October 27, 2008 2:33 PM GMT
Ok so I'm not really sure where to put this but as i figure it's a tech sort of thing... not so much a problem but yeah.
[broken link]
This is my good self performing. My friends and I have been making a few video's and adding them to YouTube. They are mostly drag video's but this one that I've put the link to is of little 'ol me. I came back to the house to help with the filming from a dinner date and I kinda got roped in to performing. Normally I'm behind the camera but not this time.
All the video's are amateur, made in my friend's apartment and totally filmed and edited by us.... so please tell me what you think.
[broken link]
This post was edited by Lucy Diamond
at April 22, 2023 11:19 PM BST
October 27, 2008 2:49 PM GMT
I thought it was great, Fiona! I enjoyed it a lot and have it marked as a favorite.
October 27, 2008 2:58 PM GMT
I bet you had some fun making these! Have you thought about uploading one or more to the Tranny videos we have here?