Makeup Help Q

    • 1980 posts
    February 15, 2004 3:00 AM GMT
    Hi All-

    Just want to ask a question on finding some makeup foundation. Does anyone have a mailorder source, preferably online, for good quality cosmetics that don't cost an arm and a leg? Is this a contradiction in terms? Especially, I'm looking for beard cover, that orangey looking stuff that's supposed to help hide that dark area that remains no matter how close you shave. I don't have a real heavy beard, but it still shows. Also don't have a lot of body hair, which is nice for staying smooth elsewhere.

    I've decided to get decidedly more serious about how I look in makeup, up to now it's been kind of exciting just wearing it any old way since it was mainly just me and the mirror. Even if it looked a fright it didn't much matter, but lately, I've been wanting to a better job of it. So, any tips on good makeup to use and a good foundation will be so appreciated.

    My SO has offered to help, but says I need to take the initiative to find my own stuff, she won't share her own. How mean is that! Our skin colors are totally different anyway, so hers probably wouldn't look that good on me. Now, there's some sour grapes! If it makes any difference on what to use, my complexion is olive, I'm of Mexican/German descent, not real dark, sort of a medium tan and of course I have brown eyes.

    Thanks for any tips. Love you all.

    Hugs, Joni
  • February 15, 2004 4:58 AM GMT
    I use Ben Nye beard cover, it is available from theatrical make up stores, it covers well but it is quite expensive and you usually have to use a setting powder with it.
  • February 15, 2004 4:21 PM GMT

    Try for makeup supplies. I've never bought anything from there but her advice pages are really good. I'm quite happy to buy my make up from a store which is why I don't generally buy online.
    Or you could pluck up courage and ask at one of the make up counters in a big store. If you want to break the ice, ask the asistant for help with male orientated products such as face wash and the like, then you can ask about make up.

    Hope that helps.

    • 1980 posts
    February 15, 2004 5:04 PM GMT

    Thank you for the link, I really appreciate it. Now buyng at a cosmetics couner, whew!, that's double scary. For some reason buying makeup seems even more intimate in some ways than buying lingerie or clothes. I can drop a couple of bras and some thongs or a couple of tops or skirts on a checkout counter and not bat an eye. I've even gotten over using "the gift" ruse, the old "can she return these if they don't fit?" trick. (Bet no one else's ever used that one.) To me, from shopping with my wife and girlfriends in the past, g-girls are so particular about makeup that no guy in his right mind would buy makeup as a gift, not more than once, anyway.

    Oh well, maybe one of these days I'll get up the intestinal fortitude to march right up to one of those gorgeously made up girls at the cosmetics counter and ask them what their professional advice would be. At worst it would just be one more store I could never go back to.<lol>

    Thanks again and hugs, Joni
    • 1980 posts
    February 15, 2004 8:13 PM GMT
    Hi Rachel!

    We haven't quite reached that level of sophistication around here yet. Still gotta have someone scan it for you, usually a lady who looks like my old highschool librarian and gives me the fish eye, or at least I feel like she does. Imagine being all nervous like that at my age. Always makes me feel like the first time I went in and bought a package of rubbers.<lol>

  • February 15, 2004 9:22 PM GMT

    I know how you feel about asking for help at the beauty counters, I felt exactly the same way my fist time. The trick is to try and spot when in the week is the quietest, normally early mornings, and find out who is the senior assistant. Generally they will have the most training and experience, if they have never come across a guy buying makeup for himself before then I'd be very suprised.
    When I first asked I was very nervous but looked around all the stuff at the counter as if I was searching for something, when the assistant asked if I was looking for something, I told her I was looking for some concealer. When she asked 'for you dear?' I just went for it and said yes. She then gave me heaps of advice and was delighted when I asked about foundation as well. From that moment we became friends, even to the point of having coffee together! I'm sure if I'd asked she would have given me a full makeover, no problems.
    i know it's scary but it's the best thing I ever did, you get the right products for your skin, advice on how to use it and might even make a friend.

    best of luck
    • 1980 posts
    February 16, 2004 1:34 AM GMT
    Alex, thank you for sharing your experience and how positive it was. You and other girls like you are one (among many)things i love about this group. It will make it easier for me to take that step and then the next and the ones after that by knowing that other girls have done it...and lived.

    Hugs, Joni from Oregon