• 2463 posts
    July 29, 2010 2:32 AM BST
    Just as I was leaving the campus parking lot it was obvious my left front tire was flat. I pulled into a parking lot to change the tire myself, since the local garage was closed and roadside assistance takes two years to respond. The inside portion of the tire, not visible from the side of the car, was starting to shred. How I made it to campus without incident amazes me.

    Will you believe I changed that tire with only a few hand injuries? Really! It took me a few minutes to figure out the jack but I DID IT!!!! I did something mechanical and didn't need to go to the emergency room!


    • 1912 posts
    July 29, 2010 2:46 AM BST
    OMG Mere, take pictures. And have someone else take a look at it tomorrow to make sure you got it right.

    I have an embarrassing tire story for you. I thought I would help my boy out with his car. We had been doing some work on it and had the front tires off so I was going to put them back on before he got home from school. The car was already jacked up, all I had to do is lift the tire onto the hub. I tried and tried and I could not lift the tire enough to put it on. I couldn't believe it, I just knelt there and cried. I had lost so much muscle mass since starting hormones 5 years ago that something that I once would not blink an eye at, now was too much for me. I'm ok with it, but it really opened my eyes to my need to be careful doing things I took for granted I could do in the past. I did finally get it mounted, but it took every last bit of energy I had to do it.

    • 530 posts
    August 4, 2010 11:44 PM BST
    Hooray for alloys!

    Actually, instead of lifting the wheel, I lower the vehicle until I can more or less slide it on...

    (and before anyone mentions UK car wheels tend to be smaller and lighter, I changed a partly loaded 3.5t van wheel in 20mins. Spurred on I hasten to add by it starting to rain and it being about 2 miles uphill in both directions to get a phone signal and even if I did it would have taken them hours to get there!)
  • August 5, 2010 6:05 AM BST
    Hi Marsha,

    That is Good News!!! Your journey into physical womanhood obviously has some side-effects
    that ggirls put up with every day. Congratz, even though it means your former self can't do some things


    PS. My naturally reduced Testosterone levels (due to age) has had a similar effect, but not quite as pronounced
    as you.
    • 871 posts
    August 5, 2010 3:01 PM BST
    I had a flat tyre. It was quite some time ago. A nice gentleman saw me struggling and asked if there was anything he could do. I said, "of course there is, just let me finish changing this tyre."
    • 181 posts
    August 5, 2010 8:06 PM BST
    Wow, that was a story............ Of course in addition to my transition , I have Emphazemiea . That really can do you in when you have to stoop and then get back up. . ellen