Welsh Poetry

    • 2627 posts
    March 24, 2005 12:35 AM GMT
    While looking up some things on google I came across this.
    I thought Cerys might like to see it if she hasn't allready. For some reason file attachment didn,t work.See if this does.
  • March 24, 2005 9:11 AM GMT

    Thanks for that, Historically Welsh was predominantly a spoken, rather than written language and at its core lay the great Epic poems such as Y Gododdin (The Book of Aneirin) written in 600AD which contains, amongst other things the first recorded mention of King Arthur!

    At the risk of droning on; Arthur wasn't Welsh, or English despite the Anglicisation of the myth, he was probably lowland Scots from near Edinburgh!

    Full text of Y Gododdin (In English you'll be happy to know)here .. http://www.missgien.net/c[...]em.html

    .. and a bit of "light" background reading .. http://www.bbc.co.uk/hist[...]n.shtml

    Incidentaly there's an animated film being made of the Gododdin right now, it's a Welsh/Russian coproduction and a good friend of mine is working on the script, give it about three years before it's ready.

    After this last couple of weeks perhaps Welsh should be adopted as International Tranny language. At least the "norms" wouldn't know what we were talking about when they came in the bar .. oops!

    Cerys xx
    • 2627 posts
    March 24, 2005 12:10 PM GMT
    I'm going to keep the time line site to look over. I just thought it was cool to find a Welsh web-ring. Knowing your interest in it I thought of you.