Winge moan & groan.

    • 129 posts
    September 6, 2010 9:16 PM BST
    This is in knoway being prejudice..

    Listening to the news today i feel its time to put these people in there place.

    The goverment cuts we are all having to accept have got the so called ethnic minorities up in arms! .
    According to the BBC muslims are saying they cannot take any cuts to there services! Why not we have to? , these poeple who seem to think they can have there own way in everything in our country (including spitting on our soldiers) are pushing there luck a bit to far now . I like others pay my taxes to keep most of these spongers and they have the gall to say the services they get which we pay for cannot be cut .

    I am sure the pinky and perky government we now have will bend over backwards to make sure the so called minority will get their own way .

    Another fact that came out last week was that for every white british family having one child the non white british are having two! , it was said that the white british families could not afford to have more children so that makes me wonder how the other can? , is it that "they can" afford to? four six eight whoops ! if so then how is it white british families can,t ? .
    ,Maybe or even maybe or possably having to pay to much tax could be the answer , to much tax providing for there precious services that can,t be cut while ours can ..


    Julia xxx .

    • 129 posts
    September 7, 2010 4:09 AM BST
    Hi Rea .

    I hav,nt got long! It is stupid Oclock and i have to get to work .

    I have not got a link this it was on the radio so you will have to go to BBC radio suffolk and click on listen again to the Mark Murphy breakfast show for monday 6th sept as they ran the story throughout the program .

    As for what what they get? you tell me! it seems they get money for there mosks , special meeting places and events paid for and whatever they need "from council taxes" , i did not miss hear .

    I gotta go all the best Julia .
    • 129 posts
    September 7, 2010 9:46 PM BST
    Maybe i should have entitled this "winge moan go home" .

    Am i the only one bothered about this .Maybe if we get the police cuts ect there will be civil war, that should be fun! having hardly no police , we have no army as they are all overseas so it will be mayhem , i suppose if any of the cast of dads army are still alive they can sort it out .

    Bugger i am tierd! night night sleep tight got to be up at 3am to pay my taxes for them minority folks OR are they the majority now?

    • 448 posts
    September 7, 2010 11:17 PM BST
    A sadly racist rant. Take a deep breath and think a little more. This isn't too dissimilar to what some people might say about us. By the way, the fact that our soldiers are dying in Afghanistan is very sad, but not one of them has died for me. They are dying for the Government that sent and keeps them there.
    • Moderator
    • 252 posts
    September 8, 2010 2:02 PM BST
    The tone of this thread is really bothering me. I'm sorry, but I have to agree with Trine. The british empire (and in my own experience The United States' manifest destiny) have destroyed many, many native peoples. I myself am part Potawatomi Indian. They are a small tribe within the Algonquin league, centered mostly in western Michigan. Like many native Americans, the U.S. government promised the Potawatomi many things and broke their word on one issue after another. You should really see a real reservation here in the states. Proud Native Americans live as though they are in a developing nation. The poverty and hopelessness are everywhere. And it's nothing but shame on this country.

    America and Great Britain are supposedly "free" countries. The concept of a free and open society is a relatively new one, but it is the way our society has been set up. Once again, I cannot speak for Britain, but I hope the same parallels apply. In America we have protections in place that prevent the majority from imposing their will on the minority. We also allow minority voices to be freely heard. And when the question of business loans and grants comes up, minority applicants are given an equal playing field. If an equal playing field is not available, the country can try to make things a bit easier for these people. These concepts become extremely difficult when the safety of the country's people is in apparent jeopardy.

    It is most important that we protect EVERYONE'S rights. Especially now. If we don't protect everyone's rights NOW, those amazing documents that are extolled as cornerpieces of our nations, contracts that have been made between us and our respective countries, you might as well use those hallowed documents to wipe your ass. Freedom and equality doesn't exist if it doesn't exist for everyone.

    And if you have a problem with minorities having "too many" your friends and have them get to fukcin'!!!


