What is a Real TG?

    • 434 posts
    March 22, 2010 3:31 PM GMT

    - I use a quote from one of you posts,

    "Perhaps I should call myself Gyne-centric or ambi-gendered,...that way the "gatekeepers" and "more transitioned" won't feel threatened because I don't do it their way."

    - because someone disagrees with your position ...you assume they feel threatened? You may have a genuine beef with Doctors and Pharmaceuticals ...but the vast majority do not.
    I am very sorry that you have had such a bad experience with "Gatekeepers"

    - I have never been against proper nutrition, but "Herbals" have "little or no" effect on someone who wishes to Transition. Herbals do, however, have many drawbacks in the area of compounding, strength, controlled testing, and quality control. The fact that 95% of the people transitioning with "Herbals" do not obtain proper medical "follow-up" is another area of concern. If a Medical Doctor could prescribe something that would work...and be perfectly safe, do you not think it would be the first thing written down on the prescription pad?

    - As far as "What is a real TG"...In the area of Gender, TG's follow a "bell curve" just like Males and Females. With TG's, their bell curve starts somewhere in the male bell curve and ends up somewhere in the female bell curve - in effect, "spanning" to two.
    In the case of F to M it follows the opposite direction. Logically, if you are anywhere on the spanning bell curve...you are a TG
    Not everyone gets to the "End"...but that is true of males and females as well.
    • 33 posts
    March 21, 2010 11:37 PM GMT
    What is a Real TG? To Marsha it appears to be someone who doesn't wear breast forms. To Doanna it's someone who shuns the use of herbs.

    One kindred sister on another form wrote, "The longer it's been since people transitioned, the more stuck in their ways many tend to get, I've attended support groups where the host transitioned on an average salary of $70k a year, and they tend to think being anything but a small mousy woman is the only way."

    I feel that I have a good idea of what "yin" is. I am predominately yin. Not so much prissy, as in what many see feminine as,...I feel more like a TomBoy girl. But all girl I am,...well, from my point of view.

    Pink is my favorite color (second is black). And to me, love the most interesting subject in
    the world. I cry at nearly all films,...even Nimo. And feel so great shopping for dresses, especially with my spouse..

    I have no idea why my vagina grew outward like a guys,...fortunately I never acquired a "man voice." My relationship life usually stunked,...because my partners thought I was too yin. However, I eventually met a woman more yin than me, who loves my girlness, softness, considerateness.

    Anyway,...I thought, considering the above, that I'm transgendered. Some appear to not agree. Overall it does not matter what the "gatekeepers" or the "more transitioned" think I am,...but I would like a label.

    Perhaps I should call myself Gyne-centric or ambi-gendered,...that way the "gatekeepers" and "more transitioned" won't feel threatened because I don't do it their way.

    Oh well,...just some thoughts. After I get back to the mainland I'll work on getting a photo up,...my hair is simply not presentable without a wig. No wigs in Hawaii.

    • 1912 posts
    March 22, 2010 12:44 AM GMT
    Janelle, I have never said that and don't believe for a second that statement is true. First off get your terms right. Transgender is the umbrella term. Nobody is transgender per se, they are something that falls under the transgender umbrella. Yes it is often used by many to escape using the word sexual in transsexual. Transsexuals typically are the ones that transition because they feel it necessary to have like body and mind. BUT! Not every transsexual transitions, for varying reasons people do what they feel is best for themselves and I have no desire to tell them they have to do anything a certain way. I will offer advice, but there is no expectation it will be taken.

    As for breast forms, many find them a suitable alternative to surgery or hormone use and that includes genetic women. For CDs that want to go back and forth from male to female, they are ideal.

    Once again you are spewing nonsense about gatekeepers. You are obviously going to do things your way, whatever, but to rationalize something of potential benefit away like you do is careless. There are good and bad therapists, if you ever seriously plan on transitioning, you are going to need one.

    • 434 posts
    March 22, 2010 3:48 AM GMT
    1) I started transitioning a couple of years ago, my pension is just slightly over 70K, and I am anything BUT a mousy little woman.
    2) If you think I feel threatened by anything...you are sadly mistaken.
    3) I spent over 30 years in the Health Profession and know what I am talking about.
    4) I didn't notice anyone saying you were not transgendered?

    From your description of yourself (below), I wonder why you even feel the need to take "Herbals" or Hormones.

    - "I feel more like a TomBoy girl. But all girl I am,...well, from my point of view."

    - "Pink is my favorite color (second is black). And to me, love the most interesting subject in
    the world. I cry at nearly all films,...even Nimo. And feel so great shopping for dresses, especially with my spouse.."

    - "fortunately I never acquired a "man voice." My relationship life usually stunked,...because my partners thought I was too yin. However, I eventually met a woman more yin than me, who loves my girlness, softness, considerateness."

    - "Anyway,...I thought, considering the above, that I'm transgendered. Some appear to not agree. Overall it does not matter what the "gatekeepers" or the "more transitioned" think I am,...but I would like a label. "
    • 33 posts
    March 22, 2010 4:17 AM GMT

    My apologies Marsha for misunderstanding your statements,...

    Marsha quote from "We girls over 50'" thread in the Hormone City Folder.
    I also challenge the fact that those seriously considering transitioning would resort to using such products. More likely the gals who just think boobs would be a neat idea. Chances are they will still need breast forms to fill out their bras."

    As for my experiences with Allopathic Gatekeepers, I include some specific incidences in the We girls over 50'" thread in the Hormone City Folder.

    • 33 posts
    March 22, 2010 4:29 AM GMT
    Doanna...1) I started transitioning a couple of years ago, my pension is just slightly over 70K, and I am anything BUT a mousy little woman.
    2) If you think I feel threatened by anything...you are sadly mistaken.
    3) I spent over 30 years in the Health Profession and know what I am talking about.
    4) I didn't notice anyone saying you were not transgendered?

    Just a coincidence about $70,...but if the she fits.
    The masculine word "threatened" is not in my vocabulary,...I glad that you're such a strong, yang, opinionated person.
    Your 30 years in the "health profession" makes much sense in regards to your attitude about non-allopathic health products.
    If you didn't notice anyone suggesting that I was worthy to be called transgendered, I would have to assume that you are unaware of you posts or those in the over 50 thread in the Hormone City folder.

    As you obviously don't like my posts or my openness about myself, why bother putting me down? I wonder what you're afraid of,...and please don't say you're not afraid,...it's too obvious. Of course as a former "health professional" I can see your need to side with the Gatekeepers.
