Coming Out

    • 11 posts
    April 21, 2004 11:23 PM BST

    After much deliberating on my part I came out to a very dear and good friend the other night.

    I had previously sent her (a genetic girl) a txt msg saying that I had something to tell her and she was not to worry that i was ill or something.

    I did want to tell her face to face but between ourselves we couldnt arrange a time to meet up so this could take place.

    Instead I ended up ringing her whilst she was at work and started to say that it was something that has been pressing on my mind for quite some number of years.

    She did say that she thought i was in some sort of trouble with my house or car or something like that, but I assured that it wasnt the case.

    I kept on trying to say that I would prefer to tell her face to face but she said could i not tell her over the phone.

    To which i began to say that what i wanted to tell her was that i had an interest that most men would not probably do (although there are probably more of us out there than we realise) - after saying that i directly said that i felt i needed to cross dress and have had this feeling for over 20 years - explaining that it started with trying on my mothers clothes when i was younger.

    In a way she was a bit relieved because of her initial thoughts regarding my house etc and she went onto say that it was no problem to her and she was very understanding with me towards my feelings and agreed that if it's something that i want to do then i should do it as long as im not harming anybody else in doing so.

    We had a good chat and it helped me quite a bit. I feel i am now more confident in achieving my dream after telling her because it has got my troubles off my mind and shared them with someone else to help me.

    She even has given me some tips including nail care and body hair. In fact she recommended that I could goto a beauty salon in male mode to have body hair removed - as it is quite normal for a man nowadays to visit such places because no one really bats an eyelid. She gave me the name of the salon that she uses and i have booked an appointment to have my body waxed to remove the hair prior to me going to a makeover.

    As i said i feel better for it now and i think that its going to get more and more exciting over the next weeks/months/years

    Love Rebecca xxx
    • 1980 posts
    April 22, 2004 12:08 AM BST
    Hi Rebecca-

    Good for you. As someone who spent so many years in the closet, I respect you for having the courage to take such a step. I am out to my wife and have gone out in public a couple of times with a t-girl friend of mine and of course, I am out on the list, but I've not had the courage to come out to any of my friends. Perhaps this will be the next big step for me. I wish you the best of luck on your journey.

    Hugs, Joni from Oregon