I always knew I was different

  • March 11, 2009 8:46 AM GMT
    I know I said that I was stepping back from Trans sites but thought that some of you may be interested in another development in my life. Here is a copy of a post I made on the Roses Forum yesterday. Yes it shows that I was different.



    Prior to my surgery I knew that the tissue scarring I had on my scrotal sac could have resulted in me being unable to have the physical changes that I yearned. Fortunately the physical damage wasn't too bad and I was able to undergo my genital reconstruction in July. I had always believed that the diamond pattern scar on my penis was as a result of my circumcision that didn't go according to plan. Following my genital reconstruction I decided to find out more about the "missing years of my life". My dad has said that he and my mum knew when I was about 4 that I definitely female tendencies.
    How to go about this research? Initially I had no idea where to start. I applied to see my medical records only to be told that all of my childhood records would have been destroyed. Nothing about my childhood would appear in my military medical records so I didn't pursue that part of my life. I then tried to trace my first GP who happened to be a family friend (they often were when one lived in a small market town). Very quickly I found that my GP and the others in the practice at the time had all passed away. I posted an online notice requesting anyone who had worked with my GP to contact me. The result was that a nurse contacted me. She even remembers me being born. Was it because she knew my family, who were in business in my hometown, or was it something else? She told me that it was both. She didn't want to tell me anything about the "something else" but eventually spilled the beans. She remembered the birth of a hermaphrodite. Yes I was born with two sets of genitals. A decision had to be made to do something about it. Although nothing was done straightaway it was eventually decided to remove the female genitals It was seen as the easier option back then as my urethra was in my penis. Apparently the whole of my female sex organs were removed. The circumcision was carried out at the same time to create some visible scarring to detract from the main scars.

    So that's how I became a boy. A doctor decided I should be one.

    • 1912 posts
    March 12, 2009 2:14 AM GMT
    It definitely is most welcomed news but I'm curious as to whether or not you see it changing anything now that you know. Does it really matter?
  • March 13, 2009 8:01 AM GMT
    Marsha, finding out does matter to me as the recipient of the news. However I would say that it will make no difference to the life I now lead. At long last my brain and body are in synchronisation. I now know more about the very early years of my life than I ever did before and it gives more indication why I always knew I was female.

  • March 13, 2009 8:07 AM GMT
    Joni Marie. What can I say? I can't turn the block back 59 years so I now live the life of the 59 year old woman I really am. I have to get on with my life and I'm lucky to have a loving husband to hold my hand and give me nice big hugs. I might really be one of the lucky ones - I've lived the life of both male and female, and both match my "birth gender".

    • 35 posts
    March 13, 2009 6:59 PM GMT
    Hello Alina,

    All that I can say to such a story is Wow! I am simply saying that as a minister what is it that I am supposed to do with people born with both sexual organs? It seems to me that Christianity (of which I am a Part) has alot to say against homosexuality but really has nothing to say about transsexuality, intersex, or hermathroditism! Please share some more of your story with me as I am intersted in your situation, feelings, etc. Thanks so much for shareing the information that you have come to learn as it seems to me to be a clear situation in which Christians have to face and come to deal with. You may or may not be a Christian and that is ok! I would simply like to know more as a minister so I can share with others.

    Bless You Sis,

    • 140 posts
    March 16, 2009 2:47 PM GMT
    hello Alina: Just so you know, there are a lot more of us like you out here than you would imagine.
    I somehow always knew, but found out medically at 45. Sure made for a difficult life.
    Mine was caused by my mother being prescribed DES to prevent miscarriage.
    There are days I wish she had the miscarriage. Best of luck to you dear. Jackie
    • 2573 posts
    March 11, 2009 10:30 AM GMT
    Oh, Alina, I'm so glad you finally found your way back "home". You were right all along and a profound example of how society can be so wrong when someone feels their gender has been mistaken. Society wants everyone to fit in their proper little box and they would rather mutilate someone without letting them decide for themselves than put up with the uncomfortable feeling of having someone around who doesn't fit into their little fantasy. Fortunately, Medicine has moved past "Theodoric of York, Medieval Barber" and was able to restore you to being the person outside that you have always been inside. It's good to hear of someone's life finally turning out right when we hear so many stories of disaster in our Sister's lives. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Be as happy as we are for you. Here, or elsewhere, you will always be a TW Sorority Sister.
    • 1980 posts
    March 12, 2009 12:06 AM GMT
    HI Alina-

    My heart goes out to you, at least one mystery in your life is solved. It must give you some sort of resolution, even perhaps a little comfort. It does seem such a shame that a Dr, with the "informed consent" of your parents could make such a life altering decision and leave you completely out of the picture. Things are somewhat different now, but not entirely. Those sorts of decisions are still made without the person who is most directly impacted being allowed any say at all. And this even applies to "children" who are in their pre-teens or even teens but under the legal age of consent. As though society has some ownership of our bodies from the time of birth.