    • 746 posts
    September 8, 2010 2:41 PM BST
    <<And if you have a problem with minorities having "too many" your friends and have them get to fukcin'!!! >>

    Demographically, at the current birth rates of immigrants to W. Europe and the USA, within 50 years (or sooner), they will become the majority and have the power to rewrite laws suitable to them...cannot recall the source, but in the USA, Anglo families are reproducing at approx. 1.6 per family...Muslim and Hispanics somewhere between 5 and 8!!!! The downward spiral is irreversible and it is inevitable! No way to "catch up" if you do the math...

    Maybe the way to overthrow the democracies that exist today is not by wars and killing, but by just outnumbering them...and don't think for a second this hasn't been preached in the countries that are immigrating to the UK, France, USA, etc...

    A trip in a time machine into the 22nd century would shock us as undoubtedly the world will be a different place! (if we don't destroy it first)

    So put that in your pipe and smoke it...

  • September 8, 2010 3:16 PM BST
    It's illegal to have more than one child in China, and there's quite a few of them!
    • 129 posts
    September 8, 2010 3:27 PM BST
    Do not call me racist! i have many friends from all over the world who work hard and are decent people , i grew up on a mainly carribian populated estate and they all worked hard , they were invited to this country to help rebuild it after the 2nd world war and got treated like sh#t ... it is the special treatment to muslims that bothers me and knowone invited them.

    I am so not sorry i stood on your toes! actualy i am glad i did as it shows your ignorance! , so you think our soldiers hav,nt died for you? well i will just remind you it will soon be september 11 , July 7 has been and gone but i suppose you forgot about that too , well maybe next time they decide to kill innocent people you would like to be there to witness it.

    A good example of these wonderful people for you . Last saturday i was in Ipswich town centre just sitting on some street furniture watching to world go by , there were people with buckets collecting for the disaster in Pakistan , in the half hour i was there 1000s of people past these collectors and "not one " person other than white put money in the buckets , i put my change in there but then i care about people, but i find it a bit to hard to care for scum , if they hate us so much why do they want to come here???? i think we will very soon find out the answer to that ,and if it has to be somewhere hopefully it will be near you then you may think differently .

    Finaly show some bloody respect for the men and women "who do die for you" for your freedom .

    • 129 posts
    September 8, 2010 3:35 PM BST
    Shut it , this is not funny can i remind you of the date too or have you forgotten ??

    Julia .
    • 434 posts
    September 8, 2010 4:14 PM BST
    It seems like many people are only too quick to raise the "Racist Card" - ... just like we have been indoctrination to do since the 60's.
    My Grandmother had a great saying... "we are all we LIKE it or NOT!".
    Unfortunately, "political correctness" has changed that premise,
    I plan to be in Florida on Sept 11 this year. - I will be bringing marshmallows with me!
    If a few cartoons will bring "Death Threats" ... then I question the legitimacy of those making those threats as being civilized human beings.
    If threatening death is the only course of action towards someone who they feel has "slighted" their religion....then "BRING IT ON!!"


    "and my needs entwined, like ribbons of light...and I came through the doorway, some where... in the night" gl
    "The vagabond who's rapping at your door ...Is standing in the clothes that you once wore." bd

    • 129 posts
    September 8, 2010 4:45 PM BST
    Thanks Crissie ,
    I think you have put it better than me .
    There are all sorts sponging off the state including british families breeding for benifits , it is this one law for one religion that gets me , it is a fact they do hate us but still they keep coming here . Thier brains must work different to ours as i would not want to go to live in a country i hate , there has got to be some kind of motive for them wanting to be here .

    They do get there own way with everything and knowone will stand up to them , if they spit on our soldiers the police watch untill the british get angry and arrest them "the british" british does mean all races who want to live and support this country not destroy it .

    Julia xx .
    • 129 posts
    September 8, 2010 5:19 PM BST
    I will not say sorry for this .
    You are a fool! simple as .

    England as you put it does have a bad past , you should think yourself lucky you are where you are , after all just go back in history and you came from England ..

