Info for TG friends and families

    • 614 posts
    August 4, 2004 8:58 PM BST
    hi suzy hows you

    glad you joined us and hows life treating u
    • 2127 posts
    August 4, 2004 6:49 PM BST
    If you are related to, are a friend of, or work with someone who has recently come out as a transgendered person, you may be a bit confused about the whole thing, looking for more information and wondering where you stand?

    That's probably why you are reading this thread now?

    Does this mean that he/she is gay?

    Am I safe with him/her around? Is this some kind of perversion?

    How should I treat him/her?

    Does being transgendered mean that he/she's a bad person.

    Should I call him/her a him or a her - a he or a she?

    Let's answer some of these questions...
  • August 4, 2004 8:35 PM BST
    Hi Katie

    I have just joined t-web and I am the girlfriend of JJ. We have a very open relationship and often talk till the cows come home!!!! To those that know us that will not come as a suprise. I do not have any questions to ask(for the moment anyway)as I have a very full understanding of TS's and TV's.

    I live with JJ and have met several of the girls on this site (you know who you are you rabble !!!!!!)

    Although I have not asked any questions,I would more than gladly answer any put to me.

    Cuddles Su Shi
    • 74 posts
    August 4, 2004 8:47 PM BST
    Hi Su Shi,

    just like to say you will be a great asset to this site. I have enjoyed your frienship thus far and I know you have much to offer the girls here. Love nene x
  • August 4, 2004 8:56 PM BST
    Thank you nene, thats why i joined i hope i am able to contribute something to T web, you know me honest and truthful.

    cuddles Su Shi
  • August 4, 2004 9:52 PM BST
    Hi katie it is mark robinson here i would like to say yes to your email
    It's about time that non transgendered people have there veiw especially for people you who are completely hettie but know someone who is either ts/tv/gay/alien/etc

    about time to break the chain
  • August 5, 2004 9:03 AM BST
    I wish all the best to this SO dept. Hope that we will have many SO:s here.
    It would be interesting to hear what is GOOD and what is BAD about us.
    My ex found this all only bad. That´s why she is an ex.

  • August 5, 2004 7:03 PM BST
    Question time

    1) What do you think about Transgendered people ?
    2) Do you think is my father/mother has the problem will I?
    3) Because you don't understand it do hate it ?
    4) Do you feel the only way out is to hurt yourself ?
    5) Do you need to find out any more info about this subject ?

    please answer as many or as little as you want, its your feeling that count
  • August 6, 2004 6:17 PM BST
    hi everyone i hope you are enjoying the weekend let what you up this week thanks
  • August 6, 2004 8:13 PM BST
    Hi su shi
    if jj ever goes the the full way would you still stick by her as a relationship or would jst be more causally ??
  • August 6, 2004 10:06 PM BST
    Hi Mark

    Thats quite a hard question, and to answer that one I would like to explain a bit about our relationship first.

    We both entered into our relationship with "all our cards on the table", no secrets and on the strict understanding that we were honest about ourselves and our feelings for each other. One of the key factors was that we talk and remain monogamous.

    In light of this my answer would have to be that I would without a doubt stand by JJ because I love her BUT as to whether it would be as a "partner" or " a casual friend" is alot more of a dilemma and would need alot of soul-searching.

    To put it quite bluntly the physical/emotional side of our relationship is extrememly important to me and I need a "partner" not a "casual friend". Both JJ and I have children (through previous relationships)and this would also have a strong bearing on what I would do.

    I hope this goes some way to answering your question.

    Bye for now

    Su shi

  • August 7, 2004 8:41 PM BST
    Hi Chris

    Sorry for not responding earlier. I have been a touch busy, school holidays and all that!!. Thanks,life is treating me very well and hope that all is the same with you.

    Bye for now, take care.

  • August 7, 2004 9:49 PM BST
    Hello Laura

    I hope we have other SO's visit and post comments/questions too.
    Like you I would be very interested to have other peoples views on the good/bad points about themselves and their SO's.

    I am sorry that your ex found it all bad. It is such a shame, it appears to me that this is one of the most common problems TV/TS's experience.

    It just goes to show that being a TV/TS/SO is not all plain sailing. It's hard enough just trying to keep a relationship going without the added complexities that accompany the TV/TS lifestyle. Despite everything it can also be fun and incredibly rewarding. Did your ex ever say you were selfish and if so do you think you were?

    Suzy (Su Shi)
  • August 10, 2004 9:58 PM BST
    im a mum and have recently discovered 'gender identity disorder'and that my child has been suffering the pain and confusion all these years into adulthood and i never had a clue.I have always shown love and support but never has it been greater than now.
  • August 15, 2004 10:28 PM BST
    sorry guys i have been occupied with other thing at the mommnet
    will has a guest apperance in the daily mirror

    the most imporant thing to anyone is love without requiremnet if poeple statr to live they live what can i give rather then what in it for me then life will be a lot esy

    Also since i have been doing this article with the mirror and tv show and best magazine then i have been in touch with a person called mel who was in the same maginze "best" with me
    and she would like help other people in sititation as me
    • 1652 posts
    September 25, 2004 4:02 PM BST
    A company that sponsers its own tranny club?!
    Do they have any jobs going?