October 9, 2010 2:04 PM BST
Thank you Karen and Melody, clearly this is not about Brit’s who don’t laugh at themselves; of course we do. Regardless of everything I’m about to say, I can’t see anything funny in this story, it just looks like Marsha having another laugh at the “UK gals”. Are you laughing with us or at us? It’s hard to know, it certainly appears you are laughing at us. Not that this would ever bother me, and just for the record, I am sure you meant it to be light-hearted, I noticed it was in the fun forum, and yes I do have a sense of humour. Please don’t accuse me of simply taking this story the wrong way.
There is a time and a place Marsha. Coming as it does in the middle of several threads that have deteriorated into a US vs UK theme, and someone threatening to leave over some such comments only makes this less funny, and let’s face it, it was never going to be a belly-laugh was it?
If you want to highlight the importance of laughing at yourself, then laugh at yourself, not at someone else. Don’t you get that? Don’t you see why it’s not really funny?
I’m not being a stuck-up stuffy old Brit, really I’m not, I am so not like that. I am just sick of people criticising certain aspects of another person’s country. You, Marsha sound like a stuck record sometimes; UK gals this, UK gals that. We are not all the same. We are not all bonkers. We do not all have misguided beliefs in our laws and our systems, and despite what anyone thinks about the government’s handling of transgender and other minority groups, us UK gals are doing just fine thank you very much.
When you constantly criticise stuff that goes on in the UK and the UK gals themselves, why should we then find something like this funny? Your “UK gals” comments are not always intended to be funny are they. Even your fellow Americans don’t think this is funny. I don’t think it’s the people who aren’t laughing who lack a sense of humour, I think your post lacks a sense of humour. I am sure you can do better, Marsha.
Please, everyone – stop trying to make out that your laws/systems/beliefs/sense of humour/whatever are better than ours. It’s nonsense. We are both civilised countries, and as individuals I am sure we all manage ok. Lumping us all together and implying that UK gals have a certain personality trait or a certain foolish belief is not helpful, not rational, and not funny.
Get it?
October 9, 2010 4:11 PM BST
Marsha, that is the sort of response I would expect from ASF. You’re not the only successful transitioner here, and I don’t think many, if any of the regular forum posters life their life in pain, wallowing in misery. I am glad your life is brilliant and I’d always want you to share that. My life is brilliant too.
But I’m sorry my plea has fallen on deaf ears, at least in your case. I am sorry too that you think it’s fair game to make fun of other people’s misery, that doesn’t sound very Christian to me.
I wonder if Mark was as stubborn as Marsha; heaven forbid that she should admit to making an error of judgement.
I do respect you Marsha, and I agree with you more often than you make out, but I think your “UK gals” comments are considerably less than positive. I’m not looking for criticism, I am trying to be constructive. For someone who is so critical themselves, you don’t take it very well.
Hugs to you from a positive UK gal who is definitely not wallowing in pain, misery and self-pity.