Ellen Shaver is in the hospital.

    • 157 posts
    February 1, 2011 1:06 AM GMT
    Please let Ellen know she is in my thoughts and prayers.

    Hugs Jeri
    • 2463 posts
    January 31, 2011 11:13 PM GMT
    Get well soon Ellen!

    Mere and Josie
    • Moderator
    • 2358 posts
    January 31, 2011 9:28 PM GMT
    My thoughts are with Ellen. I'm not a religious person. but one can still be genuinely concerned and wish her all the best, perhaps its time to wonder about some of the other regulars that have gone missing as well. like Eileen.
    • 1017 posts
    January 31, 2011 7:12 PM GMT
    Hi All,

    Many of you know Ellen Shaver, a longtime TGS member. She has become ill as reported by jamielynn on Ellen's TG Board: Transworl.

    Here are jamilynn's posts:

    "Hi all just wanted to let you all know that Ellen was admitted into the hospital today.She is OK but battling a serious infection hopefully she we only be in the hospital for a few days idk.I will post any new updates on her condition as I learn of them.As if things were not tough enough on her her SO is also in the hospital so please say a prayer for Ellen and her family.xxxxJamie"

    "The infection was worse than the doctors thought I called Ellen today and they are going to have to do surgery on the lower spine.The doctor came in the room when I was talking to her and I could only here bits and pieces but something to the effect of removing pieces of bone.This all started as a boil on her shoulder blade and some how she contracted MRSA.She is really scared about this surgery as am I when it comes to surgery on the spine.I have told Ellen of everyones well wishes and it really lifted her spirits please continue to pray for her that this surgery goes well.I Know as soon as she is out of the hospital and is able she will be able to explain better than me of what happened and to thank everyone for there support and prayers.xxxxJamie"

    Unfortunately, the above is all I know about her condition. I know Ellen is a religious person and I'm sure she would appreciate prayers for her from her friends here.

    • 1980 posts
    February 17, 2011 2:05 AM GMT
    Hi Jamie Lynn-

    Though I don't know Ellen very well, please tell her that my wife and I are sending her our very best wishes for her speedy recovery.

    Hugs...Joni Mari
  • February 16, 2011 10:11 PM GMT
    hi all I went to see Ellen in the nursing home yesterday she is doing really good.I think the bladder problem is corrected so she no longer has to have a catheter.She is able to walk a little better but still has lower back pain because they have not removed the stitches yet hopefully they will be removing them soon.The physical therapy is going well but she has a way to go to regain her strength in her legs.I will be going to see her again later this week and i am going to let her use my old lap top she told me they have a wi fi hot spot there so she will be able to get online so she will be able to tell you herself how things are going i am sure i am leaving something out lol.Anyway hope everyone is doing good xxxxJamie
    • 871 posts
    February 2, 2011 1:28 PM GMT
    Get well soon from me too! xxx
    • 1980 posts
    February 4, 2011 1:20 AM GMT
    Glad to hear she's getting better and that her prognosis is improving.

    Hugs...Joni Mari
    • 1017 posts
    February 3, 2011 11:08 PM GMT
    Hi Jamie,

    Thanks for the update. Sounds as if things are going in the right direction, if what must be frustratingly slow for her.

  • February 3, 2011 10:39 PM GMT
    Hi all I just talked to Ellen and she said she is feeling allot better than she did earlier this week.She said that she regaining some of her strength back and is able to at least sit up in bed without draging herself up using the bed rail.They have her hooked up with a catheter at least through the the end of this week so she will not be getting out of the hospital this week.They still have her on antibiotics 24/7 and when she is released she will have to go to the nursing home twice a day for about another week to two to get her antibiotic.She said to thank you all for your prayers and support she really appreciates it.Thats all I have for now will post a new update if anything changes in her condition.xxxxJamie
    • Moderator
    • 2358 posts
    February 12, 2011 1:28 PM GMT
    Any further news, How is Ellen? give her a hug from me.
    • 1017 posts
    February 8, 2011 11:24 PM GMT
    Hi Jamie,

    It sounds like things, while better, are not as good at we'd hoped. I'm sure she'd rather be going home, but if the docs think she's ready to leave the hospital, that's some good news at least. Better to put up with a bit more hassle if she comes out of this whole again.

    "I knew she was in pretty bad shape but I had no idea it was that bad so I am glad that I got her over to the hospital when I did." I didn't know you had gotten her to medical care, thank you so much. Sounds like you saved her life, girl.

