New and searching for a home

  • April 22, 2004 3:48 PM BST
    Hey everyone,

    I've just joined today, 22nd Apr. This is also my first post. Juz wanna tell everybody about myself...

    I'm a 16 year old TG in Malaysia (i wonder if i'm the youngest one around here?). I've started cross dressing since like 4 years old, but i never told anyone. Lately I came out to 3 of my closest girl friends, well..., at first they responded with umms.. and huhs...and then the next day they rejected me, giving me all the craps " This is not right, blaa..., you're born a male, be a man... ". I was really disappointed , I thought they would be understanding... because of my big mouth, i've lost 3 good friends.

    I'm so happy I found this site(thanks Katie!), everybody seems so loving, and understanding. I wish I've found a home... .

    Anybody from Penang? We could hang out some time...
    • 124 posts
    April 23, 2004 1:39 AM BST
    Hi Emille,

    So glad you found us here on the web, and as I say our little home on the web. There use to be a television show called Little House on the Prarie, so I took the liberty to modify it. Anyways, sorry to hear about your friends. I don't know what it is about it, I think people think your weak if you want to be the fairer of the sexes. Or is it that you possess something that they can never have, a sense of softness perhaps. Anyways, nice to have you here.


  • April 23, 2004 9:33 AM BST
    OMG !!!! 14'000 new friends!!!!!

    Tanx for the great welcome, sisters.

    Hugs n kisses 2 all
    • 456 posts
    April 22, 2004 4:04 PM BST
    welcome Emille from someone who is a little older than you - wish I could remember being 16. Hang on I do and I too wish there had been a site like this available when I was your age. Perhaps i would not have felt so alienated for a large part of my life. Enjoy yourself here there is lots to see and do and people to talk to.
  • April 23, 2004 3:53 AM BST