Missouri Gurl New to the Site

    • 5 posts
    September 23, 2008 2:24 AM BST
    Well I just joined your great site. I'm Lisa Marie Love. I belong to a few others, but I honestly don't even know all of them so I don't go to all of them. lol. Anyway, I live in Missouri, I'm 42, I am 170# and am 6'1".
    I have dressed since I found a pair of panties while walking to school at age 5. For some reason I picked them up and stuffed them in my pocket. Later on that day the urge to try them on overcame me and I slipped them on in the boys room. A few weeks later I found another pair in the same place, and of course I kept them too. Later on at the age of 11 I started wearing panties full time and started exploring other feminine items. I was already aquiring panties from any place and any way I could get them.
    Then at 18 I moved out of my parents house and started wearing all women's clothing 24/7 and have been ever since. I've never questioned nor had any problems with my choice of clothing. I have no desires to be a woman, I just love their clothes, so I wear them. I do wear wigs, make up and jewelery on special occasions. But those time are a rarety.
    Well what else can I tell you about myself. I am single, only because i can't find an open minded woman who can accept that I am a crossdresser. I am bi, for other dressers only, I have no desires of any kind to be with a male.And I can't stand admirers.
    I have other hobbies outside of this life, but I won't go into them here. I already rambled on long enough, as I tend to do. so I will leave it here. Kisses All, Lisa
    • 1912 posts
    September 23, 2008 12:20 PM BST
    Welcome to TW Lisa. I hope to have the opportunity to meet you in the chatroom one of these days.
    Best Wishes,
  • June 9, 2009 6:38 PM BST
    Well I just needed to bump this one up. I had to reregesiter under a new name. BecauseIi just got a new computer andII couldn't remember my password or my secret answer. I couldn't find any other way to get on the site. I couldn't e-mail the administraters, because I don't know any of the POP3 or SMTP answers, that I need to get outlookexpress. So this was the only viable option I know of to do.
    Unfortunatly all my fiends are under my old name, Hopefully they will see this and and move their friendship to my new name.
    Now that I have my new computer, I shouldn't have all the problems of the site running slow, and I will visit here more often.
    Love and kisses to all, Lisa
    • 2017 posts
    September 23, 2008 12:30 PM BST
    Welcome to TW Lisa, you'll find lots of your American sisters already here so I'm sure you'll be making new friends in no time at all.

    • Moderator
    • 1980 posts
    September 23, 2008 4:14 PM BST
    Hi there, Lisa, welcome to TW, hon. This is probably the best place on the web for girls like us, you are so welcome here. I lived in a little town in Missouri called Rolla, a longtime ago, I have fond memories of it.

    I hope you will like it here on TW, please feel free to join in on the chats and various forums. TW is a great place to make friends and find resources and advice.

    Hugs...Joni Marie