Letter to George Will

    • 1980 posts
    February 19, 2004 3:52 AM GMT
    Hi All-

    I got this post from a member of another group I belong to. It is written by Episcopal Reverend John Spong in response to a column written by conservative political commentator George Will. As you can gather from the letter Will used the Reverend's name in his column and Bishop Spong felt he needed to respond.

    Please understand, in posting this I am not trying to start a religious debate or to make mock of anyone's religious beliefs nor to mock the Bible. Even though the debate in the Episcopal church which Will's column and the Bishop's letter addresses has to do with homosexuals and their roles in the church and in society, so many of the arguments made against them apply to us as TG's, TS's, CD's, whatever we may call ourselves. For many people we are exactly the same, whether we are straight, bi or gay.

    An Open Letter to Political Columnist George F. Will of the Washington Post

    Dear George:

    You have a huge platform through television, Newsweek and the Washington Post to be a major influence in shaping public opinion. I find myself impressed by your insights into the world of baseball and a bit less impressed by your right-of-center political musings. I am, however, absolutely amazed at the profoundly uninformed positions you have recently offered the public on the questions that are currently the content of ecclesiastical debate in our churches. You seem to have no understanding of what it means to seek to bind together an ancient faith with the insights of our contemporary world.

    I appreciate the fact that you are a fellow Episcopalian and, as such, are vitally interested in the issue of the consecration of the Rt. Rev. Eugene Robinson to be the Bishop of New Hampshire. The fact that this event was covered by the media of the world indicates that it was regarded as a significant moment of history, a turning point in the life of the Christian Church. Indeed, I believe it was the enabling vote at the General Convention of the Episcopal Church that allowed this consecration to go forward that opened our church decisively to the full inclusion of homosexual people. It also struck a mighty blow at cultural homophobia. As such it has inaugurated a great consciousness-raising and welcome discussion that has now reached far beyond the boundaries of the Episcopal Church. That is a major accomplishment for a relatively small church.

    Yet you, George, in your Washington Post column, have characterized this debate as one that pits the "cultural trendiness" of the Northern Hemisphere nations against the "doctrinal clarity" of the Southern Hemisphere nations. I regard that analysis as breathtakingly naive and suggest that it is revelatory of nothing more than your own deep and abiding prejudice. For you to speak publicly about this issue, when you are as poorly informed as your words reveal you to be, calls either your competence or your integrity, perhaps both, into question. Because you added a gratuitous comment about me by name in your Newsweek column (November 10, 2003), I think it appropriate that I respond to you in an equally public way.

    You pose the issues of this debate as between modernism in religion and the true faith of antiquity. You suggest that two thousand years of Church teaching about sexuality and family are being imaginatively construed in "a certain interpretive trajectory." You quote approvingly a Fairfax, Virginia, Episcopal priest who, referring to the debate at the National Episcopal General Convention last summer, said, "When the plain teaching of the Bible was referenced, eyes rolled, and with expressions of polite exasperation, we were told that it was time to move on. The Bible simply had not kept up." You appear to be saying that those who quote the Bible, as if it provides the last word on moral issues, are to be commended.

    Well, George, perhaps you need to understand why it is that people who quote the Bible to under gird their own inability to embrace reality might need to be enlightened.

    The Bible was quoted to support the divine right of Kings when the Magna Carta made its appearance in 1215. History has demonstrated that the Bible was wrong on that issue and today no king rules on this planet by divine right. People have embraced democracy. You might think that represents "cultural trendiness," but I believe it represents an emerging consciousness that the writers of the Bible, bound to their time in history, could never have contemplated.

    In the 17th century the Church, acting out of what you call "doctrinal clarity," imprisoned Galileo and almost executed him because his study of the motion of "heavenly bodies" led him to the conclusion that the earth was not the center of the universe and that indeed the earth rotated around the sun. The "fathers of the Church" in their attack on Galileo quoted a verse from the book of Joshua, in which the sun was made to stand still in the sky to enable Joshua to kill more of his enemies, as sure proof that the sun rotated around the earth. I think eyes should roll in a space age when this "clear teaching of the Bible" is referenced.

    In the 19th century, Charles Darwin challenged the "clear teaching of the Bible" in the story of creation. But no matter how many passages of scripture have been quoted since The Origin of Species was published in 1859, our modern world is quite sure that it is Darwin rather than the Bible that is closer to the truth. That is unless you now want to regard DNA evidence as a bit more of your "cultural trendiness."

