How much IPL for beard removal?

    • 43 posts
    November 27, 2010 7:39 AM GMT
    I'm just about to start a course of six IPL sessions to start to get rid of my lovely red beard and neck hair. As I am "mature" I will also be having six 45 minute sessions Ultrasound to start to breakdown those pesky grey ones.

    I just wondered from other girl's experiences, how long this is likely to take so I can decide whether to look out for offers for further sessions. Also, how often have you had the sessions? I am looking at every four weeks.

    BTW, not transistioning so no hormones involved.

    • 1912 posts
    December 3, 2010 3:26 AM GMT
    I'm sorry I did not see this thread when it was first posted. IPL, Intense Pulsed Light, is a little controversial on hair removal, but just about everything is because many have spent 10's of thousands of dollars trying to remove facial hair and still had poor results. IPL is said to focus high energy light on the bulb or root of hair follicles which basically vaporizes the root. It is said IPL can possibly work on red hairs which true lasers have a more difficult time. I think what you want to look for with any hair removal service is some kind of guarantee.

    Ultrasound is a new hair removal method and little has really been said about it other than by the manufacturer or clinics offering the service. I tried to search for unbiased reviews and only came up with a few which were positive. The treatment is new so I was not able to find any information on long term effectiveness. Ultrasound hair removal is not yet available in the United States.

    I hope you can give us updates on the results you are seeing.

    • 43 posts
    December 3, 2010 5:38 PM GMT
    Thanks Marsha.

    Just had my first session this week and it wasn't too bad. Obviously no results yet. I'm not expecting miracles as my back isn't hair free after six full sessions. I am realistic that reduction would be good and that I might not get rid of it all. I am into two shaves a day if I wanted to go out later so hopefully it will help with that.

    I'd be delighted to provide updates if people are interested.