Time To Turn Up The Heat

    • 773 posts
    May 31, 2009 3:12 PM BST
    I think that it's also important to point out, for the benefit of those who might be closeted for whatever reason, that contacting your legislator or responding to the question survey link posted here, you are not "outing" yourself or openly identifying yourself as a transgender person in any way. Just like civil rights legislation for African Americans has had widespread support in the Caucasian community, this bill has support from large numbers of people outside the transgender community. Expressing your support for the Employment Non Discrimination Act to your representative in Congress in no way means that you are telling them that you are transgender. It only means that you believe that ALL Americans have a right to be free from discrimination in the workplace.

    Please take a minute to do it now.


    • 773 posts
    May 30, 2009 10:10 PM BST
    Barney Frank and the GLB lobby are already backpedaling on trans inclusion in the reintroduction of the Employment Non Discrimination Act, and introduction of the bill is still a month out.

    Since the GLB leadership is already demonstrating that they have no commitment to inclusion, it's time for the trans community to motivate and apply pressure directly on our representatives.

    Here are two ways we can do our part without leaving our comfy chair. Please, please, please take a minute and make your views known. Just do it, and do it now. The chatroom will still be here in a few minutes when you're done.


    • 1912 posts
    May 31, 2009 4:07 AM BST
    Robyn, I voted and also wrote my rep. If TG's ever want equal rights, they are going to have to stand up for themselves and not wait for the gay and lesbian organizations do it for them. Please notice how I said gay and lesbian organizations, I want to make it clear that I have nothing against the people of those communities and some of my best friends happen to be gay and my wife and I also have lesbian acquaintances that are the nicest people. However it is the politics of it all and the G and L organizations have shown time and time again that the transgender community means little to them.
    • 773 posts
    May 31, 2009 4:43 AM BST
    Thanks Marsha. I agree 100%. Time for the rest of y'all to get with the program. It's easy and it only takes a few minutes. This is important. Please do it.
    • 1912 posts
    May 31, 2009 3:03 PM BST
    I actually consider myself new to the transgender community although I believe I was born this way and have pursued transition for just over 5 years now. Prior to coming to TW I had nobody to to talk to about my circumstances. Since that time I have met numerous others like myself both in person and online. I have also seen a uniform desire that each of us be allowed to be the person we were born as. Nonetheless, we each likely started off alone, fearing what the world outside our closets would think of us.

    Those who have known me since the beginning such as Robyn, know just how far I have gone. I consider myself fortunate, very fortunate. I believe I have succeeded if you want to call it that. Yet I know my journey is not over, it will go on the rest of my life because I face the same discrimination and hatred as the rest of you.

    So where is this babble leading? I have to ask everyone here, who do you expect to make this world a better place for you? It is going to take more than Marsha and Robyn writing their congressmen. It is going to take more than an organization of gays and lesbians who don't care about the transgender to change things for you. So many talk about how we should have equal rights, yet do absolutely nothing to help themselves. You are waiting for something, somebody else, just anyone but you. You want it for nothing. The fact is you get nothing for nothing.

    My favorite saying has always been, "This is not all fun and games." If you really care about your transgender community, it is time to stop waiting and and watching, but instead, do something.