    We could go on and show how "doctrinal clarity" led the Church to participate in, and to justify with biblical quotations, the institution of slavery as well as slavery's two bastard stepchildren, segregation and apartheid. Are you not aware that even the popes in history have been slaveholders? Is our present integrated society, which has opened the door to people like Colin Powell to serve in an office that was previously denied to any African-American, just another example of "cultural trendiness?" Women in this country were certainly treated up until relatively modern times with what you call "doctrinal clarity." The Ten Commandments defined the woman as property that, along with the ox and the ass, was not to be coveted. With full biblical encouragement, the Church in the Middle Ages regarded women as anything but equal, and even today the Southern Baptist Church, has directed women to be subject to their husbands. The word "obey" required of the woman alone, was not taken out of the Episcopal marriage ceremony until 1928. Women could not enter our universities in any significant numbers before the 20th century. Women did not receive the power of the vote in the United States until 1920 and even that was accomplished against the opposition of the Bible quoters. The Supreme Court of the United States ruled in 1876 that a woman could not practice law in the State of Illinois because "God has designed her for the more domestic role." Is that what you are now calling "progressive cultural aggression" which you suggest is challenging "the conservatism of institutions?" I consider it a step into enlightenment.

    Shall we examine the way children were employed in the sweatshops of the 19th century or abused in the boarding schools of England with official church sanctions until Charles Dickens began to raise the secular consciousness of his nation?

    You note approvingly in your column, that when dissident Episcopalians met recently in the town of Plano, Texas to nurse the wounds of their defeat at the General Convention, that they received a letter of support from the Pope and Cardinal Ratzinger. Would you have our church in this 21st century approve the incredible negativity that emanates from the Roman Catholic Church about women? Do you think that this Church, which has spawned a veritable culture of abuse and cover up, is qualified to lecture anyone on issues of either morality or "doctrinal clarity?"

    You see, George, the battle over the full acceptance of homosexual people in both Church and society is like all of these other movements. It pits an old and dying definition, supported by appeals to scripture, against an emerging new consciousness. Slavery was sustained as long as African people could be defined as subhuman, childlike and without sufficient intelligence to be full citizens of this land. Slavery and segregation collapsed when that definition was mortally wounded by a new consciousness informed by new data. Are you suggesting that this was the result of "cultural trendiness?"

    The same thing happened in the feminist movement. The breaking of the traditional female stereotype began when women challenged the male-imposed definition of what it means to be a woman. Women insisted on the right to define themselves. This new definition led women not only into education and the workplace but also into positions in the cabinet of the President of the United States in 1933, and into the House of Representatives, the Senate, the governors' mansions and the Supreme Court as the 20th century unfolded. Certainly we will elect our first woman president in this century. This is not "cultural trendiness," George, this is the direct result of a new consciousness that neither you nor anyone else will ever turn around.

    The battle for the full inclusion of homosexual persons in both the Church and the social order is the result of a similar new consciousness attacking an old and inadequate definition. Homosexual people were once defined, with biblical under girding, as sinful people. It was assumed by this negative definition that gay and lesbian people either chose to be homosexual, as an act of moral depravity, or that they were mentally ill and could not help themselves. That definition has simply been rendered inoperative by new knowledge. Most educated people today accept the fact that sexual orientation, whether heterosexual or homosexual, is something over which people have no control. Human beings simply awaken to it, they do not choose it. Homosexual orientation is also now generally recognized as consisting of a stable percentage of the population at all times and in all places. This means that it cannot be externally caused as assumed by the old definition. The scientifically d ocumented presence of homosexuality in the animal kingdom argues against it being classified as "unnatural," unless you attribute to animals the ability to make moral choices. These are the factors that have created the emerging new consensus, and if they are correct, as more and more scholars now believe, then homosexuality must be seen as being in the same category as race, gender or even left-handedness. They are the "givens" not the choices of the individuals. To discriminate against a person on the basis of something the person is must be seen as nothing more than prejudicial ignorance that leads to the willful destruction of another's humanity. That makes it an overt act of bigotry. To quote the Bible to render bigotry acceptable is neither new nor is it any more convincing in this situation than it has been when used earlier in our history to justify other evils.

