
    • 1017 posts
    January 28, 2011 1:40 PM GMT
    Hi Tammy,

    I've told this story before, but a trans woman named Cyndi was certainly my mentor. I was in my early twenties, I had just broken up with my TG tolerant fiancee due to other reasons, when I met her, the first other TG person in my life. Until then I was very much in the closet, but when I met her through a mutual friend we quickly formed a bond. She encouraged me, helped me and got Melody out into the world (rather reluctantly in the beginning.)

    Though we later broke up and I've lost track of her, she was the one who helped me be the real me.

  • January 28, 2011 4:28 PM GMT
    Hi My TGS Sisters,

    For me, it is a local support group that has made a big difference in my life. One post-op girl in particular has helped me become very comfortable with the real me. However, the group (about 8 girls of mixed status) , have presented many different views, opinions, help and comfort as I've gone through some tough times this year.

    I would encourage each of us here to reach out to a girl in need to help her. A kind word can truly help. Remember the movie "Pay it Forward"? After all, each of us can us can truly appreciate validation from someone else, as our lifestyle can become lonely at times.

  • January 28, 2011 7:12 AM GMT
    My older sister June and my best friend Fiona (GG) for helping me with clothes, makeup etc., in my efforts to try and create a convincing female appearance. For accompanying me on fully dressed days out and giving me the confidence that I might possibly one day realise my dream of living full time as a woman.
    • 308 posts
    January 29, 2011 6:05 AM GMT
    Mentors are so important, and like MichelleLynn so rightly stated, to reach out to someone else as someone did to us. The girl that I am helping right now, always reminds me of how I started, and should never forget. I also remind her to be herself and not what others think she should be.

    Thanks for sharing your story Melody. Sometimes I forget how important my wife has been for me. We have been together for 15 yrs but only married for three, her support has always been a very integral part of Tammy's being. We actually split up for a time, something like your fiancee and you Melody. Straightened things out, one of which was that she did not realize how far down into depression that I had gone. Then I went for some therapy after a very scary moment in my life. That's in another post.

    I had to chuckle a tad Chrissy, when you wrote how bad you looked at first. Wow, I went out shopping after doing my makeup the first time. I posted this before in length. The short version of the story...I pulled up in front of a store and before I got out ( now you have to remember I thought, I really looked good ) another car pulled up, a women started to get out and looked into my car, screamed, and sped off. Wow, I thought, I know the police are on the way. I needed help...LOL

    Huggs everyone...Tammy

    BTW Janis, I have to believe you have always looked great.
    • 43 posts
    January 28, 2011 8:36 PM GMT
    I have two GGs who have helped me so much in the past two years to find Chrissy and accept that she's never going to go away even if I throw my clothes out multiple times.

    Both called Sara - one works in my local Lingerie store and helps me get stuff that fits (and that I will use - "Do you really need that?"). She has been out for meals with me and given me loads of advice and help to look better and feel better. The other is my beautician who give me tips on acting like a female rather than a lo-loping guy and has helped my confidence so much. She is the voice in my head when I am walking in heels or using my bag properly - not stuffing my pockets with things etc

    I have found so many nice GGs who want to talk, give advice or be helpful. Others who have helped, but i wouldn't see in the same league, are Tracey with make up and was the first person who saw me dressed (gosh I looked awful then), Nica who was the first person I went shopping and for a meal with (in Amsterdam) and Kate who does my hair and is lovely to chat to. Sue who helps me with pretty dresses and Julie who does the same with Jewellery. It is true that I met most of them through shopping but now I'm less in the closet, thanks to their encouragement, I am getting TG/TV friends too.

    I'm so glad I wrote this - makes you realise what a full life you can have with nice friends.

    Lucky - thats me.
    • 308 posts
    January 28, 2011 6:35 AM GMT
    How important was a mentor to you ( if you had one ) and just how did they influence your journey.

    This is a question that I have been thinking about after a post that I did. For myself, I walked out the door alone at first. Then I had a few girls help me out at first with advice on looking and acting like a lady, etc. And being true to the community I also mentored, many.

    Now then, by a twist of fate, I was introduced to a person whom would influence me profoundly. She showed me how to go where ever I wanted to, and do it with class and a dash of attention grabbing style. This is not for everyone, but it did lead me into a very interesting life style, to say the least. Sadly she passed away, but handed me the lead to carry on, that I carry some what still today.But really, turned that over to a very dear friend of mine, age is just catching up and I just do not go clubbing like I used to..
    I always go out with something from my dear friend Tina, and just say were going out babe. I included an attachment of her, she will always be with me!!!!