Decisions on transitioning

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    November 23, 2005 1:55 AM GMT
    I did some good thinking lately and some decisions definitely came to mind.

    I really can't hold out much hope for reconciliation, and, even then, if we did, I could never get rid of who I am. My wife, and my friend, are on me a lot about getting to the doctor to be checked out. I might have liver problems, and my asthma has worsened lately. Sometimes I can't breathe at night. Yeah, my wife is sooooooo concerned. Well, she is, so I'm just being a jerk about it now.

    I decided that when I go to the doctor, I am going to ask her about the beginnings of transitioning. I don't know how soon I'll actually get to it. I am still asking.

    I also have to consider what will happen with my immediate family. My wife won't give a shit since I'm the antichrist right now. But I know she'll use this against me to prevent visitation with my daughter. And that's another point - my kid will have to see not only a divorce, but her daddy becoming, well, a mommy.

    When all this will happen I have no idea. It's still so early.
  • November 23, 2005 5:47 AM GMT

    Your asthma may also get better with hormones. My case is not the only one where it totally disappeared after a few months on female hormones.
    And about your children. I know both cases, kids who accept and children who don´t. It depends on your existing relationship to your children. If you have been loving and caring so far, that carries the matter over the external change. You must keep in your mind: the change is external, you stay the same person, and actually even become more yourself.

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    November 23, 2005 2:01 PM GMT
    Thanks for your comments. I expected those words of wisdom.

    I did forget for a few moments about the therapist letter. My therapist now is really great and I know has no qualms about writing me a letter. I am supposed to see her Friday - which may not happen if I have to work - and when I do I'll bring it up. I don't even have to approach it gingerly since she knows about everything. She's great.

    The one thought that ran through my mind is I wonder if I ever gave off the impression that I identified myself as TS as a way to piss off my wife. If she was to take me back right now (ain't gonna happen!) it would make things quite interesting. But, it's a moot point.
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    November 24, 2005 2:15 PM GMT
    I spoke to my therapist yesterday on the phone regarding rescheduling my Friday appointment. She always does a little catch-up session with me. I told her that on Monday, when we meet for our next session, we have something important to discuss.
    • 588 posts
    November 24, 2005 3:02 PM GMT
    Abouth breathing.. I can confirm what Laura's saying. I haven't had asthma, as such, but I have been (more or less) conscious of my breathing problems for nearly twenty years, and I can still remember how this came about when I was 10-12 years old. Yesterday, when I was at the laser salon, it became even clearer to me that, in my case anyway, it's very much about controlling pain. The cosmetologist said the same as my dentist have done: You sure can take a lot of pain. At some point I told her: I've been holding my breath for thirty years. Our nervous system adjusting, to the fact that there's hardly any reason for that kind of fear anymore, it does take some time. And the hormones, they have some relaxing effect, it seems.

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    November 28, 2005 4:26 PM GMT
    I love my therapist! She is fantastic!!! Attractive, too! I wish I could look like her.

    She's all ready to help me whenever I start making the moves to transition. She knows I'm still playing the waiting game with my wife. She's more than willing to support me on this journey.

    I know these questions have been answered elsewhere, but I'll ask here. About how long will it take before I start to see results from HRT? I know each person is different, but will my breasts grow significantly, or just a little? My therapist asked me if I would consider breast implants if my boobs don't grow much.

    I am familiar with the other parts of HRT - mood swings, sensitivity in the body, etc.

    My next big step will be to tell my dad.
    • 1652 posts
    November 28, 2005 5:45 PM GMT
    How long before you see results? Obviously it varies from person to person, and will depend on what you are taking and how much, so there’s no straight answer. Probably, you can expect to feel a difference between 1 and 3 months, I noticed softer skin in that time, and a very slight increase in breast tissue. After a year I still only have slight breast development, which I could hide if I wanted to by wearing baggy clothes, but I’m full time so I don’t try to hide them! I’ve seen more significant breast development in people who are taking ethinyl estradiol, but I'm avoiding that, and remaining patient and hoping for more development over time. 17B estradiol is generally considered to be the safer option, less toxic to the liver and less chance of clotting. I doubt if anyone my age is going to get huge breasts from a sensible hormone regime, but I’d be happy with a B-cup. Maybe I’d have implants if they don’t improve, but it’s too early to think about that. Mood swings, I don’t get them, no more than I ever did anyway. Sensitive nipples, yes, it’s not so bad though, lets you know things are working, so in fact you’ll be glad of it!
    Transition: it’s a long road to reach your destination, so just try and enjoy the journey without asking, “Are we there yet? Are we there yet…?!”
    Best of luck.
  • November 28, 2005 7:14 PM GMT
    All my best wishes and hugs for you Meredith. You have diffenitly given me courage as I read and follow your journey. I am so waiting to hear more. Especialy what happens with your father as I am so frighten of telling mine. I feel that when I do reveal to my sister that it will go as when you did. I have always been the closes to her as I was born 14 months after her. Where are you in relation to birth with your sister. I often wonder if by being concieved so close after her birth that this may have something to do with me being transgendered?
    It is so wonderful that you will go on HRT. I have wished this since the late 70's. Is there an age limit to start as one of the girls mention 7 years to complete. Although I am quite feminine body wise, I lack ample breast to fill out a top. I had false breast way back in the eighties when I lived in San Diego part time as Rachel (was in Navy, has anyone else had to deal with service and TG issues?) and I found them to be awkward at times (glue loosen and slippage at the wrong time and place ). Could one have implants without HRT? How did you chose your therapist? I know that these are a lot of ? and do not want to take away from Meredith so I end here. Oh, I shaved my legs for the first time since last summers purge . When I have the money it's off to Victoria's Secret , oh my gawd, i spent so much there.
    LuvHugKis, Rachel
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    November 28, 2005 7:44 PM GMT
    I come from a large Catholic family of 6 kids. My eldest sister died three years ago. I am child number 4. My youngest sister is about 5 years younger than me. My surviving eldest sister is about 7 years older.

    As for my therapist, my friend referred me to her. Also, she takes my insurance, so that also helped to make the decision. Still, she's great.

    As for Vicky's Secret, when I get paid this Friday that's exactly where I'm headed!