update on my coming out

    • 2017 posts
    June 30, 2006 11:24 AM BST
    Those of you who have gone through this know what it's like and are worried about losing more than they gain. However, my partner decided that she wanted to know the complete story so we had a heart to heart recently. We discussed everything, how often I dress, why, am I bisexual, she knows I intend to go out with other TG girls dressed and is happy as long as it is not local. We even discussed my desire for surgery (although I really wouldn't do that now, for risk of alienating my children). Basically, it could not have gone better. She has taken me shopping for make up and is offering advice, we have shopped for clothes and she has even pinched one of my skirts for a night out!!

    I'm so relieved and very happy, our relationship is stronger than ever and although she does not want to see me dressed yet, I believe her curiosity is getting the better of her. Particularly when I said partners were often welcome at TG gatherings.

    If anyone else is considering coming out, I can only say this; choose your moment carefully and test the waters beforehand. You'll get an idea of whether you should or not.

    Good luck, and thank you everyone for your support.
    • 1980 posts
    June 30, 2006 12:21 PM BST
    Hi Nikki-

    I'm so happy for you that things went well. Good for you! And the part about picking the right moment is certainly sound advice. I hope things continue to go well for you.

    Sorry this is rushed, off to work in just a few minutes. Hope you have a great day.

  • June 30, 2006 3:10 PM BST

    So glad it went well. Isn't it a wonderful feeling when all of that worry and apprehension go away.

    I came out to my spouse about three years ago. It wasn't as rosey as your coming out, and has become a real issue since, but was similar.

    You're right. Test the waters first.

    Conratulations ans best wishes!


    • 515 posts
    July 2, 2006 6:38 PM BST
    It sound like you have broken the first step of fear and confided in your partner and I am so happy for you, it is truly a liberating experience when it goes a lot better than you think it will. It is wonderful that you have such an understanding lady in your life that has taken you into her heart as a woman as well as the person she fell for and you are a very lucky girl.
    I hope that you can fulfill all you dreams and desires in the future.
    • 2017 posts
    July 5, 2006 9:37 AM BST
    Thanks for all your kind thoughts. Our relationship is definately stronger and I'm not carrying a huge burden around any more.

    I wish it could be this easy for us all but I know all too well it very often isn't. (My first wife left me over it).

    At least we all have TW which is always there us.
    • 112 posts
    July 9, 2006 10:44 AM BST
    Hi Stephanie
    Just say welcome to TW, and hope your day goes well
    love and light
    this bra's too tight
    Natalie x
    • 1980 posts
    July 9, 2006 2:01 PM BST
    Hi Stephanie-

    I just want to say that you are so welcome to TW, this is a wonderful place for anyone, no mattter where they are on the gender spectrum. I hope you like it here and decide to stay and be a part of our community.

    • 6 posts
    March 23, 2009 10:22 PM GMT

    I came out over a year ago and fortunately so far my transition has gone relative smoothly

    Over January and February I came to my friends and family, most of whom were totally surprised but in general supportive, the only exception were my 3 children who found it very difficult to accept, my eldest son hasn't spoken to me since and the other 2 speak to me on the phone. I know it must be hard for them and it will be a long hard struggle to get back their love.
    The final hurdle was work but with the help at HR, it was arranged for the whole of the office (over a hundred people) to go to a meeting at which I stood up and told them that I was going to live in future as a woman then gave the reasons why I was taking this drastic step. I left after making my speech (to applause amazing enough) and went on a weeks leave. My councillor then gave them an hour lecture on transgender people, which I understand was well received On my return there was a little awkwardness but that soon went and I have had no trouble at all. Interesting enough several Gays came out and a couple of months later one of the executives announced she was transitioning as well. I now go out regularly with the girls from work which is enjoyable.
    The first couple of months I was very nervous and was read very often, but once I became confident then I was rarely read . I still get called "sir" sometimes when i speak but I ignore it and most times it changes to madame.
    At a singles club I used to go too, there was a group that gave me the cold shoulder, but since I have made a number of new friends I left them to it as I could not be bothered with them.
    I went Charring Cross for my first appointment in May to be accessed, and then after a second interview in September I began hormones. The hormones are now having their desired effect on my body.
    In the early days of my transition I was introduced to a small charity in Southampton that provided support, information and counselling for TS's this has been a great help to me. I was recently asked to be the treasurer and trustee of this charity as it is expanding.
    I have also been on the Local radio giving updates on how I am progressing, they seem to find it interesting and keep asking me back
    I do not think I have been happier in my life even though my children are finding it hard, I know this is right for me and can never go back to my old life