December 5, 2008 7:07 PM GMT
I think it was Potter Stewart, a justice on the US Supreme Court, who wrote that he could not define pornography, but he knew it when he saw it. That's sort of unsatisfactory, but also true. An individual's view of what crosses the line is based on that person's upbringing, cultural milieu, maybe age and social group. Recall all the controversy around Abercrombie & Fitch ads, which might be fairly described as provocative to say the least, or some would say with reason soft porn.
I disagree somewhat with Christine's definition, as I think that art is intended to arouse strong emotional reactions, and that can fairly include sexual arousal, and be perfectly healthy, indeed, a way of celebrating the beauty and nobility of the human form and the ways we connect. Conversely, I tend to see porn as that which demeans and debases sexuality rather than elevates it. It is more likely to incite violent and misanthropic reactions. A lovemaking scene in a well made movie, within the context of a story about humans interacting can be breathtakingly moving (yes, I cry at chic flicks), but a very similar scene in graphic detail solely for the sake of showing graphic physical contact is utterly repulsive.
By the way, Mary, as an amateur (lightly talented) artist myself, I've taken a few figurative art classes. It surprised me at first, but no longer does, how quickly you get over the nudity as you try to tackle the technical issues of form, light, color, etc. I'm a great admirer of Edward Weston's nudes, which are more about light and form and beauty as they are about naked women.
December 8, 2008 1:37 AM GMT
hey ya Gracie, you mention porn i automatic think XXX sex flicks. Now when your talking about a nude or making love pic. or painting, that I would consider if it was tastefully done or trash.not porn. An ur right about fredricks. I had to dig a catalog an look for myself. huggs Jenn.
December 17, 2008 5:02 AM GMT
That is a good question. To me porn is showing bare boobs and the bare crotch area of eather gender. Including sex but thats just me.
December 5, 2008 11:23 AM GMT
Hiya Mary xxXxx
My opinion, is that porn is somthing designed to titilate and cause sexual arousel, as opposed to appreciating somthing as an art form, What you or anyone else concieve as porn others might find it artistic and vsa versa. Its a matter of conjecture,
Some might view an erotic picture, photograph as lewd and depraved others would look into it and see an artistic bent.
Obviously that doe'nt include hard porn designed and produced purely for sexual stimulation and gratification.