Homemade breasts on a budget

    • 5 posts
    May 15, 2003 5:40 AM BST
    New girl,just signed up,especially after reading about some of the low-cost and homemade things others have come up with for our girly needs. First, I haven't been able or daring to buy breast forms. But they were one of the first things I knew I wanted to have so I could feel what it was like to have them. At first, I used millet. It's a small seed. I thought about water ballons, foam rubber cut (if you freeze foam rubber,it cuts truer and cleaner), sacks to silicone (thinking how hard would it be get some)but none of that seemed right. I thought about what properties breasts had (at least the ones I've played with!). Knowing something about food, millet came to mind as something "watery-like" when it a bag, small, and squishy. I put some in the toe of some cutoff panty hose and spent the night in them once. Woke up smelling like breakfast cereal! So, I don't know how good rice (my alternative foodstuff I considered) would work. But, here's what I've come up with. Thinking again about what properties boobs would have to have, I started thinking about things like the little styrofoam beads used in bean bag chairs. Found some and realized it wouldn't work. Then, stuffed animals came to mind and most notably, beanie babies. What are they stuffed with? I visited my local fabric store thinking maybe I could find something like that. Sure enough, they had little plastic beanie baby "beans" that were oblong in shape and plastic. Crafters were apparently using them to stuff their own versions of beanie babies. I bought 2 bags and have been wearing them ever since. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find them again in my area, but I bought enough to fill out a D size bra rather nicely. I have a little of my own breast skin and can make a rather nice cleveage area. I have also perfected my breast shapes too. Thought I could share how I made my "girls":

    First, find the same plastic "beans" at a fabric store, or (I've not tried this, but I think it might work, buy a bunch of beanie babies (or equivalent) and cut them open to collect the "beans". Might need quite a few, but the beanie baby craze is over,so you might be able to get a deal on a bunch. Next,

    1. Put on a pair of pantyhose close to your skin color that you don't mind cutting up.
    2. Find and put on a pair of white, off white, or beige(if you can find that color) tights over the pantyhose.(I do this in reverse to hide my hairy legs and I know you can get hose specially for us girls that hide too, but I'm a girl on a budget!) (Yes,this seems backwards but read on).
    3. Carefully pull both off together. (Best way I've found to get both inside each other and stretched the same as needed for this application.
    4. Working at the upper thigh area cut each leg off(through both hose).
    5. Go down each leg piece about 8 inches (you may have to play with this length some depending on your beads, breast size you want, and cut through each leg piece.
    6. Tie a knot in one end AND TURN EACH PIECE INSIDE OUT. You should have the panyhose skin color on the outside of this "tube" with a knot at the bottom that is on the inside of the tube.
    7. Find a "Big Glup" size cup and put the knotted end down into it and fold the open end over the lip of the cup and secure with a rubber band. Stretch the tube as needed to do this.
    8. Carefully fill the "sack" almost full with your beans. Again, this will take some trial and error for breast sizing. You want some play in it when you tie the open end up.
    9. Tie the open end up, knotting both hose. You should now have a wiggly sack of beans, with a dimple at one end and a nipple at the other. Repeat filling the second sack.
    10. Now take a needle (might need a long one) and heavy thread, and at the dimple, secure the tread at the dimple. Next pass the needle up through the sack until it comes out around the nipple.
    11. Now pull or cinch up the thread until the sack takes the shape of a perky breast. You might want to leave some slack so your breast can wiggle and "shape shift" some. Tie off the thread by wrapping around the nipple and tie it off. Cut thread. Repeat for the second one.

    With some trial and error, and playing around, you will see how this is supposed to work. Hope this helps those gals who, like me, are on a budget or have other restrictions but want to feel more lady like. These seem to be quite functional, safer than water ballons, durable, and they don't make you smell like breakfast in the morning!


    • 5 posts
    May 16, 2003 1:22 AM BST
    Stevie wrote:
    I always suspected Martha Stewart was a tranny!


    That IS funny! Martha Stewart is one of those people I just know I wouldn't like. She seems strung too tight! But the homemade breasts do work pretty well.
  • May 17, 2003 12:20 AM BST
  • May 16, 2003 1:01 AM BST
    I always suspected Martha Stewart was a tranny!