October 31, 2008 1:09 PM GMT
Fantasia Fair is a week-long transgender event that attracts people from the entire range of the GLBTI community. Crossdressers, transsexuals, intersex individuals, M2Fs, F2Ms, and their significant others are all welcome. It is held annually in late October in Provincetown, Massachusetts, a long time GLBT vacation spot, many of the locals being GLBT, that is actively friendly to the T-girls ("Tall Ships"). The fair is the tail end of the visitors for the year and is significant to the locals. The 34 year relationship has led to a warm, respectful relationship. This year's fair honored the head of Press for Change who was responsible for current European laws for transgendered folk. Below their link is a copy of the email reporting on this year's fair. One of the characteristics that makes this TG event different from most others is that the entire town, not one hotel, is the location for the event and friendly locals attend one of the events, eagerly lining up down the street to get in. You can't get more friendly than that.
34th Fair a huge success!
The weather might have been warmer some days, and the wind a bit less strong on others, but nothing deterred the record breaking number of Fair attendees from having a great time.
This year the Fair raised over $4,000 for the Soup Kitchen of Provincetown and $2000 for scholarships. Continuing our tradition of giving back to our home away from home, Fairgoers and townsfolk attending the Friday night follies contributed more than $4000 to SKP, the Soup Kitchen of Provincetown.
In addition, The British trans rights organization Press For Change (www.pfc.org.uk) received a check for $2000 as Director Stephen Whittle, PhD, OBE, was honored as a Pioneer in 2007 when he could not attend. In addition, a check was presented to this year’s Pioneers, Dottie and Alison Laing, long time friends and directors of Fantasia Fair.
Keynote speakers this year included well known celebrities in the transgender world. These included,
1. Robin McHalen, MSW, founder and Director of True Colors a trans youth organization;
2. Stephen Whittle, OBE, PhD, head of Press for Change, and personally responsible for changing GLBT legislation in Europe;
3. Mara Keisling, founder and Executive Director of NCTE, the National Center for Transgender Equality; and
4. Jennifer Finney Boylan, PhD, Professor of English at Colby College and best selling author of She’s Not There and I’m Looking Through You.
In addition many other fine speakers and specialists presented workshops and led discussions.
Special awards this year were presented to Dr. Sandra Cole who has been attending the Fair and assisting couples for many years, and Steve & Betsy Melman whose restaurants have been Fair luncheon locations and dinner spots for 20 years or more.
Fair awards were as follows.
Ms. Cinderella Andrea of Norway
Ms. Congeniality Robyn Kohler
Ms. Helpful Pattie Ann Fanning
Ms. Fantasia Fair Dawn Marie Vaux