whew! glad to be back...again

  • August 28, 2010 2:32 PM BST
    Gosh darn it... After 8 solid months of femme body maintenance, my old paranoid male-ego self came clumping in; I cut of my girl hairstyle, deleted The Gender Society from my bookmarks, and then quit shaving my legs and tweezing my brows for three weeks(gasp!)
    Fortunately things are back to a "normal" feminine perspective now. (grow faster, oh my pretty little head of hair, grow faster!)
    Next time I see her, I am going to tell my hairstylist that if I ever come in there and ask her to cut off all my hair again I would like her to give me a shot of tequila and talk some sense into me quick!
    But seriously, I do seem to be handling "gender swings" much better than I used to. I used to completely fall apart and spend weeks or even months wrestling with my inner self, and then go through the same self-torture on the next swing back again.
    I want to say thank you to everyone here at GS for providing a place to take a breath, keep things in a healthy perspective, and know that I am not alone.
    Thank you!!

    • 434 posts
    August 28, 2010 5:21 PM BST
    We all have gone through that kind of swing - some more than others too.
    I am so glad you are back though..
    The hair will grow, and hopefully your resolve will solidify.
    The next time you feel a "down-swing" coming, come and talk with some of here on this site ..."one for all ...and all for one"


    "and my needs entwined, like ribbons of light...and I came through the doorway, some where... in the night"
    • 1195 posts
    August 31, 2010 4:03 AM BST
    Next time...well, next time think it over before taking drastic measures.
    There used to be a joke about an "anti-smoking group" sort of like AA.
    When one of their member was about to break the code and smoke - they'd take she/he out and get 'em drunk.
    I know that probably wont happen but drastic measures are needed sometimes.
    If you get the urge to purge (gee that rhymes) go buy a new outfit - from skin out and from head to your toes.
    You'll feel much better - and poorer too.
    • 114 posts
    September 7, 2010 4:47 PM BST
    Gender swings, as you describe them, are tough to deal with and are part of the process of accepting ourselves, at least for most T-women, I think. There's a lot of fear and guilt that goes with bucking the accepted norm.

    Good luck in your continued journey.
  • November 2, 2010 10:29 AM GMT
    Thank you all for your words of encouragement and support. I guess I was not really "back again" when I previously posted. It has been a couple more months, and now I have a rather hip beard and a pair of sideburns to boot!.
    But... I definitely hear my inner voice taking on it's good old feminine tones rather loudly now; fear and hesitation are all that are keeping me from resuming a more girlish hair maintenance routine.
    Why am I so afraid of tweezing my brows and shaving my legs? I have been through this swing so many times; yet, it still drives me crazy every time.
    Anxious to get off the fence (again),
    • 252 posts
    November 2, 2010 11:50 AM GMT
    Hey Vonnie. Purging sucks!! And wastes your money. Next time, you might want to entrust your wardrobe to someone you trust?

  • November 4, 2010 11:12 PM GMT
    Thanks, Zoe.
    Fortunately, my wardrobe is still all there; my wife will not let me throw it away (she actually makes me buy expensive shoes so that I am less likely to purge- I sure do love her!).
    I also know better by now than to think that one of my shifts of gender is permanent.
    I was just venting (whining?) about the change of internal thinking and acting from male to female, female to male, and back again, and again, and again.
    But mostly, I am happy to be back here in the girl groove again.
    O.K., sorry, that is enoough rambling from me.

    • 2573 posts
    August 29, 2010 1:21 AM BST

    Welcome back. Stop making reasons to justify spending more money on clothes and shoes and makeup, lol.