Chin shave

  • January 13, 2011 4:29 PM GMT
    Hi Tammy. Janis.
    No problems with anaesthetic. had a nice laugh with them by saying why do they put us to sleep outside the op theatre so I've never seen inside one.

    Full week on and its still sore and stiff with the inside stitches sting if I try to chew with front teeth. Surgery done inside between lip and teeth and I presume they had to pull my mouth wide to get at things so the muscles on lower jaw are still sore.
    Throat is all still yellow bruise.

    I had no alternative but to do the walk and my feet seemed quite OK but yesterday and today I have had awful cramps and pains so I am wondering if I have upset the bones that were fastened together with big screws almost 2 years ago.
    Just hoping the pain is temporary.
    • 2573 posts
    January 8, 2011 7:06 PM GMT
    Very descriptive and informative, Rose. Thank you.
  • January 15, 2011 11:13 AM GMT
    Saturday morning 9th day and lower lip and chin still sore.
    Still getting the sharp sting up bottom lip if I try to open a bit too wide. Sore along sides of jaw where muscles are fixed.

    Just been down the road one hundred yards to shop and no signs of the sore foot so that is a releif but now I have another problem internally in that Thursday night I finally managed to get bowels working and shoved out a really hard lump and then I looked down and see I peed blood at same time. Pee has been cloudy since then so now I'm looking at going to doctors on Monday morning.
    I think whats happened is that fasting for day of op and then being prescribed Co-Codamol painkillers which are known for causing constipation just shut down my bowels so I didn't do anything for about 5 days and when I finally did the hard lump it has either damaged the prostate or seminal vesicles or else I have got congested prostate from lack of use and the force of passing the hard lump has torn or opened a blocked prostate or vesicle duct.
    Right now I have a medium pain across lower back so there is something not right.

    I need to get it fixed quick as I'm just 14 days away from SRS so I'm taking one Sennokot pill and eating some raisins to try get things working properly again.

  • January 8, 2011 4:45 PM GMT
    Went to hospital for chin shave surgery on Thursday 6th Jan.
    Treated very nicely by all the staff and other patients.
    Went in to theatre at 9.15 and came out at and was awake11.15. had a big dressing round chin that pressed bottom lip to make sure the inside stitches held fast.
    Too sore and swollen to think of eating so made do with sips of water and then for evening meal I'd ordered a soup and sago pudding as being softest things on menu.
    Really hard work trying to open mouth enough to get the spoon in but I persevered and then the old lady in next bed didn't want the Lancashire Hot Pot aka Lamb casserole so I asked for it and managed to eat it all by sliding the pieces into my mouth and gulping them down without much chewing.
    During afternoon I had a long natter with one of the nurses who asked sensible questions about why the whole sex change procedure and motivations.
    I stressed that sex chnage is a properly recognised medcial condition and that various surgeries are the corect treatment.
    During night I couldn't sleep so had another long chat with another nurse who wanted to know as she said that she was aware that other TS had been for various surgeries at the hospital but had not yet dealt with one herself.
    After surgery and during the night I had the four hourly antibiotic injections into the DAMNED AWFUL cannular in back of hand. Must have been designed by some sadist?
    Friday morning the surgeon came early and took the dressing off and I saw that the chin had been made less manly pointed and the horizontal very male crease was mostly gone. Chin and lower jaw were very swollen and a dark bruise under the jawbone.
    They said I coudl go home as soon as paperwork was completed but that took so long and then they had to send to the pharmacy departmnet for some painkillers to take home that it was after 12 noon when I finally left the ward.
    There had been a little snow before dawn but late morning we got perhaps a good inch so I was surprised to have the taxi company say none were running at all.
    I decided to get a bus to the train station but there were no buses either.
    So I had to walk about 2 miles to the station. As I'd gone in taxi and expected to taxi home I only had a thick cardigan and no gloves or hat and I was wearing medium heel court shoes - doing the elegant Rose is not good for snow.
    Trains were running on time so I got to my town but then still no taxis and I had to get to doctors to pick up prescription for essential hormones so no option but to once again do a long walk to doctors then up to chemists then home.
    So basically I must have walked about 5 miles in snow in heels. Nice to know I'm fit enough to do it.
    Went to bed at about 10pm and slept through to 9.30 and woke Saturday with jaw locked pretty solid, swollen and painful so getting it mobile was a slow series of painful exercises. Eating a little wheatgerm mush for breakfast was very painful.
    Still need to shave a bit as the electrolysis hasn't got all the hairs yet but that was painful too.
    Now late afternoon and the swellings are easings a bit so I can see the effect of the surgery.
    I'm still getting sharp stings right up to my lip from one of the stitches so I have to be careful trying to sip drinks.