    There are alot of things we should never forget but this is about our future! nothing else just the future of this country and its people .

    I need sleep/food not in that order . Feel free to insult me whilst i,m gone i don,t mind like i said you are nothing but a fool and i am being nice to you .

    Julia .
    • 129 posts
    September 8, 2010 11:34 PM BST
    You realy want to be very careful what you say , i know alot more about you than you think . I kept my mouth shut last time you had a go at me so don,t push it ,actualy i think you should to stay clear of me fullstop.

    I care and as far as i know dictators don,t give a f#ck .

    I would just like to take the time in this thread to remember all the victims and the relatives of September 11 , they may have gone to a better place but i am sure they did not want to just yet R.I.P.

    The people this thread is about are still alive planning the next one , they do not care about the pain they inflict on others .


    PS Anna Marie .I have told one person to shut it as i do not agree with the USA allowing the KKK to continue being active , it is not a subject to be joked about .
    • 129 posts
    September 9, 2010 3:30 AM BST
    Hi Rea.

    I realy don,t think the people this thread is about will be reading this! do they know what love is? .

    I know i started this on the wrong foot but it does bother me about the motives for these people wanting to be in this country , again i will say do hate us and our country so why do they come here? knowone in there right mind would want to live in a country they hate , they speak about there home land like it is heaven! and speak about britain as if it is hell , it makes no sense at all .

    Some have said, or if not think i am racist , that is not the way i am , i am a transsexual and know all about prejudice even though i am lucky enought to not receive any now and i put that down to letting the public get to know me as a person and by doing that i have gained there respect

    It is not racist to make observations and these are observations , ok the radio program on the BBC made me think more and it did anger me but i have had concerns about this for years now .

    I have had no education at all apart from learning how to read and write before being kicked out of my lovely catholic school at the age of 12 but that gave me a hunger to learn so maybe it was a good thing , i "guess" where to put these things , ! ' " . ; but i know how to make these £££££ thats why i am up again at stupid O,clock and permanantly tierd .

    My experience of love is "it hurts" so now i just give and never ever take and thats how i get by for now .

    Gotta go all the best Julia x.
    • 364 posts
    September 9, 2010 5:14 AM BST

    Perhaps you should have said,"Love and forgive," as things are getting a bit out of hand on this thread
  • September 9, 2010 9:19 AM BST
    Hi girls,
    Must say i've been finding this thread very funny for all the wrong reasons,we at the end of the day have all experianced direct hatered towards us for being well us and in their way being hated for being them. yes some want to blow our lil touches in the air! but it was'nt so long ago the irish did and must say did it more affectively! So the point of this is there's allways some ass going to spoil ur day and loads of people get more than you, its the way it is. Oh and to end when you can get fab Christian Louboutin copys from china god bless each and every one. oh and julia dont be nasty to nice mr terrorist!!!
    • 129 posts
    September 9, 2010 9:21 AM BST

    I have just looked at your profile (well no profile) the word rat stands out , is that your discription of yourself?.

    I am doubting that you are who you say you are , i am also doubting that you are transsexual as your profile is just blank , i suppose you find it hard to discribe yourself as you seem to be a bit confused about 99.9% of what you say .

    If you have nothing constructive to say may i suggest you just keep quiet ? or to put it nicely shut it? (whoops thats twice now anal-marie) .

    Why is it there has to be the 1 or 2 have to drag these forums down to this level .

    If you( Trine) have nothing better to do can,t you go picking plants and bush roots to eat to get your tits as i don,t like you on mine and you are getting on others too.

    Julia .
  • September 9, 2010 9:35 AM BST
    hi julia
    i was wondering do you get many christmas cards?
    • 129 posts
    September 9, 2010 9:43 AM BST

    THATS ENOUGH NOW you realy are showing your pure lack of inteligence .

    Have you been to london lately or ever??? that is a complete misdiscription of The UK and London .

    And tesco is very good at employing minorities of all kinds , i have actualy been offered a job there myself and i am full time female " i have no male things" and however much i would like to take the job i don,t want a massive pay cut .

