January 14, 2009 9:26 PM GMT
My Aunt, guardian, who has cared for me since I was 14 faced comments, rhetoric and snubs, On the ''how can you condone that boys behavour, its not natural, you should put your foot down, he needs proffessional help, She got me the help and the treatment, dragging me kicking and screaming, rounds of shrinks and doctors, to basically find out who I realy was and try and understand. But all the time she was patient and supportive, Finally getting me the help I realy needed. Her real freinds are still her freinds and now mine. The christmas card list somwhat reduced now, but she never gave up, I owe her so much..
I imagine most of the adverse behavour from a comunity is based on the lack of understanding, to them supporting a TS by a spouse or imediate family is alien to them, it has'nt happened to them, so they think in the negative, wife a ''normal'' husband thinks OMG could never put up with that if it was my husband, Wonder how they would realy feel if it was their imediate family.
Not that all families accept it, as i know from personal experience. But on behalf of people like me, I would like to thank all the significant others that do support the people they love rising above the snide remarks and bigotry. I do believe the significant others don't get the support or recognition they deserve.
xxX Cristine Xxx
January 9, 2009 2:35 PM GMT
Great thread, and one that hits home really since my partner, while happy with who I am, is unable to communicate with anyone about her feelings regarding having a TG partner because she feels it is none of their business, which I tend to agree with. However, sometimes you do just need someone to confide in and get things off of your chest, just as TG girls do.
At the moment, she is still of the mindset that everyone is staring at us for example. I know that's normal and will pass but it would be nice for her to hear it from someone other than me I think.
As for us, struggling to fit into a GG world is one thing Gillian, but you would imagine fitting into a TG world would be easy, what a shame it isn't. Even in a TG community there are those who expect you to conform to a certain lifestyle and so on. I guess people love putting labels on others when you step outside the box, it's guaranteed to annoy some people.