisoned by testosterone would be 24 hours of feeling whole. Whilst I strive to achieve that feeling of wholeness by just being the woman that I am inside, it would be wonderful to have it on the outside for a day, not to mention the ultimate benchmark for the rest of my transition.
    So, if the fairy godmother popped up and said it was that or nothing, I'd say it was better than nothing, yes please.
    • 2627 posts
    October 12, 2005 11:31 PM BST
    I would very much like to try a week. Anything less would be a tease. Most of my life was spent wanting to be a woman.
    It was only realising how impossile it is for me that I gaver up.
    • 2463 posts
    October 13, 2005 12:37 AM BST
    I would definitely do it. I could deal with that pain while I was out shopping.

    However, to be fair, I do know some GGs who stayed home from work on any particular day because the period was so unpleasant, so I guess it's easy for me to say I could deal with it.

    NOT TO BE A SMART ASS HERE - I hate to say this but sometimes, in my experience, GGs with whom I have been involved have used "that time" as an excuse to be extra bitchy and get on my case about anything and everything. Do I get that "benefit?"

    Again, I'm not trying to be disrespectful. Just honest.
    • 2627 posts
    October 13, 2005 1:25 AM BST
    Having grown up the only male in the house. My sisters didn't like it but it never stopped them from from doing anything. I think it bothers some women more than others.
    They never hid anything else female from me.
    I hope I'm not starting trouble here.
    • 1980 posts
    October 13, 2005 8:10 PM BST
    I think I would do it just for the experience itself. Taking the less pleasant aspects of being a woman is just part of the deal. A lot of times we t-girls tend to focus on the, for lack of a better word, fun aspects of being a woman, the nice clothes, shopping, lunches with friends, and so on and don't think about the other things, physical and societal that are less pleasant. But yes, given the opportunity I would do it, I don't know if I'd like it, but I'd do it.

    • 1652 posts
    October 14, 2005 3:08 AM BST
    Having been inspired by this thread to learn more I read this: http://www.waldorfhomesch[...]ion.htm
    Very interesting it is too, really. It makes me think that women are right to complain bitterly about their periods because (according to the above article) they are not natural. It’s a haemorrhage, something that is not particularly good for you.
    There is hope for Gillian and all womankind, but it’s gonna take some determination; one must eat “more fresh, raw foods than cooked or processed foods”, and ensure “that animal product foods are eliminated altogether, along with salt, sugar, alcohol, refined fats and oils, most condiments, artificial additives and stimulating beverages”.
    In other words, the article claims, it’s the modern diet that is responsible, more proof being offered with the fact that domesticated animals have something similar to the female period, whereas their wild counterparts do not.
    I’d still be a woman for a day though, no matter how poorly I was.
    • 2463 posts
    October 14, 2005 3:19 AM BST
    Lucy, I didn't read the article, just going on your summary. If that was the case then my wife wouldn't be having all the joys that accompany periods. I rarely, if ever, served her processed foods. We always kept fresh veggies and fruit in the house, and anything I did cook was fresh and cooked with the minimum of oil and salt - if oil or salt were necessary for the preparation. She isn't into red meat much. She doesn't really drink alcohol, or any other stimulating beverages, like coffee. She may have a yogurt from time to time but avoids things like milk.

    Really, I wasn't trying to be insulting when I made those remarks above. I always did appreciate my wife warning me in advance when PMS was setting in. Yes, it hurts them, and often quite beyond any tolerance. My point above was that, in MY experiences, SOME (not all) women would use that as an excuse to really act up. There was case out of the state of Virginia a few years back. A woman was pulled over by a cop, whom she assaulted in some way (I forgot how - I think she slapped him). Her excuse to the judge? She was on her period.

    Maybe I should just shut up about this. I don't think I'm phrasing this properly. Okay, yes, I'll take the period if I can have that one day. I'd prefer more, though.
    • 2463 posts
    October 14, 2005 3:41 PM BST
    Oh, really, Sammy? I HAVE NO IDEA?!?!? HUH??!?!? I've been married just over 11 years now. Trust me, I KNOW!!!!

    Okay, in all seriousness (yeah, right), I think now I should have kept my big mouth shut. No matter how I phrased my point it came out wrong. Whoops!

    Every 2 minutes, Sammy? What are you, Niagra Falls?
    • 2627 posts
    October 14, 2005 4:00 PM BST
    I think it's different for every woman. My sisters & my x-gf were hardly put out. My niece is bed ridden allmost.
    But to have the body & not the rest of what goes with it would not let you know what it's like.