    Being unable to eat without sharp pains has made me start dieting in earnest and in fact at lunchtime the idea of eating a big plateful made me feel sick which is for the good really.

  • January 11, 2011 9:53 AM GMT
    five full days on and again woke up this morning with stiff sore jaw and big shock when I look in mirror and see whole of throat and top of chest is now yellow bruise. They must have really been jerking me about on the op table.
  • January 13, 2011 2:07 PM GMT
    Oh Rose,
    Trudging about in heels in the snow.
    Soon you'll be able to look back and smile with a lovely feminine smile when thinking about it.
    • 308 posts
    January 13, 2011 7:25 AM GMT
    OMG Rose, what an ordeal. It seems that you have quite a series of bad luck, snow, transport, etc. Gosh just walking all that way after that kind of surgery is just short of amazing.
    I had a chin reduction also, so I know, but it took three times to get what I wanted, so I feel your pain. They cut me under the chin to open things up, this way there would be no visible scar, is this what they did to your chin?
    I was partly awake during the third time, and I thought my god how much bone are they taking out..LOL.. I was having a problem with the anesthesia the third time, and they had to bring me up when they saw how stressed I was getting. I thought I was having an out of the body experience, and then thought, am I dead, and saw a panoramic of colors above me for some reason, then I thought, breath hard and to see if I was, that's when they brought me up. Did you have any anesthesia problems? Some of the things we go through has to make one wonder, and believe that there is a lot more going on with us to go to the lengths we go to.
    Huggs...and good luck....Tammy
  • January 17, 2011 10:30 AM GMT
    Chin shave done inside the mouth needs a Government pain warning!
    Had an awful day of pain yesterday for some reason. So I tried various combinations of painkillers before getting sensible and taking aspirin regardless of all the scare stories about taking it.
    My entire bottom lip was really tingly too so I had to keep putting soothing gel on that too.
    Urine went from cloudy to clear and I had intended to go to doctors this morning but I slept very late.
    Only good point about all the mouth pain is that it makes eating difficult so I had a nice surprise when I got on the scales and find I've dropped a few pounds of the Xmas indulgence.
    • 871 posts
    January 17, 2011 5:16 PM GMT
    Hi Rose, I'm glad to hear you are happily receiving treatments after a seemingly difficult ordeal. We all know its not an easy journey and I am sure you will experience the satisfaction and enjoymeny it in the end, erm... chin up!
    love Penny

    ps I would really appreciate details of the consultation process and requirements so I can determin what I can expect from my PCT or GP in the future. I have been told that facial surgery is not part of the gender dsyphoria treatment but I suspect I am being fobbed off. thanks x
  • January 19, 2011 8:20 PM GMT
    Hi Penny
    yes, you're being fobbed off. FFS is part of the whole SRS process no matter how much it annoys the transphobes in power.
    You decide what you want - no-one else.
    You tell the head of the gender clinic what you want and it is their job to make sure you get it.
    • 25 posts
    August 26, 2011 5:15 PM BST

    I'm one of the lucky ones it would appear. I have been told repeatedly that I don't need any FFS, and that's by friends, not the NHS.