Tranny Politics

  • February 21, 2003 2:58 AM GMT
    Has being a tranny shaped your political views? If you weren't a tranny, but were the same in every other way, do you think you would take different positions on any specific issues, or have a generally different outlook?

    It might not be possible to imagine how we would think, because most of us probably can't separate the tranny aspect from the rest of our souls. In that case, are there any political issues that you think are specifically important to trannies or more important to you because you are a tranny?
  • February 22, 2003 9:18 AM GMT

    I think your question is a little too specific. I would say that it is the process of self-discovery that shapes our political views. Of course, in our case, most of what we have to discover relates to tg, but it is not exclusively that. It would seem the case that our self-discovery can be quite radical and dramatic and maybe that leads to radical and dramatic political shifts?


    • 539 posts
    February 21, 2003 8:56 PM GMT
    Probably the greatest effect that being a tranny has on my politics is that it makes me especially sensitive to the rights of minorities.  But it is hard to separate that out from the rest of my personality; I would like to think that I would be just as concerned about civil rights if I were not a tranny, but it is hard to say.  This tendency drives me away from parties (such as the Republicans) and candidates who endorse conservative religious viewpoints, since they are quite hostile towards us.  I cannot vote for someone who would love to throw me in a concentration camp.

    Heather H.
    • 1083 posts
    February 21, 2003 2:33 PM GMT

    You might just be on to something here.

    Prior to my finding out a lot about myself, I would have said I am almost far right conservative. That really would have been about 5-6 years ago.

    Since discovering my gender dysphoria, letting Jayne exist, and finding some other medical info out from my folks about my birth (see my thread, Sakura's Song, verse one in About Us) I find that I am more middle of the road. I find this allows a more balanced view of things, acknowledging my womanhood. Espcially more middle of the road are my views on the environment, TG/Bi/L/G issues, and Big Government (less government is good).

    But at the same time, I don't think I will see much more of a shift. As I have said before, I really feel that both parties are almost a caracature of what they used to be, and would love to see the Dems swing right, and the GOP swing left a bit.

    But that might entail the use of common sense, which is sadly lacking in the beltway.

    Luv 'n hugs,

    Jayne Sakura
    "Almost-Angel, T-Girl Genius, and Ultra-Flirt"