WHAR I HAVE BEEN ..........

    • 181 posts
    July 18, 2009 9:58 PM BST
    I just want ya'all to know that I havent died or anything . The computer I had went down , something to do with the software.Meanwhile , I have had to borrow computers from anywhere I can . I cant generally get on at our local library as the filters consider Tranny web to be off limits here . It's going to beacouple of more months as my other half had a severe accident at work and lost her job and her insurence . I'm on a fixed income myself except for te doll houses I build and the driving I do on a sporadic basis .
    Katie , I got your'e message pertaining to " I havent posted " I tried to respond but the e-mail got sent back . Meanwhile the password wouldn't work so I have spent an hour today trying to get yet annother password whew...... !
    Alinia , I hope you are alright and that the doctorswere able to correct the problems you incurred with your surgery . Nicole , how ya doin ? Hows Califorinia ? Avery , why arent you getting things worked out ? I hear from the underground girl ....... Robin , has Anna finially decided to buy annother key for her truck? I told her tht me jamming a " Slim Jim will eventually ruin the door locks!
    And Jamie Lynn , I'm glad ya cameover to a less Monitored site. I had waaaaay too much trouble for trying to post my views there, (OTHER SITE ) Tranny Web is SOOOO Much better !
    As toi several of the other ladies outthere , I really sincerly hope tha youall are in goodhealth and that the Obama administration hasn't turned yer world up side down !
    Long Live Kinky Freedman and the Texas Jewboys ! Ellen S
    • 2017 posts
    July 20, 2009 12:33 PM BST
    Hi Ellen, I wondered where you had gotten to! Nice to see you back here and fingers crossed that your computer issues are resolved.

    I'm really sorry to hear about your partner, thats one heck of a double whammy which both of you could no doubt do without. I hope things aren't too bleak for the future. Take as long as you need to sort your personal life out, TW will still be here when you are able to get back properly. In the meantime, take care and best wishes to you both.
