Farewell letter to my employer

    • 84 posts
    December 26, 2008 8:40 PM GMT
    Following is a farewell letter to my employer.

    I would be interested in peoples opinion about it.

    Should i put it on the notice board for all to see?

    Should I just give it to the store manager?

    Is anyone even interested?

    After all who gives a toss im only a christmas temp.

    I would like them to understand just what it is that they have experienced though.
    Some are very curious and Ive left quite a positive impression.
    Plus im really sad that i wont be seeing some of them anymore.

    Really sad.

    Useful suggestions as to how i could word it better would be greatly appreciated.

    Here it is.



    It’s been a short but great period of my life working at BHS and I would like to thank you all for it.
    I want you to understand how absolutely instrumental you’ve all been in allowing me this unique chance to grow.
    It couldn’t have worked out better had it been part of a planned curriculum.

    I would like to explain, so try to imagine that my life now is similar to being reborn, a second chance.
    Imagine starting over but with the benefit of hindsight, wouldn’t you want to?
    Youth is so wasted on young people, there isn’t time to stand around being bored and apathetic.

    My new life started just over six months ago on 13th June 2008, before this date I had no inclination to be anything else, no inner conflicts, none of the things that other transgendered people seem to have.
    I hadn’t any conscious awareness that I might be transgendered, I was at a festival and wore a dress for a joke, as innocuous as Paul from customer services dressed as scrooge on Christmas eve, it was purely a chance discovery.

    I was with my 23yr old daughter at the time and she witnessed how overwhelming it was, like deja vous but so very many times stronger, with goose bumps and feeling the hairs on the back of my neck.
    I stood there in some kind of shock realisation, saying “of course, of course”, suddenly the world made far more sense.
    Like being almost blind then suddenly I could see so clearly and in colour too.
    No way could I possibly ignore it, so I bought the dress, went home and investigated via the Internet.

    As luck would have it, Sparkle, the largest annual UK Transgender gathering was about to take place, so at the age of just two weeks I attended and met many people, almost all of which turned out to be closeted.
    From observing their perceptions I concluded that being in the closet is so mentally destructive.
    My kids, my girlfriend and two close friends already knew everything so I saw no point going in there.

    Here comes the science, there is a whole spectrum of reasons why people cross dress.
    At one extreme is the transvestite, a guy that gets thrills from wearing girls’ clothes, this is not I.
    The other extreme is the transexual, a “young girl” that can’t evolve because she is in the wrong body.
    Everywhere in between are people that have characteristics on both sides of the gender fence, I’m one of them, but significantly towards the transexual end of the spectrum.
    Female and male brains are actually different and approximately one in 25,000 people are born with a brain opposite to their body to some significant degree.
    I’m told the suicide rate among transexuals is about 65% and I heard about a six-year-old child that successfully committed suicide not too long ago because his/ her family would not listen.
    Fortunately I’m not such an extreme case plus I have the advantage that I’m a strong-minded adult and I don’t have a childhood history of being bullied into believing its wrong or that I’m mentally ill.
    Family and society are very guilty of this, yet we call ourselves the human race, not very humane!

    I’ve searched and can not find another Transgendered individual that has NEVER been in the closet.
    I believe the reason for my instant acceptance (rather than the usual denial) was that upon discovery I stood there saying “of course, of course” it was a kind of revelation or eureka moment I suppose.
    This is why I have the confidence to stand in the shop doorway dancing with teddy bears, its because I’m complete now.
    Its also why I was going to wear that fairy princess dress to work on christmas eve regardless of anything Joanne might say.
    I don’t care if it costs me a job at BHS, I choose my priorities, it’s my party and I’ll laugh if I want to.

    A post operative transexual and so called friend implored me not to go to work in my fairy dress arguing that I will give out the wrong impression, that I’m “just a cross dresser”, wont help “the cause”.
    I’m sure she has a fair point but sod her cause, I’ve been cheated out of the childhood I should have had so I’m taking it right now. Anyone not cool with that can take a walk.
    What’s the point trying to catch up so quickly anyway? It takes 48 years to become a 48 year old woman. What chance would I stand in 6 months?

    So I argue that my first five months of experience has been like learning to walk and attending nursery.
    Then I attended infant school by getting a job at BHS, my first teacher Sarah was really nice and kind, even the scary headmistress Tina wasn’t so scary after all. Pete the caretaker frightens me though!
    So here I am about to go to junior school, wherever that turns out to be.
    As long as I can still wear my fairy princess dress I don’t care BRING IT ON!!
    By the way, I would like to work at BHS again next Christmas.
    Just think I will be 17 by then, a nightmare hormonal teenager.      Love Layla


    So peeps, whaddya think?
    • 136 posts
    December 27, 2008 9:18 AM GMT

    That was simply AMAZING! I loved it!

    Congratulations, on your rapid adaptation.

    I've never read a letter describing anything quite like your eureka! moment.

    As for my eureka! moment, perhaps not so unexpected, but probably just as profound.
    I've described it before elsewhere in these forums, but briefly put, my moment came after a lovely night out with other TG girlfriends. While reluctantly transforming back into my former male self, it came over me like a ton of bricks. "I can't do this anymore! I can't keep going back and forth any longer. I'm so much happier as Nicole, than I ever was as him." I collapsed onto the floor weeping. I transitioned, and I've never looked back.

    I hope that you get to go back to BHS next year!
    I wish you all the best,

    • 2068 posts
    December 26, 2008 11:00 PM GMT
    To be perfectly honest layla, i don't think you could have worded it any better than you have done. If it was me then i'd post it so that ALL could see it.......from the peeps on the shop floor right up to the MD, so they can seem what effect working for them had on you. Hon, you say you were ONLY a christmas temp but you're also HUMAN too & you can be rightly proud of what you've achieved in such a short time.

    Lol xxxxxxxx