update on my life

    • 36 posts
    June 29, 2010 8:31 PM BST
    hello there, I would like to update you as to what has been happening the past weeks or more. First of all I ran into some problems at work and was so shaken that I finally gave in and took a week vacation which ended up more and I felt that I had to leave the place. During that time my one sister in Rural redwood falls, Minnesota had looked into some options and thinks that I could live up here. I am currently at her place but getting along so far some what. I have talked a bit with my sister and the last known is that a therapist is in the works but do not know when. the process has started. We have also started vocational rehabilitation in the job search and checking on housing. I would like to head to a bigger city but have been advised not to. You see only my one sister and my mother say that they can help me. my other sister near the twin cities has 3 kids at home with one that has one sided weakness. Otherwise how would I be able to handle things? I thought about heading to the twin cities Minneapolis/St. Paul area but not sure when to meet up with a group there. I have been advised not to go since I have not been to a big city. If I can I do have a webcam, dvd camcorder and a phone headset. you can see by the one photo I have up that I have actually used my camera well. I did order some more stuff way back and I sent the order thru the post office. I ordered thru carol wright gifts.I have not seen the order yet since it was still coming thru the mail to my house when I left for my sisters. I tried talking to my sister here a bit but haven't come up with much. Any thoughts? I just feel down right now because I am not getting yet where I would like. I closed 1 chapter of life to start anew and now its like I am stuck with where I am. By the way, would you know of a way I can see more pictures if any of you? my new address is [email protected]. just do not forget the dot that replaces the dash.

    • 1912 posts
    June 29, 2010 11:02 PM BST
    Hi Nathan, I think it is really important to have supportive people around you as you transition and it really sounds as though your mother and sister care about you, so I would not rush to move too far away from them. Unfortunately, transitioning into the gender you were not labeled at birth as takes time. You mentioned a therapist may be in the works and that is a great starting point. Just take your time and work on stability in your life.
    Best wishes,
    • 36 posts
    June 30, 2010 3:58 PM BST
    I could try. It may not be easy. I know what support I have here but on the other hand I have a bit of time with patients. I know I need to be patient but I knew things since I was young and was hiding things and still am not out of the closet. We are working on finding a place to stay although I am very leary about finding work.. even if I did I wonder how I could come out of the closet. I know that my support is here but how to live as I miss the life I had when I was at my trailer and was free to be who I wanted. I wonder with everything taking so long, it is to wonder if I will be able to live like I want. On the other hand, I had thought about something that might be interesting. What if I had enough money to not say anything some day and take a vacation to travel to the cities or what have you and visit the club, meeting someone part way in order to get there. I did find another club in another town some miles apart from the cities but I have not heard from anyone there. any thoughts here?
    • 1912 posts
    June 30, 2010 5:06 PM BST
    Many of us choose differing lifestyles. Some like to stay within the TG community and go to clubs on a regular basis, others like myself just want to live routine lives as a genetic woman would. It sounds like there is some uncertainty as to what is out there for you to experience so I think it would be a good thing for you to visit and experience things like clubs. I don't know anything about your area so I am of little help there, but be patient and don't give up trying to find someone in your area who could possibly assist you.
    • 36 posts
    June 30, 2010 8:43 PM BST
    is there a way to see more photos of people some where?
    • 1912 posts
    June 30, 2010 8:51 PM BST
    Full members have access to the Photo Galleries listed under "Full Member's Features" on the top menu. As a non paying basic member you currently do not have access so you may want to become a full member.
    • 36 posts
    June 30, 2010 9:10 PM BST
    what do you get besides the photos if you become a full member?
    • 1912 posts
    June 30, 2010 10:51 PM BST
    How about starting with supporting this site so it can be here to provide the useful information and support it does. If that is not enough, here is a link to the membership frequently asked questions page. http://gendersociety.com/[...]2836273
    • 129 posts
    July 9, 2010 12:02 AM BST
    Hi Nathan.
    Now i have read not just this but your other threads too .
    This may sound hard but i think it needs to be said by someone and its gonna be me as knowone else seems to be able to say it so if i get the stick well so be it.

