Creative Writing Forum - Chain Story.

    • 734 posts
    January 14, 2010 12:14 AM GMT
    Well, good folk of TW land, I'm pleased to say that - with the number of threads in double figures, posts in treble figures and views chomping hard on the heels of the Deutches Forum - the bouncing baby that was the Creative Writing Forum is now entering toddlerhood...
    And to celebrate, we're going to try and revive an idea that didn't quite work before. Mmmm, let the record show that with regard to intellectual credibility Rae Kelcou has been found somewhat lacking!
    Yes, it's the Chain Story. A novel of excitement and drama written by several people with several different ideas as to how the story goes. There will be, however, a couple of minor changes to how it works.
    The important one is that I'd like prospective co-authors to register their interest with me first. Any posts in the thread by people not on the list will be deleted. That way - I hope - we'll get from the start to the middle and have a glimmer of a chance of getting to the end.
    A core nucleus of kamikaze volunteers has already been assembled but a couple more would be most welcome. Absolutely no experience is necesary. Just a desire to be part of something which, one would desperately hope, will become a whole greater than the sum of its parts...
    My arbitrary deadline for authors is Monday the 25th of January. Just pop along to CW and make yourself known in the Chain Story idea thread. You know you want to. Go on, I dare you.
    You don't, of course, need to be a Creative Writer to join in. Just as importantly is the Creative Reader. So if, for whatever reason, you don't want to typographically add to the forum just come on in and have a read of the work that's there. All are very very welcome.
    Rae x