there is a firefox add on for windows suffers, it drops IE into a tab, thus you can view some pages with IE, within firefox, its only as
safe as IE normally is (or isn't) but its easy.
the flash transparency issue doesn't affect me, mostly due to 'flash block', and 'no script' which removes most of t-webs problems with compatibility.
MS sites, yes are generally IE only, in fact they go out of their way to make it awkward to use firefox, or anything else. not really an issue any more for me, but it used to be a real pain. Work IE was restricted in where it could go, given i was developing stuff i needed MSDN, hence using fire fox.. ever browsed MSDN in FF... not happy.
as an aside with FF and adblock pro the web is
faster since the rubbish is never downloaded.
this site only supporting IE was irritating but understandable when i first joined (i was using linux, actually reinstalled windows just to get into the chat room). these days IE is around 80% of the market, and slowly dropping (doubt it will go below 75% for a long time). its getting harder to justify crippling a site for a potential 20% of users, though with a legacy site like t-web the costs of unpicking the MS damage can be too high to be worth the effort.
I would
hope that future enhancements are standards friendly though, which will make them play nicely with FF, and safari, so those of us who
can't use internet exploiter won't be blocked out.
as for ritrover... nice idea but i still use google...
if you want a killer search engine it needs to be able to block 'spam' sites, (some sort of user capacity to block stuff to teach it, then a bayesian system for newer sites once its up and running) to block out the rubbish (link farms and advert only spamdexing sites).
then add the preview feature, once the rubbish is filtered out and only sites with actual content are left the preview becomes a very useful feature. also it doesn't matter how good a search engine is, if it doesn't support firefox it will go nowhere.
not tried thunderbird 2 yet... i prob will at some point.. looking forward to firefox 3... cocoa native on osx

(if you don't know what that means, don't worry about it...)
Katie did say that particular problem was scheduled to be fixed by changing the drop down some point.
to be honest i don't seethe menus, and don't really miss them.
it does amaze me however that people use menus in flash, or even javascript. given they can be made to work with some CSS code (cascading style sheet) that works in all browsers (well reasonably modern, basically IE 5 +, netscape 6+, Firefox (all), safari, konqurer, and doesn't use (or require) javascript.
however this site has what so many with flash based navigation lack, we have the links at the foot of the page, usable by anyone (especially the googlebot) and a full site map. which do me well.
Well, this is not an area where I have any expertise it possible, Claire, that it has to do with the fact that TW pages are created "on the fly" as they are called for?
How do you get to pages on TW without using the drop down menus, Claire?
nothing at all to do with t-web being 'on the fly', this is the norm for most sites these days (google 'php' and 'cgi' if you are interested - hint your not, trust me on this).
using the site without the menus is easy, at the foot of most pages, just above the site logo there are links to most parts of the site, these work just as well as the menus, and are ideal for FF users, or anyone else who generally has flash blocked, or scripting disabled (since its not required, and tends to be used for 'evil'*
my own site is 'php' driven (which is why i have my own domain, and don't use t-web's member sites anymore, plus it helps not to load up t-webs bandwidth), and works fine.
the problem is t web is built on 'old' templates and technology, written for an old version of internet exploiter, and doesn't play well with newer browsers, its just 'legacy' stuff thats a pain, but not economic to re-write.
as for not knowing about this, i wouldn't worry about it, i'm not too sure how I know all this, just gathered info, like dust i guess.
* i.e. popups, pop unders, intersatials... you know, adverts and other crap you probably don't want.
May 10, 2007 10:47 AM BST
that would be the IE Tab extension, right Claire?
Don't forget. You have to sign in for both browser's to set the cookies for each. If you switch from FF to IE while signed in to TW you will not be signed in on the IE tab. Still, a nice little extension. TY, Claire.
thats the one, its meant to be helpful
be warned however it is a copy of IE, with all the security problems that involves, its just a 'nicer' way to run it, i.e. in a tab within firefox.
also this is windows only (not that i'm bothered, i didn't use IE at all if i could help it when i was on windows).
while your playing with firefox check out "flash block", "noscript" and "adblock pro" (with "filterset G")