    Stop putting us and our country down now .

    Julia .
  • September 9, 2010 9:44 AM BST
    hi julia
    i was wondering do you get many christmas cards?
    • 129 posts
    September 9, 2010 9:55 AM BST
    Sabini !

    I was not going to answer that as you seem thick too , but as you made the effort to ask twice the answer is yes i do get plenty and they have my real name in them too "Julia" . I doubt Sabini is your real name , may i guess?? you look like a Micheal or a peter , Sabini sounds like a dogs name to me .

    Butt out .

    Julia .
  • September 9, 2010 10:52 AM BST
    hi Trine
    i was just trying to say life's what you make of it yourself no point winging about others, and yes christmes is so uncool these days i'd like to be chilling in the sun any day with a margarita or two!!
    regards sabini xoxo oh i'll try and remember not to push the post button twice lol
    • 129 posts
    September 9, 2010 10:54 AM BST
    This is my final post on this subject as it has gone into ridicule now.

    Ok firstly Trine & Sabini! you make a lovely couple and i hope you can meet and be very happy together .

    Both of you between you have made me more determined to get as much media attention as possible regarding teen TGs ending there lives as if you were my role models i would be very close to it too . You can insult me as much as you wish as you cannot hurt me but stop and think how this would effect a young confused TG if it was aimed at them .

    This post was about muslims getting special treatment in the UK and getting everything they want so its like the reverse of young TGs getting no help and no special treatment , i intend to change the latter as i cannot and never will change the former.

    So i will leave you both to it on this one have fun .

    Julia .

    PS I am not defeated by you i just cannot see the point in this anymore .

  • September 9, 2010 11:09 AM BST
    I don;t visit this web site very often anymore and after reading this forum from start to finish,I remember why!! Enough said
    • 434 posts
    September 9, 2010 2:59 PM BST
    not much hugging on this thread..


    "and my needs entwined, like ribbons of light...and I came through the doorway, some where... in the night"
    • 734 posts
    September 6, 2010 10:50 PM BST
    "...According to the BBC muslims are saying they cannot take any cuts to there services! Why not we have to?..."

    I'd like to ask for two things. Firstly, a link to this story so that I can read the relevant BBC report from which you draw your information and, secondly, exactly what services are Muslims benefitting from that the rest do not?

    Best wishes
    • 2068 posts
    September 6, 2010 11:22 PM BST

    This Spitting on Soldiers ( who are fighting & dieing) for this country, really is taking the you know what.. What really gets me is, for example when the Royal Anglian Regt came home From Iraq earlier this year & were parading through either Luton or Bury. This Crowd of Muslims were shouting some foul abuse at them. The way i look at it is, if this country is so bad then why are they here in the first place?

    Lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • September 7, 2010 10:22 PM BST
    Under the freedom of information act and the public accounts grants disbursments public information disclosures one can see the grants allocated to mosques and meeting houses. most are given 80-100% grants, where as the Hindu population 96% of their grants are refused, same goes for the maintenance and upkeep of christian churches, this informations is available as an across the board allocation of funds from your local authorities.

    I have some very good Indian friends, All Hindus, the money for their temples comes from within their community by donation, and all of them hold down jobs and pay their taxes and local authority charges. Erm me thinks arse kissing and keep a lid on things comes to mind.
    • 734 posts
    September 8, 2010 2:48 AM BST
    No worries, Julia. I just find it interesting and certainly do not disbelieve your take on things.
    I've always seen - and continue to see - Islam as a generally peaceful religion when adhered to in it's original concept. In the same way Christianity should be. However, like Christianity, it's open to abuse by those who simply want to further their own particular personal agenda. And this is probably an example of that...
    Much love
    • 2627 posts
    September 8, 2010 3:22 PM BST
    This sounds like we might be able to start a TG chapter in the KKK.
  • September 8, 2010 3:48 PM BST
    Totally unfair to bring racism into this, I too have many Asian friends. Typical someone has the tenacity to speak out and they automatically get called a racist. Personally I don't care what anyone gets, as long as everyone is treated equally. Everyone getting the same chance, this is all down to political correctness and apeasment gone mad. I have a down on white people that soley breed for welfare payments and free housing as well. forget who it was, Some American said don't ask what your country can do for you, but what can you do for your country. If you want to belong, you have the freedom, of religion, speech and to go about your business without hassles. that does not mean leech or slag our way of life off. Australian president Said. your free, you can have your own way of life, but if you don't like the way we live our lives, Piss Off.

