I want to come out probably, but I need help

    • 195 posts
    August 25, 2002 5:08 PM BST
    It's appropriate to post this as a reply - in this thread Someone - but if you want to start a new thread from the Main Forum Menu - click on the forum you want to post to - and then you will see an icon for Start New Thread - But you have to be at the top of the forum - you can't start a new thread from within an existing thread - does that make sense.

    Anyway have a look at the Tranny Tribune - I have written three articles on coming out - the most important tip is this

    Go and have a professional make-over at a trannie dressing srvice and get a good picture from that - make copies of the picture and keep one in you diary or purse - When you are with someone you want to come out to - show them the picture - don't tell them who it is - then when they ask you Who she is - you can tell them it's you.  

    OK - this does not work so well if you are unlucky enough to just not be able to pass at all - I know some glrls like that - but no matter, a good makeover will make you look pretty good and the key is to make sure that when you tell someone - they have a positive image in their mind - A lot of people I have shown my picture to have stil not actually seem me Xdressed - That is not essential - when they eventually do - the reaction is always positive because they started with a positive expectation.

    The only other tip is one I hae repeated recently - Find the woman inside you  - Don't act as a woman, BE a woman.  Its not about clothes really, its more about attitude - the woman is there inside of you burried under years of male social conditioning - you have got to let her out - once you do and you think and act like awomn - coming out will start to be easy -
    • 195 posts
    December 29, 2001 7:23 PM GMT
    There is no way to make this easy Stephanie

    It takes courage but I have found that the only thing we really have to fear is fear itself.  Most people I have told have been completely accepting - but that is not everyones experience and some have met with massive resistance.

    I think you need to be clear about why you want to come out and at the moment it seems to be for your personal benefit - You want help dressing, and you want to seduce someone.  Bare in mind that a lot of women may accept you not be turned on by a man in a frock.

    The fact that you are looking for help tells me that you are probablry not that polished with yor appearance yet - and probabley have a very limited wardrobe comprised of clothes not bought in the best of circumstances.  Since coming out all my previous secret wardrobe has gone and good riddance - I can't believe I actually wore that stuff.

    The best investment I made was a professional make over.  If you check out the links page at my club - you will find links to some - Pandora de Plede and Jodie Lynn (Link at the bottom) are two of the best in London - but if you use the search engine here on TrannyWeb - you will find links to others near you  - Get a professiona makeover and dressing service and make sure you get a GOOD Picture.

    Armed with that good picture you can then show your relatives - that way they don't get a negative impression of you - they see you at your best and this helps them to accept you.  I also recommend that you visit a few Tranny venues near you and meet with other girls - Going out, even if you have to go to the venue and change there, really helps to boost your confidence.  

    I did not seriously come out to friends and relatives until I had been visiting Way Out, Stormes and Philbeach for about six months - Details in the great places to visit forum here and at my club or search for places to visit -  by that time my confidence had grown and my wardrobe, make up, gentures and deportmant had improved immeasurably - In short I no longer looked like a bloke in a frock.  

    Hope this helps hon - You need to demonstrate that you are taking this seriously and not presenting an awful parody of women , and then they will take you seriously and respond to your plea for help.
  • December 27, 2001 9:47 PM GMT
    My mother & twin sister knows that I am a cross-dresser, but I also want to tell other relations, but I don't know what to do & how to approach it.

    I want to tell my only female cousin Melanie, because she wears about the same size clothing as me. I want to tell her so I could have some of the clothes that she doesn't want anymore, I always dream about that.

    I also want to tell one of my cousin's wife Penny, because she also wears about the same size clothing as me as well, but I want to tell her, because I want her to help me go shopping for some more clothes, because I'm attracted to her & I want to have sex with her.

    So anyone that can help can you please do so