    Alina, I do wish you the very best on your journey and, even though your path seems to be moving away from TW, as those of TS women often seem to do, I sincerely hope you will remain a part of the community and share your experiences and knowledge with the rest of us. Best wishes and luck to you and yours.

    Hugs...Joni Marie
    • 1980 posts
    March 13, 2009 2:39 PM GMT
    Hi Alina-

    I so understand about playing the hand we've been dealt. It would be so nice to jump in the Wayback Machine and perhaps have a re-do of our lives, but we all know that's only a dream and just leads to pointless regrets. You sound like you have wound up in a good place and are happy with your life as it is, which in some ways is all any of us can ask. I truly wish you the very best, you're a dear and an inspiration.

    Hugs...Joni Marie
    • 2573 posts
    March 14, 2009 5:41 PM GMT

    The real issue with gender is that it is in the BRAIN, not the body. The resistance to acceptance of that lies with The Church, which is based, as you know, on writings that are pre-Medieval, Going back to the Roman Empire. People were ignorant of much of what science knows today then. Today people want to continue to believe ideas that passed through the Dark Ages. It just isn't true. It's not what The Creator, created. So if you wish to understand TG persons and the TG spectrum you need to focus on the brain, not the body as the source of femininity in gender. In fact, by living as males when God made us otherwise, we probably are living a perversion of "His Will". God doesn't make mistakes. She made us. Look at the fact that all embryos, XX and XY are females till the 7th week of pregnancy, then in a rush, in "7 days" he changes half of humans to males....except for TG persons who end up as "custom" jobs. Look at it as a "congenital defect" if you wish....which means society is punishing us in a way that is no different than, say, a child born with no legs or arms or spina bifida or any other birth defect. But US they abuse instead of care for. Some kill us. That's like murdering a child with a birth defect. What justifies that.. It seems to me that those fundamentalists are the ones breaking the Lord's Will. So you see what we are up against. Pre-Medieval "science" made current by The Word of God as interpreted by some very ignorant people.

    Many people have rejected these old ideas and practice a more enlightened religious outlook. They think a new understanding is not rejection but following God's direction to search for the meaning of His Word. I won't even get into the mistranslations from the Hebrew and Aramaic that have been made, perhaps intentionally in the case of The King James Version. Some people just prefer to live in darkness and ignorance than to face change and revelation.

    The second issue is, of course, that we are not in a box but on the Transgender Spectrum, with MtF TS at the pink end with "normal XX women" and FtM TS at the blue end with "normal XY" men. Of course we are all over that spectrum like colors on a rainbow. Without this understanding one cannot even have a basis for communication in a meaningful way with the community. In our minds, we want to live the way we were intended to, mistake or not. It makes no sense to us to follow some pre-Medieval fantasy that we KNOW is wrong. My brother is not a Christian and we disagree on how GLBT persons should be treated. My mother is a devout Christian who is outspoken, even against her Fellows in Christianity, in her agreement with me as to how GLBT persons should be treated. While the "opposition" is mainly fundamentalist-end Christians, Christianity doesn't have to be a barrier to understanding and acceptance. Some people just enjoy being Old Testament, and missed the message God sent with Jesus to say, "Hey, you don't quite have it right, folks. Let me try to explain this again. Pay Attention". And these people say WE are not listening to the Word of God.

    Somehow I don't think you are one of those. So welcome here and give it time and understanding will grow as it has for all of us. It's a major change in world view, so don't expect it to come too easily. We are like any other community, good - bad, kind - mean, patient - impatient, clever - obtuse, oversexed - modest. We are just people with a brain and body that don't match being forced to live a perverted life as the gender we are not. Who indeed are the sinners here? Us or the ones who force us to NOT follow the will of the Creator who is omnipotent and omniscient and omnipresent? I started out, years ago, to determine why my friend was lesbian. It led me here and to an understanding I find undeniable. I didn't try to prove a theory. I looked for the truth, whatever it might be. Many others found the same answers on different paths. That makes it hard to not accept what I've seen as a biologist, psychologist and a nurse with a non-judeo-christian belief system. What you find will depend on your open-mindedness. Certainly this is one of the best places to start. There are other sites with definitions (which none of us agree with each other on) and descriptions. Here is a community of support and acceptance and sometimes conflict as with any group. Still, I have never felt so loved and accepted in my life, certainly not in the Christian Churches I used to attend and participate in assisting bible classes and as an acolyte, two services every Sunday....for people who would never have accepted me....some would have harmed me. Somehow that feels wrong to me. TW is a Sisterhood with, Brothers, Friends and Significant Others and some who merely want to know the truth and understand us. And now you are one of the Sorority. Welcome Sister.

    Two other things: One, I also stayed here, in part, in hopes of understanding the Community better to become a competent Gender Therapist, and I've learned so much. Two, I'm a terrible windbag. I go on forever, lol.