    For you to suggest further that nations of the Third World, where such things as polygamy, female circumcision and second class status for women are still widely practiced, ought to be listened to and respected when they speak out of the context of a discredited and dying definition of homosexuality is bizarre. What our church has done, George, is nothing less than to challenge the ignorance and prejudice that has allowed people like you and me to participate in the oppression of countless numbers of people throughout history, whose only "sin" was that they were born with a sexual orientation different from the majority.

    Our Church has done an audacious thing. We will not now tremble at our own audacity. This is rather a cause for rejoicing that another in a long list of human prejudices has begun to fall. The fact that we have justified our destructive behavior in the past with quotations from the Bible does not excuse our negativity. This is not "cultural trendiness," George, nor is it a denial of "doctrinal clarity." Maybe it is time for you to examine these issues more thoroughly before you place your uninformed biases into the public arena.

    -- John Shelby Spong
  • February 19, 2004 1:07 PM GMT
    Joni - Good post. I agree that this is relevant for TGs. Do we have permission to post the text of the letter here, or is that not needed in this case?
    • 1980 posts
    February 19, 2004 2:11 PM GMT
    Hi Stevie-

    The letter was sent by the Reverend as "An Open Letter to George Will", I would assume that he wished for as many interested parties as possible to be able to read it. It was sent to me by a t-girl who posted it on another tg list.

    Actually, I hesitated about posting it for fear it might stir up a religious flame war or because some might think the Bible itself was being attacked. TW is pretty open minded, but you never know. In the end, I felt it was relevant for all of us here who are somewhat marginalized by society because of our differences. We may come from all walks of life and levels of society, but in the end we are all more or less the same in the eyes of the majority of people. I think to most "straights", ie people who have no issues with their sexuality, we are just plain strange. A man dressing up like a woman and wanting to be a woman (and of course the same for a F2M woman) is just wrong and somehow more than a little perverse.

    Like gays, most of us whether we ate totally hetero, bi or homosexual (or anyone of these depending on the circumstances) were more or less "born" the way we are. We could no more change our feelings about ourselves than we could fly to the moon or gossamer wings.

    Oh crap, look at the time! I'm supposed to be getting ready for work, not writing political rants. Jeez! See ya, Stevie. Hugs, bye.

    -Joni from Oregon
  • February 20, 2004 3:25 AM GMT
    Joni, if it's really an open letter, then it's fine. I just needed to make sure (we don't want to get Trannyweb in hot water). I looked for that George Will article this morning, because I wanted to post a link to it, so that we could all see his exact words, but, like you, I ran out of time this morning. If I have the energy, I'll look again tonight. I hadn't heard of this particular article, but I'm familiar with George Will and I even agree with him on certain issues. However, this doesn't appear to be one of those occasions.

    I understand why you had reservations, but I'm glad you decided to post it. While some of us might have some strong disagreements on this and other issues, I don't think you'll have to worry about an all-out flame war here, because most of the girls know where to draw the line (and if they don't, Katie and I will zap their posts). I draw more criticism for my right-wing views than anyone else here, and even I haven't been officially "flamed" yet (at least I don't think so). LOL

    • 1980 posts
    February 20, 2004 4:02 AM GMT
    Evening Stevie-

    I'll see if I can find the original Will column, too. I remember it was fairly recent. Unlike you, Stevie dear, I can find very few things to agree with George Will on. I am a staunch and unrepentant liberal. We might have some interesting debates, you and I.<lol> Only on the friendliest of terms of course, as I suspect we have too much in common in other ways to let mere politics come in the way.

    Wishing you a lovely evening Stevie and have I mentioned I love the picture that accompanies your posts?

    Hugs, Joni from Oregon
  • February 20, 2004 1:13 PM GMT
    • 1195 posts
    February 20, 2004 6:59 PM GMT
    Thanks Joni from Oregon
    I much appreciated reading the letter - reestablished my faith in common sense.
    • 1083 posts
    February 25, 2004 5:32 PM GMT
    **deep sigh**


    George Will is somewhat Conservative. Like his brethren, he does NOT speak ex cathedra. He is entitled, last time I looked, to have the same right of free speech we all in America do.

    Or did.

    At any rate, this is an argument I see both sides of, and it makes me hurt. Jesus came with a simple message: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself." To that He added, "Love One Another."

    Let's have THAT as a starting point. Nothing Else Matters!!!

    Luv 'n hugs,

    (Rev.) Mina Sakura, DPrM, DD