February 27, 2002 9:44 PM GMT
My whole way of life had become feminine, I watched TV programmes for women, read women's magazines and books, learnt to sew and knit. More that that, was actually enjoying doing everything as a woman. My emotions too had become feminine and I could watch a weepy film on TV and cry like any other woman.
I had even made friends as a woman and felt sure that none suspected me of being anything other than female. I started local evening classes for Dressmaking and to learn Greek. It was here that I met and got to know other women, in particular, Ann and Linda, who became close friends. They readily accepted me as another woman and I enjoyed being "one of the girls"
As well as attending evening classes with Ann and Linda, we would also go out for a drink and to the pictures. I visited their homes and they came to mine. Our converations were typically feminine and I learnt much from them about being a woman. Even my mannerisms became more and more feminine as I copied Ann and Linda.
It was Ann who suggested that I work with her at the local Oxfam shop, for no wages of course. I started working three days a week and found it very enjoyable. It helped me to meet far more people and all readily accepted me as a woman. This made me feel even more confident that I could pass as a woman anywhere.
I found it very nice to be able to discuss fashion with Ann and Linda and to get their views on what sort clothes suited me best. They both said that I had a lovely figure and that I could and should wear clothes that would show my figure off.
The Greek classes also had men students and I even became friendly with some of these. It was very thrilling for me when I realised that one of them, Greg, actually fancied me and was trying to chat me up. It made me feel very warm inside and to my surprise even aroused. It only then dawned on me that sooner or later I could end up in a proper relationship with a man and I would have to be able to respond fully as a female.
Ann and Linda were forever trying to match me up with some man or other and finally I agreed to go out with Greg on a date, as much to keep them quite as to give in to Greg's persistent asking. It was only after I agreed that I realised that he might want to kiss me and that I would have to let him. I hoped that he would not expect even more!
To my surprise that first date with Greg was actually very nice and Greg behaved like the gentleman that he was. He brought me a bunch of flowers when he called to the cottage to pick me up and we had a very pleasant meal and a drink afterwards. He was very complimentary about my clothes and said how pretty I looked. The evening ended with him kissing me "Goodnight" and to my surprise I really enjoyed his arms around me and his lips on mine. It made my body ache for something more.
When I went to bed that night, I lay awake thinking of how my life had changed. I had become so used to living as a woman that I found it hard to remember life as anything else. I realised that I had to make a decision as to whether or not I was going to return to my old life or to continue as a woman.
I felt so happy and content as a woman that returning to my old life did not appeal to me. But continuing to live as a woman meant I sooner or later I would want to have a proper relationship with a man. I would have to be able respond like a female in every way and to give him what he would eventually want, a physical relationship. I would have to be capable of having sex as a woman!
It would be a big step to take. At the moment I could still return to being a man, once I stopped taking HRT my body would lose its female characteristics and redevelop masculine ones. To be capable of having sex as a woman I would need to have the sexual genitaila of a woman. That would mean that I would have to have a vagina in place of a penis. and once gone my penis could not be replaced.
It was a big decision but I knew I had no choice anymore, I wanted to be able to live fully as a woman and to have a physical relationship with a man which meant that I had to be able copulate as a woman. I went to sleep dreaming about what sex would truly be like as a woman, how it would feel to have a man lay on top of me and penertrate my body with his penis.
August 6, 2002 1:18 PM BST
Well described dream... shame it's only a dream for most of us :'(
December 18, 2004 12:37 AM GMT
I think its such a shame when storys never get finished especially when they are as good as this one.
Oh well guess we will never know if she had the op or not