    To start this is a safe place! so why call yourself Nathan? it is not very feminine, i distanced myself as far away as i could from my old name but if you want to hold on to your male name on a safe place such as this then that alone says a lot about your sexuality .
    Next being transgendered is confusing but i think your problems are deeper than being transgendered , i am not pretending to be an expert but i have had a life time of experience .

    Next i don,t know how things work in the USA but i know here in the UK by the things you talk about and the way you talk about things you would not get past the first sexual psychcoligist for consideration for transitioning, you would be treated but for the real problem when they find it, you obviously have deep problems and i truely hope they get sorted out for your own sake and peace of mind.

    I hope this does not sound to hard and i can assure you this is nothing personal again,st you but i think you need to hear it as it will sound worse coming from expert .

    You take care and again i truely hope things go well for you and you get your life sorted out .
    Julia .

    • 1912 posts
    July 9, 2010 2:10 PM BST
    In all fairness to Nathan, just because it is apparent that Nathan has some form of learning disability, it makes him no less likely to be transgender than anyone else. So jumping on the bandwagon to say he has bigger problems than being TG is pretty disrespectful. He obviously has a family that cares about him and he is seeing a therapist, that is far more than many others here can say.

    And who cares about his age, it is not like there are no others here who found or have come to terms with their gender issues at a later age. Many who thought maybe this was a sexual thing and that they possibly were gay have later found they were TG and their sexual orientation was really inline with their brain.

    Nathan is obviously trying to be honest here and that is way more than many here pretend to do. He has made no effort to deceive anyone here or try and fool a therapist into believing he is transsexual as some here do. Like many others here, he is searching for answers.

    And who gives a rip about the camcorder. It is very apparent Nathan feels it would help him better communicate online.

    Nathan you have my best wishes.

    • 1912 posts
    July 9, 2010 3:22 PM BST
    Hugs Cris,
    The learning disability thing is again a cultural term. My wife happens to work for the schools and it is a broad term used to designate issues an individual may have with understanding or communication. I don't believe there is any question whether or not Nathan fully understands what is involved in transitioning and that he just needs more assistance to help him. I am saying the other issues in his life have nothing to do with transition being right or wrong for him and I felt many of the comments were bordering on being directed at issues other than transgender in his life and I feel that is disrespectful.
    • 746 posts
    July 9, 2010 3:40 PM BST
    Nathan mentioned his disability in a different post...Nathan, my two cents worth of advice would be to continue seeing the therapist. also, do NOT rush into transitioning...evolve over a period of time, say 5 years or so...this allows you to come to grips with all that is happening around you, plus allow others to gently see you migrate toward your ultimate goal. My feeling is that too much too fast leads to potential dangers that could be easily avoided by a more thought out, slower transition. Good luck...
    • 129 posts
    July 9, 2010 4:06 PM BST
    Hi Marsha.
    Maybe i should have kept my thoughts to myself but i do read a lot on here .Nathan has said he wants to live his life full time female but seems to be going knowhere so therefore i have to disagree with your assumtions that others are jumping on the bandwagon . I thought a lot before posting what i did and looked back on Nathans other posts and as he seemed to be being ignored by others i felt that something had to be said . I am not going to lie to him and say "everything is going to be fine" as we all know its not and pussy footing around the subject will not help him at all.

    My response was trigered by Nathan saying a lot of things not just one and when you put them together i think even a psychosexual therapist would be scratching his/her head over this but they will get to the problem and that is the most important thing as far as Nathan and his health is concerned .

    I don,t think Nathans learning disabilities have anything to do with this as we all know at a very early stage in our lives who we are , i was denied an education for being myself so in a way you could say the same about me .

    Nathan if you read this we are not again,st you in anyway but we are here to help that is the point of this website as you can learn from others and get support . Just one last point , if you wish to see pictures of others there are thousands of websites that will provide them "but" just remember 99% of them have been doctored with software so don,t believe thats how life is in our world .

