News report about the Pentagon shooter

    • 33 posts
    March 7, 2010 4:36 PM GMT
    I was reading the morning paper, which is a bad thing for me to do in general, and there was this little blurb about the Pentagon shooter being mentally ill and how he was Bi-Polar. Ok, well first off it comes as no surprise that he was mentally disturbed to walk up to two professional soldiers at The Pentagon and think he was going to do something with two small firearms... Thank you, Mr. or Mrs.obvious reporter. Second point, I am a slow cycler Bi-Polar 1 along with being TG/TS/whatever... and when I am, well unstable from my Bi-Polar, I can't put together enough concentration to plan a shopping trip across town let alone a cross-country trip like this guy did! Not to belittle what happened, it was a tragedy. But, that took a fare amount of planning, except for the whole, "I'm gonna walk up to the front door and pull my guns out." thing which that wasn't too well thought out. Me, I doubt if I could do a cross country trip alone without some major medication and by the time I got there I would probably be in such a good mood, from the meds.that doing what he did would be the farthest thing on my mind. Ok, maybe I'm just one women that can't think of doing such a thing but, I don't need my illness erroneously linked by mob mentality to such actions. I've got enough to deal with just being me. Am I off target here? or does anyone else have a thought about this whole we can't just blame him for his actions there must have been something pushing him to do it, mentality?


    I know heavy thoughts for a Sunday morning but that's what I get for reading the paper....