Amanda, some post mortem examinations of transexual brains has indicated transexual male to female brains show a physical make up indicative to natal female brains and the opposite for female to mail brains, its an established fact that natal male and female brains are significantly different in control area make up regardless of overall brain size. So far the availability of transexual brains for disection or the need for post mortem examnation is few and far between, BUT with the advancement in CAT scans and MRI scans, its becoming more of an established fact. I took part in some research at Addendbrooks gene clinic where I was originally diagnosed with a form of AIS, my scans were inconclusive, as was explained neither predominate male or female, yet it was confirmed on a previous occasion testing for Reifensteins syndrome, I did have the abnormal gene which leads to androgen insensativity syndrome, not to be confused with conditions such as XXY Klienfelters syndrome.
But what to do with people once diagnosed, even with clinical abnormalities, they will still need the Amanda's to help them come to terms with it and sort their life and asperations out.
Kind words, Crissy!
What does the future hold for genetics regarding inherited trans conditions? perhaps not today, tomorow, next year, but some time in the future where inherited conditions are proven as in Reifensteins Syndrome, Klienfelters Syndome etc.
There is now Karyo mapping, a technique for determining whether an embryo has inherited a genetic defect by analysing DNA taken from it and its close relatives, developed in the UK, so far there are 200 different tests available for a variety of inherited disorders. the embryo is then removed its DNA genetically altered and the embryo replaced back in the wombe. The first baby to undergo this treatment, was born last December, healthy after being treated for Charcot-Marie disease.
Approximately 300,000 SNPs provide genome wide coverage, meaning that any single gene disorder can be screened for.*
Once the disease loci for the specific genetic disorder have been established, it can be determined whether the section of the DNAfrom the parent that carries the mutation for the genetic disorder matches the section of DNA in the embryo—if it does then it is inferred that the embryo also carries the mutation and is likely to be affected or a carrier of the mutation. This is done through comparing the DNA fingerprint with a relative of known disease status termed as a reference. If the section of DNA from the parent that carries the mutation isn’t seen in the embryo, then it’s inferred that the embryo is unaffected and is likely to be without the disease-causing mutation and would therefore be a good candidate for transfer.
Just wondering!
Thank you for this compendium. While it is good that science recognizes that the issue is real, there are many who put more stock in the Bible than science and will poo-poo the results as left wing nannying. In the end, it is more about who you feel you are, not what some science or religious book tells you you are.
Thankyou for your replies, Mary I was'nt thinking of the ethics side of things, just future possobilities.
Crissy, the future possibilities (to me at least) are almost impossible to comprehend. Given the pace of current research, in two years time I suspect we will be overwhelmed by the vast amount of data available.
Where do we go? If a foetus, having been determined as having genetic probability of having a gender dysphoria type disorder, (highly unlikely) or, more probably, one of the syndromes that you have previously cited - what do we allow society to do. Compulsory termination? Elective termination? Or a mandatory requirement to birth, and then take care of the problems thereafter?
Keep them coming Crissy.
Big Hug,
Amanda and Cat!
What I am suggesting Amanda, is that in the future corrective procedures could be brought into play, using genetic engineering on the embryo, as with Reifensteins syndrome, which is passed down through the mothers, if there was a proven history, mpthers could be screened, then female embyos could be treated to circumvent it being passed on and male embryos could have their DNA realigned to fit in with how society operates a two gendered system. So in theory in perhaps 100 - 200 years, there would be no 3rd gender in modern society. I am not going into the ethics, just the possobilities, I think interference with genetics is a dangerous concept and as Mary Grace stated, where could it lead? Every inch of land crammed shoulder to shoulder with starving people a planet unable to provide sustenance, a rich minority super race surviving, Thought provoking to say the least.
An incredible much time and effort into this and very informative! Thnx are the best!
Traci xoxo