    Nathan again i wish you all the best and hope things get better for you and you find yourself .
    Julia .

    • 1912 posts
    July 9, 2010 5:52 PM BST
    Hi Julia, please realize that I do understand what yours and others comments are based on. Rather than making any kind of issue out of the non TG related stuff, I chose to just ignore it and instead focus on words of support that directed him to continue with the therapy he had already initiated. More important than any single other issue in a TGs life is confidence in my opinion. Yeah, when I first started reading Nathan's posts I had all sorts of negative things run through my mind, but as he continue to post I realized how sincere he really was and I felt words of encouragement to seek a therapist to better identify the proper path for him was far more appropriate than emphasizing what some believe are odd behaviors. This is not a simple matter of just saying "Hey if you want to transition you need to do it this way."

    • 129 posts
    July 9, 2010 7:11 PM BST
    Hi Marsha.
    I think that is where you are wrong , to be honest as i always am you cannot dismiss Nathans problems and just focus on the transgender part .
    Here in the UK when a person seeks help from there doctor over gender issues they will be reffered to a psychosexual therapist , that therapist will dig deep into your head untill he or she finds the problem , that therapist will pick up on the smallest little comment you make IE: i say "when i am with other women" ticks the box ,do you consider yourself to be gay? my reply i don,t consider myself to be anything right now! "well are you more atracted to men?" my reply "to be gay i would have to be atracted to females not men" ticks the box . My therapy lasted 9 sessions even though he told me on my last session he knew after the 2nd session i was transexual . Next you get reffered to the gender identity clinic , through all of this you are denied for good reason any hormone treatment .

    In my opinion a crossdresser or transvestite would find it very hard to get past the first step of this process .

    I know the USA is the worlds capital for TGs and you can just pop down the drugstore and pick up whatever you want wether it can make you better or kill you but here we do things differently even though we can,t stop your drug suppliers selling hormones on the internet , after all why should they care its the person receiving them that is the law breaker .

    Thats where negativity comes from .

    I guess by now you are thinking i am anti USA? well i am not even though we are bombarded with TG porn from the USA everytime we put TS in to google and that i believe is what puts the confussion into peoples heads , i also believe it gives us a bad name and makes others think we are obsessed with sex , try to find a UK site then check the domain address its in the USA , i bet you still think i am anti USA don,t you? well i am not i just wish your country would stop giving ours a bad name when it comes to gender.
    Have a nice day Julia .
    • 171 posts
    July 9, 2010 8:22 PM BST
    I hope that Nathan is reading this thread (Hi Nathan) because for it to continue, I think it needs Nathan to contribute. From my perspective it seems a little unfair to continue to comment upon an individual in their absence.
    It would be a great shame if the thread was to become entangled

    • 1912 posts
    July 9, 2010 8:23 PM BST
    What? We cannot pop down to the drug store and just pick up whatever medicine we want, where in the world did you get that from? Here in the states you even need a prescription to purchase hypodermic needles and insulin. And as for getting hormones, you best hope you have a sympathetic doctor if you expect to get a prescription for hormones without some kind of referral from a psych. Yes, the internet is an option but you can read my posts and clearly see how my opinion is on that subject.

    And overall, I think you are clearly wrong because Nathan hasn't been diagnosed as anything yet. You seem to want him to be diagnosed as TS and in order to do that he needs to follow your steps one two and three. Maybe he is gay. It doesn't matter, he has initiated seeing a psych and they can better evaluate him in real life than you ever could based on his communication skills here on the internet.

    I won't bother to comment on the anti U.S. crap.

    • 136 posts
    July 10, 2010 12:42 AM BST

    The bottom line is that we are all willing to share our experiences with you.
    But you must remember this important thing above all others; Everyone is different. What's right for one person, is exactly that, it is what is right for them. It MAY apply to you, but it may NOT.

    I read in one of your posts, that you have an appointment with a counselor next week. Make THAT your number one priority at this time.

    Try not to be distracted by our many different opinions. We each speak from OUR experiences; your experiences will be yours, and yours alone. Perhaps one day, you will be in a position to offer your wisdom to someone in search of answers to their questions.



