
  • July 5, 2009 6:17 PM BST

    Hi Girls,my name is Nina Papillon(yes -it sounds pretentious!) but I love the Butterfly symbol(shades of William Blake?) and I adore French chic and American razzmattazz..Feeling really 'up' now which is not usual for this rather confused and anxious n ortherner. Am into Femdom and strictly consensual aspects of BDSM-this might put you off and it worries me as though a turbulent and emotional person I hate violence and am basically a gentle soul-in fact in my limited experience Fetish people seem a tolerant and kindly crew. I am an artist and something of an ideas person with a passionate love/hate obsession with religion.Needless to say I find the gamut of TG/TS Issues fascinating and fertile imaginatively as did my fellow countryman-another William.
    On a lighter level I want hugs and friends as I never realised how lonely I have been and for the first time,thanks to Trannyweb and' Nina I Ifeel happier in my own skin and a sheer joy in my still secret dressing transcending mere eroticism.Would love to hear from other girls out there,hugs and kisses-NINA Papillon.
    • 2017 posts
    July 5, 2009 6:44 PM BST
    Hi Nina, welcome to the site. I think we met briefly in chat already(?). You'll find a lot of varied backgrounds here but the one thing we all have in common is our love of all things female, and I'm sure you will be soon finding like minded souls to chat with.

    Jump in and have fun!

    • Moderator
    • 1980 posts
    July 5, 2009 9:48 PM BST
    Hi Nina-

    Welcome to TW, hon. I don't think your name sounds pretentious at all, in fact it's rather pretty. As Nikki said, there all sorts of diverse tastes here, the common element being that we are all exploring what it means to express our feminine sides. The exploration can be quite diverse, so I'm sure you'll find lots of friends here. TW is a great place for information, resources and support, I hope you like it and decide to stay.

    Hugs...Joni Mari