Hi Girrrrls! ;)

  • October 8, 2009 1:49 PM BST

    Hey everyone!

    I guess this is the place to begin my Trannyweb journey huh?

    Well the beginning's always a good place to start. Soooooo, let's see...

    The beginning for me was a really neat pair of my mum's shoes back when I was about 12. (Actually I remember before that when I was about 8, I once cried because my mum was so beautiful and I thought was so ugly). But the shoes, pink, and pointy, and not too high heeled... I actually asked her if I could wear them out one night, just in my normal boy clothes, but with her hot pink pointy shoes. It was the eighties, so flouro was soooooo in!

    Needless to say, she said no, right? Sure... But I was not to be so easily put off! I was quite into her clothes after that, and I'd try things on from time to time... just for fun, when no one was around... which was quite often...

    In my twenties, I had a girlfriend who was quite alternative, and din't bat an eyelid when I'd wear her teddy or negligee out in public... I remember the first time, I didnt even say anything, I just put it on, and she thought it was sexy... I have quite a feminine body, so it looks pretty cool in women's clothing.

    Alas that relationship ended when I kind of 'grew up', conformed, got conventional, got a career, got a serious girlfriend, and kind of forgot the joys of dressing up... along with really wild passionate sex... not that the two are necessarily conencted for me... not always anyway

    But then when I hit my thirties, it came back... a girlfriend found me dressing in her clothes one day, and at first she was into it, but soon she thought she needed a 'real man'... whatever, right? That's OK though, everyone has to be true to what they need.

    I've had several relationships since, and all of them have been OK with my cross dressing, and I've gotten more and more into it. But these days, in my late 30s, dressing up at home just doesn't seem to be enough. I want to really let my feminine side out, you know? I'd love to walk down the street as Alexandra, and have guys check me out - not to have sex with them, but just to know I'm really beautiful - and to see women just bitch about me because they're jealous of my legs - legs that they could only dream of!! But so far, its just a fantasy, and I really want to make it a reality. Truth is, I still haven't plucked up the courage to get past my front door.

    I guess I'm hoping that by meeting other people in similar situations I'll learn a bit more about myself, and grow into a beautiful confident me.

    Anyway, nice to meet you all and read all your wonderful stories, I feel like I know a lot of new friends already.

    Unfortunately it's not pretty skirt weather at the moment - way too crisp! Hope it's warmer where you are!

    Love & light,


    • 9 posts
    October 8, 2009 3:07 PM BST
    Welcome to the group.

    I quite understand the desire to be able to go out in public all doll'd up. When i first started this, it was a rather minor part of me that I felt I could just do at home...

    I've been dressing up for about a year, ever since I found a bag of an ex's old clothing. In the first couple months I kept things under wraps, though the urge to go outside dressed up was quite over powering. Eventually I did go outside in heels, dresses and skirts, though I've typically done it at 1 or 2 am. Although late at night, there's still the occasional person out and about in the city.

    With that said, I have gone out in daylight hours where the only 'male' clothing I was wearing was a jacket and a pair of shoes. In a couple cases I have worn a short dark-blue dress (or dark denim skirt) with a pair of leggings. The key is to make it as low-key as possible just to get comfortable with the idea of being out in public and potentially being seen, though as I've experimented I try to present an air of gender ambiguity. I've even worn these in the supermarket. In the past year I've done it enough that I've gotten comfortable going anywhere. What you have to realize is that most people you pass by won't even register (unless you bring attention to yourself) that you're cross dressing.

    It's only when you need to interact with someone where they might notice something about the way you're dressed.

    The first big step is shattering the belief that people will immediately notice what you are wearing, and that they will realize you're not dressing according to your gender. Once that's shattered you'll be far more comfortable in public. Even if you were able to pass perfectly, you would still need to present that you are normal and there's nothing unusual about you (which is dependent on shattering the aforementioned belief).

    Good luck out there,


    (My own intro story ended up being quite lengthy, so I haven't had anyone comment on it)
  • October 9, 2009 7:31 AM BST
    Welcome to TW, Alexandra!!


  • October 22, 2009 1:07 PM BST

    Hi Cris,

    Thanks for the pointers!It's great to have somewhere to meet so many kindred spirits and get advice from girls who know...

    Sorry for the delayed response, just worked out that everyone's responses don't automatically come to my inbox! I should have been blonde...

    Love & light

    Alexandra xoxo
  • October 22, 2009 1:14 PM BST

    Hi Nikki!

    Just realised that everyone's responses don't automatically come to my inbox... oopsSo I just wandered back to my posting and found all these lovely words of welcome...

    Thanks for the reality check about going out... The truth is I do know what you mean, and you're absolutely right to offer a gentle reminder. Actually I'm finding out so much through reading about other girls' experiences in here... it's a fantastic place to be able to come and share.

    Thanks again Nikki,

    • 2017 posts
    October 8, 2009 3:05 PM BST
    Well, it's probably colder here than where you are so if you want to wear a skirt, either save it for the restaurant so you'll be warm or wear thicker tights! lol

    Welcome to the site Alexandra, I'm sure you will find plenty of girls here in similar situations and they will no doubt encourage you out with them one evening to the infamous Pink Punters! One word of advice though, the real world can be very different from the fantasy you imagine of going out so just be careful, okay.

    Have fun!
    • 2573 posts
    October 9, 2009 4:37 PM BST
    Welcome to TW, Ms. Belle.

    Hope these links help you in your quest. Periodically there are Girls' Night Out events by TW members in the London Area. I highly recommend these.

    • 2017 posts
    October 22, 2009 2:35 PM BST
    No problem Alexandra, I hope I didn't dampen your spirits at all, if I did, it wasn't my intention. The last thing we want to read in here is about someone getting hurt so I was just advising caution.

    Going out in public is a lot easier than someone who hasn't done it imagines. All those nasty things you worry generally never occur, if you do it right. That just means, get your look right and dress appropriately for the occasion and then go and enjoy yourself, it really is as simple as that. Just be aware that there are some nasty folk out there though and avoid them. Chances are, you would do that anyway regardless of how you dress. Hopefully you will take that plunge soon and tell us all about it here.
