
    • 871 posts
    January 21, 2010 1:02 AM GMT

    How many times have you heard "oh, i dont mind who you are, but I worry what others will think."?

    I think that has to be the most dispicable form of discrimination and I have heard loads of people say it.

    My reply to that now is, others are probably thinking exactly the same "They dont mind but are worried what others think"

    Anyone had similar experiences?


    • 181 posts
    January 22, 2010 4:39 PM GMT
    Gee, seems that the very transphobic people are the Gay people ! Yep , Gays seem to give me more grief than the supposedly Homophobic red- Neck Good ole boy Gun Rack in de back 8 track on the stereo folks ! Now this isn't to say I havent gotten grief from them too, just seems that I really feel the wrath from the usual suspects . Ellen
    • 1912 posts
    January 23, 2010 3:46 AM GMT
    Penny, I heard those same words from my old church. LOL, I'm OK, but the others.........blah blah blah. I think they say that because they don't have the balls to say it to your face that they are a bigot. It's not them, it's the other people. Yeah, right.

    As for what Ellen said about the gay community being transphobic, I'm not sure on that. I've seen the gay drag queen crowd express distaste for transgendered, but not the professional gay community. Thanks to our wonderful church, my wife and I have a large number of gay and lesbian friends. Three of the Christmas parties we attended were hosted by gay couples. We have been invited to a LGBT social next month that well be celebrating long term commitments by couples in the community. Many people don't know I am TS and just assume my wife and I are a lesbian couple. That works for me but it really doesn't matter.

    And as for rednecks, my psych claims we are the buckle of the bible belt. We even have a Bass Pro Shops store here that the rednecks come out of the deep woods to shop for the guns to put in the racks Ellen described, lol. I go there to buy the oil for my jetskis and nobody blinks an eye.

    Ok with that said I think we often invite trouble by our appearance or just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Another TG gal who is into the "diva" look. Mini skirts, giant breast implants, 6" heels, the hooker look. She has been attacked and beat up a number of times.


    • 84 posts
    January 24, 2010 11:31 AM GMT

    I almost never get any of this hassle, ive had one drunken bloke plus a couple of kids comments, thats it.

    Dunno why that is cos i dont pass particularly well.
    • 1912 posts
    January 24, 2010 12:27 PM GMT
    Cris, yes I will admit I do not like the hooker look, but I will also repeat what I said before in other threads, that look has its place and time and that is ok with me. I am talking about those that dress like that all the time. To help make my point, several gays and lesbians have come up to me and and said how they felt this gal who does the hooker look hurts both the gay and transgender communities. So I'm not alone how I feel about the hooker look.

    On the otherside of the coin, the gal that I reference for the above comment is a very nice person. We don't share any common interests other than church so I don't associate with her beyond church. So I am not attacking the person she is, but rather the negative attention she draws because of her attire.

    An additional factor is the city or town one lives. A place like New York City has likely seen it all and people are probably numb to what anyone else is doing or wearing. But as you get further away from populated centers like NYC, I believe you get back to more traditional values, whether good or bad.


  • January 24, 2010 6:29 PM GMT
    Personally, I believe a woman, TG or GG, should be able to dress any way she wants. she should be aware of the dangers associated with it, but she should not have to feel that she's responsible for the entire TG community. It's hard enough finding yourself to begin with, why should someone have to make a whole knew set of compromises? Live and let live.

    As far as Wendy's comment about "whores"; society has a double standard. Any man who shows the same behavior is called a pimp or a player. The fact is that it's the same thing, the only difference is that society wants women to feel bad for it.
    • 2068 posts
    January 22, 2010 11:08 PM GMT

    I Have had similar experiences penny but the way i look at things is...." to HELL with what peeps think, as long as i'm happy with things then that is all that matters". But the thats just me!

    Lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    • Moderator
    • 2358 posts
    January 24, 2010 9:16 AM GMT

    Your last paragraph, reference the hooker look, Whilst I have always advocated blend in if you don't want to attract attention and trouble. I sorta sense, you have a told you so and deserve it perspective on people that dress like this. Marsha is always right lol, but come on no one deserves to be beat on for the way they dress, they were beat up on for what they are not how they appeared, GG's don't get beat up for dressing like that. I have a freind who was beat up by a gang of tranny bashers and she was just wearing jeans and top. I'm sure I'm reading too much into your example, but I do sense you like to harp on with these type of examples.

    Hugs as always Cristine
    • Moderator
    • 2358 posts
    January 24, 2010 9:28 AM GMT

    What will the neighbours think. Guilt by association? embaressment? My aunt when I first came to live with her was a what will the neighbours think, don't go outside. Some I know was for my benefeit, my safety, my being subject to ridicule and biggotry, but also people tend to forget the embarresment and ridicule that family and freinds are subject to, When I did finally go out, my aunt was accused of all sort of things including her own selfish desires to make me into somthing that would suite her own personal desires. But when the need arose she was there for me, When I first came home after surgery, several neighbours brought round flowers and cards, we had a BBQ for a few, but in the main if I was in the local pub and some of the men were there with their mates they would ignore me. Perhaps its just that their mates would'nt understand, perhaps it was to save me the embaressment of the whispers and odd looks. Be thankful some are understanding even if they want to keep it to themselves.

    As far as discrimination goes, we should first be more understanding and aware in our own community, People who come out with phrases like ''man in a frock'' The elitist, how can we expect moronic and bombastic knuckle dragging troglodytes to accept us if we have attitude problems amongst ourselves.???

    Cristine xxxxx
    • 2573 posts
    January 24, 2010 1:47 PM GMT
    I guess I have felt for a long time that discrimination against sex workers is one of the biggest hypocrisies of our culture, particularly that of males. Most women would be upset to be mistaken for one. Many men will use one but then put them down at another time. Why else is "whore" a pejorative term while "office assistant" is not? They both work, they both earn money. If whores are outlawed only outlaws will be whores? I think not. It is legal in most of Nevada and those whores get the same treatment from society.

    Women will follow a fashion trend that makes them look awful....but they get something from being in fashion. I guess some girls have trouble separating being a woman from being a male fantasy. With what I have learned about the degrees of male-female in TGs, I do not find this too surprising.