    • 1017 posts
    July 9, 2010 12:52 AM BST
    Hi Nathan,

    I'm going to have to largely agree with Julia.

    I don't care if you call yourself Jobba the Hutt - that's not important.

    But, after chatting with you a couple of times and reading all of your posts, I think you have some issues (as do I and Julia and everyone else.) You told me you are in your '40s. You are just taking your first steps at moving away from home. I'm glad your sister is helping you but you need more than that.

    You have said you are about to see a therapist. Please follow through and and use him/her to council you get the help you need. Life is a tough road and any help you can find to sort it out is a good thing. If you can get "your head straight" you'll find many things will fall into place. Things like getting a job, sorting out your sexuality and a whole lot more.

    You seem to spend a lot of time worrying about transfering video from your camcorder to your PC. Unless you plan on a career in videography, this is not as important as getting your life sorted out.

    I really wish you the best,
    • Moderator
    • 2358 posts
    July 9, 2010 10:22 AM BST

    I have refrained from making comments to your posts, not quite sure what to say, your postings seem to meander. Not sure you even know yourself. I concur with Julia and Melody. Gender Dysphoria, by definition confusion about ones gender, Its a considered opinion amongst councellors and gender specialists that once the condition is diagnosed and you accept it your cured it does'nt necessarily mean like a physical illness it goes and you revert back. Its the confusion that is dispelled by examining your feelings and councelling. Its when you come to terms with it. accepting the cliche born in the wrong body that is the actual cure, the remedies being councelling and progress to adopting the gender you see yourself in.

    I don't know if its harder to come to terms with the condition later in life or an early age as a teenager. Its good you are finally getting to see a specialist, By keeping the Name Nathan, it would appear that you are even frightened of admitting to yourself you may have a problem. especially in here. Nice to know you have support from members of your family.

    There are numerous reports floating around, I don't know if this applies to you, Ex soldiers, also other people who have seen or been involved in the horrors of war or other traumatic events become pseudo transgendered as a form of escapism, to distance themselves from events. becoming what they percieve as somone far removed from perhaps the macho image of the soldier, person they were. To escape reality, pressure, stress. Not to be confused with an actual Gender Identity problem per se

    I wish you well, whatever the outcome.
    • Moderator
    • 2358 posts
    July 9, 2010 2:53 PM BST

    And who cares about his age, it is not like there are no others here who found or have come to terms with their gender issues at a later age.

    Of course it does'nt matter about age. Influenza is influenza wether your 9 or 90, same goes for GID, I was just trying to point out
    it might be harder to accept as you get older having established a life style and a closer circle of freinds as opposed to being younger and not being able to handle it mentally. Lots of different reasons for being in denial.

    I certainly was not being disrespectful I have read all Nasthans posts and conclude, Nathan is a very confused individual, wer'nt we all at some stage? The enormity, the realisation that one is transgendered, even suspecting one might be is a lot to handle and overcome.

    As far as a learning disability goes, does Nathan have one? your perhaps making assumptions, could it be that Nathan just finds it hard to express somthing, finding it hard to come to terms with. perhaps a sign that Nathan has'nt even considered changing name. I try and make constructive, thought out posts, I don't think anyone was jumping on the bandbagon. People that come to the GS are not automatically suffering gender identity disorders, they are looking for answers, its not a simple yes or no.

    Research findings suggest that whilst some participants articulate individualism and are reluctant to position themselves as members of a collective transgender culture, others present distinct transgender identity positions that are consciously created in opposition to traditional ways of thinking about gender. These latter gender identity practices offer a challenge to political goals of assimilation; signposting a radical politics of gender transformation in which 'difference' is positioned as a site of importance and celebration in its own right.
    • Moderator
    • 2358 posts
    July 9, 2010 9:10 PM BST
    Hiya Rachel,

    I was just going to post exactly the same. pointless sumising until Nathan reads whats been posted and makes some observations.. now its becoming a discussion on other peoples perspectives as opposed to Nathan.