Hello all

  • October 22, 2008 4:04 PM BST
    I'm looking forward to getting involved in the site. To start, here's what I wrote in my profile:
    I lived a lifetime of total confusion. The therapists may discount this, but I have ongoing argument within myself as if I'm not one, but two persons, one a man, the other a woman. That manifests itself mainly in what the world sees as cross dressing, but I see as a truer expression of my other self. Sometimes, she is quiet. At other times, she is insistent that she be freed, if only for a short while. I don't think of myself as transsexual--I don't believe I have the wrong body, and I've had a full life. But often when I look at a genetic woman, it is out of envy, not lust.

    That's it for now.
    • Moderator
    • 1980 posts
    October 22, 2008 4:43 PM BST
    Hi Emily-

    <big hug> You are so very welcome here,girl. TW is a great place for girls like us, it's a place you where you will find girls of all persuasions and where we are all accepted. I so hope you like it here.

    And, for what it's worth, personally speaking, I am very much like you. I don't consider myself TS, I don't just hate being male...or at least having male parts, but I feel myself to be more female than male and love to be my real self whenever I can. Believe me, girl, I so understand where you're coming from, and I think you will find many others here on TW who will understand also.

    Glad you're here, Emily. BTW, I love your name, I have had several g-girl friends named Emily.

    Hugs...Joni Marie