US Public Option and TG Care

  • September 10, 2009 11:47 AM BST[...]e/plan/

    One point that might help ensure care for TG folk:

    Limits premium discrimination based on gender and age. The President’s plan will end insurers’ practice of charging different premiums or denying coverage based on gender, and will limit premium variation based on age.

    Also apparently...

    Won’t add a dime to the deficit and is paid for upfront. The President’s plan will not add one dime to the deficit today or in the future and is paid for in a fiscally responsible way. It begins the process of reforming the health care system so that we can further curb health care cost growth over the long term, and invests in quality improvements, consumer protections, prevention, and premium assistance. The plan fully pays for this investment through health system savings and new revenue including a fee on insurance companies that sell very expensive plans.

    I was rooting for a national single-payer plan but that wasn't even seriously discussed. It would be nice if I could get my transition at least partially covered, because under a cheap private plan I get nothing.