ideas fixed i hope

  • June 12, 2003 8:41 PM BST
    Hey ladies,

    Im 15 and I am a closet crossdresser. I have one sister and no other syblings. It started a couple of years ago when my sister would dress me up in her clothes for fun. I had a great time, but now I have "grown out of it" as far as she knows. But really I still try on her clothes whenever she isnt around. Now she is getting smaller then me and I am not fitting in some of her clothes. I also don't have shoes that fit. I have never gone out in public as a girl besides halloween and I was pretty convincing. I don't know whether to tell anyone or to hold back longer. I also dont know how I'm going to get new clothes and shoes. If you have and ideas to help me please reply or email me at [email protected].