Changes to the forums

    • Moderator
    • 2127 posts
    November 11, 2005 3:51 PM GMT
    The times they are a-changing - in the forums at least.

    As we move to our new server we are expecting that we will be able to handle a great deal more traffic through our community site than we have ever been able to before. The new server itself is costing us almost three times the price of the previous one and we still have our second server to pay for too.

    There are many other costs associated with our new server (like a digital certificates and fees for extra bandwidth) which we will have find money to pay for from somewhere. This is before we even think about upgrading the chat rooms again and introducing an instant messenger.

    As Elton John has not donated a penny to us, we will have to try to find the money ourselves.

    One way we have been looking at is by trying to entice more people to pay for Full membership. After all, it's only fair that if you use our facilities, you should put something back, and we are only talking about a very small amount here.

    As we bring more "experts" onboard, we will be increasingly looking at putting their forums in the Full Members area in order to give our Full Members access to fully qualified advice (which we have never been able to do before) and to make Full Membership even more irresistible.

    The first two forums to benefit from expert help will be our FFS Forum and The Surgery Forum.

    Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel is an assistant professor in the Division of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Department of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery at the Boston University School of Medicine, will be joining us here at Trannyweb to provide properly qualified medical advice in a new forum for our Full Members on Facial Feminization Surgery.

    Also, Professor and Chairman of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Dr Sherman Leis, will be joining us shortly to host our Surgery Forum.

    The benefit of the good doctor's advice will be a premium service that is free to our Full Members but in order to facilitate this, the Surgery Forum will have to be moved into the Full Member's area.

    We hope that you will understand the necessity for this. Trannyweb is teetering on a precipice. Unless we make the site pay for itself now, there may not be a site this time next year.

    If you have not already done so,please support us by upgrading your membership to Full. It's not expensive and will help to keep Trannyweb afloat.

    Many thanks,

    Katie x
    • 456 posts
    November 11, 2005 4:56 PM GMT
    Hi Katie

    Great idea - let's hope it begins to do the trick - it would be a same to see the site fold up because people are too stingy to pay for the services you offer. Keep up the good work and you know you have many supporters who are aware of the time effort and your own money that you are putting in to get the whole thing running properly.
    • Moderator
    • 2127 posts
    November 18, 2005 11:28 AM GMT
    That's very kind girls and we could certainly do with a little financial help.

    I am looking at ways in which "benefactors" can make regular donations, say X amount per month, without using Paypal. I'll back back to you on that one.

    In the meantime if you are a Moneybookers member, you can send as much as you want as often as you like.

    If you are not a member, it will only take a few moments to register with them at

    Thanks and hugs,

    Katie x