One small step for a girl...

  • January 20, 2004 11:05 PM GMT giant step for girlkind!

    Today I decided that I'd waited long enough and it was time for action. So I walked into a tranny shop in London and tried on a few things. The staff were friendly and there weren't many people there. 45 minutes later I walked out with two black minidresses, some nice legwear, and a pair of shoes that I'm going to have problems walking in.

    It was a strange feeling, trying on girls' clothes in a supportive environment and without feeling guilty.

    Now I'm home and thinking of places to store this gear. I won't be able to try it all on at home for a few days but it will be great when I can.

    It was really just a first step as I know I need lots of other things - some accessories, some makeup and a decent hairstyle for starters - but it felt like crossing over to the other side and starting to see the world differently.
    Pix will follow, in about a week's time I hope.

  • January 22, 2004 6:38 AM GMT