    Some local authorities in the UK have banned Christmas lighting and open celebrations on the basis some imigrants will take offence, but they all sell christmas cards in their shops and realy they don't care. oooops look theres a little baby getting a kicking from a big bloke, quick cross over don't want to get involved.!!!!!!
    • 2068 posts
    September 8, 2010 11:00 PM BST

    Julia you are behaving like a dictator, so why don't YOU shut it instead of telling others to do the same?

    • 734 posts
    September 9, 2010 1:51 AM BST
    Well, may be now is as good a time as any to think about love. Not human relations. Real love. That unconditional energy that swirls about us. The one we can choose to partake or not as the feeling suits.
    Just think about love. And what it means. Promotes. Gains. Whoever you are. Whatever your crede. Or persuation. Or body...
    Just think ... xxx
  • September 9, 2010 8:19 AM BST

    You real are nieve, People coming to live in this country go to live in areas where they have family, other members of their own cultures faith, people who speak the same language. You get the Brixtons, China towns, Stamford hill, Golders Green. etc in every city in the world, where imigrants set up their own communities even the Brits set up their own communities in various cities of the world. Each host country has their own culture faiths and way of life, one going to live in a new country while keeping their own culture etc should accept the way their hosts live their life, appreciate that countries rights to its own culture obey the laws of that country, show respect. If I go to another country I respect their laws and their way of life, If I have a big down on their way of life I don't go there. Nothing to do with Egos and people are bad, to suggest that its rife in here in the Gender society is rubbish. A lot of people go out of their way in here to help out, offer advice and support and I resent your inane and insulting remarks.

    As far as the UK is concerned when it comes to helping out in times of disaster, irregardless of faith, circumstance or polotics The UK is the leading country when it comes to giving aid from the goverment to the ordinary people in the street and its never grudged. I'm sure the Kiwis, Aussies, Americans and other western styled countries welcome the oppressed and people in need of refuge, but none of them want there own basic cultures and way of life undermined and overrun, If the UK is so bad why do so many people come here?????????? If your starving and being given a free lunch, don't complain because the cooks a Catholic, Christian whatever.
  • September 9, 2010 9:55 AM BST

    What a stupid observation, you don't force people to move to different areas to enforce cultural mix and you don't force white people to travel a hundred miles to work in Tescos in Bradford, or Glaswegians down to London to work in Brixton.or people from Brixton to go work in Golders green.. I rather like
    going to other areas to shop, where they sell their own foods and employ their own people. contrary to belief there is no such thing as Hallal pork or Kosher bacon. Don't judge the many by the few. I have Moslem friends even been to Hindu weddings. My box as you put it is very large and all encompassing, varied and stimulating.
  • September 9, 2010 11:27 AM BST
    A sensitive, thread, full of misconceived ideas and accusations of racisim descends into who gets christmas cards and my dads bigger than your dad, I'm seriously underwhelmed. Erm and one major contributor sounds like Angel or Anne Selene.
    • 2627 posts
    September 9, 2010 3:21 PM BST
    Julie to call people names for not agreeing with your opinion is what the ignorant do when they don't have an answer to make thier point. Than to threaten Anna. I thought you could give a better argument than that. But I guess I was wrong.
    • 2127 posts
    September 9, 2010 4:38 PM BST
    Okay, I think we all need to take a step back and take a deep breath. This thread is totally out of control so I'll close it here.

    Hugs, Katie x