    Please let her know we are following your posts and wishing her a quick and total recovery....

    • 2463 posts
    February 8, 2011 11:08 PM GMT
    Yay Ellen! Get better!
  • February 1, 2011 11:45 PM GMT
    Hi everyone I just spoke to Ellen and relayed everyones well wishes to her and it truley lifted her spirits.I know when Ellen is home and is able she will thank all of you personaly for your thoghts and prayers.xxxxJamie
  • February 8, 2011 10:51 PM GMT
    I talked to Ellen today and she is still having some bladder function problems and they have her on a catheter at the moment.She still has one drain bag connected to the wound so as to drain the toxins. She did have three and they may be removing this one tonight or tomorrow.The doctor told her today that if she can show them she can urinate on her own then they will release her from the hospital and they will send her on to the nursing home.Ellen had thought that they were going to release her to go home and she would just go to the nursing home twice a day for a couple of weeks.But that is not the case she will be staying in the nursing home for about six weeks and be on intravenous antibiotics 24/7.Aside from that she is feeling good and is able to move around a little better.She just told me today that when she was admitted to the hospital one of the nurses had told her the infection was all most to her heart and that she would have been with in a week of dieing I knew she was in pretty bad shape but I had no idea it was that bad so I am glad that I got her over to the hospital when I did.She also wanted me to thank all of you again for your kind words and prayers for her I will keep everyone posted on her condition in the coming weeks.xxxxJamie
    • 1017 posts
    February 1, 2011 7:09 PM GMT
    Hi Joni Mari,

    Thanks, I've just added your wishes to the others for JamieLynn to convey to Ellen.

    • 1980 posts
    February 1, 2011 6:49 PM GMT
    Dear Melody-

    Please give my best wishes to Ellen and her family. My wife adds her prayers and good wishes as well.

    Hugs...Joni Mari
    • 1017 posts
    February 1, 2011 6:26 PM GMT
    Hi Cristine, Mere, Josie, Jeri and Janis,

    I've asked JamieLynn to forward your messages to Ellen.

    I'm sure she will appreciate them.

  • February 1, 2011 7:57 AM GMT
    Sorry to hear you've been laid up Ellen.
    Wishing you a speedy recovery.
  • February 10, 2011 10:37 PM GMT
    Hi all just a quick update Ellen was released from the hospital and is now in the nursing home.She is doing fine and they will also be doing her physical therapy.She told me that while in the hospital she had came out to some of the nurses and they were supportive and understanding.Well when she was admitted to the nursing home the nursing home was given her records and evidently the nurses had made mention of Ellen being TG in those records and now the nurses that are doing the physical therapy told Ellen they want her to be herself when doing the therapy.So from what I gather is that at least once or twice a week she will be able to dress as Ellen.They are going to work with her on walking and they want her to wear heels of course only 2" to 3" heels and also sitting and posture so Ellen is elated to say the least because she has not been able to be herself since the 24th of jan.The only other thing is she is still having bladder problems and they are going to try a different approach than what they were doing in the hospital.Thats the latest info I have hope all is well with everyone here.xxxxxJamie
    • 308 posts
    February 2, 2011 6:09 AM GMT
    Thanks for posting Ellen's progress Melody.
    I was just in her forum and I hope you don't mind me posting this update, from Jamie.

    Transworl post by Jamie.........
    Thanks Melody for posting on GS.I talked to her this afternoon for a bit and she says she is feeling a little better but some pain related to surgery.They also found out it was not MRSA but a staph infection which is easier to treat with antibiotics.She may be getting out of the hospital some time this week but they are talking about implanting something to deliver antibiotics that she would have to go to a nursing home once a week to have changed or something like that idk.I meant to say in the last post that Ellen's SO is out of the hospital and is recovering just waiting on some test results to get in.She is OK but still weak but is trying to clean the house before Ellen comes home and I am trying to help her when I can. I am calling Ellen this evening and will read all the well wishes that have been posted to her I am sure it will lift her spirits that there are people who care about her.xxxxJamie
  • February 24, 2011 12:05 AM GMT
    Hi all,talked to Ellen a little this evening and she told me that they took her out of occupational therapy because she met or exceeded there expectations.She is still doing some therapy but she told me that she has regained 95% of her strength.The really good news is that they got her insurance straight until march and if they can get her a home care nurse approved they will let her go home to continue with the antibiotic treatment that could happen as soon as next week so she is really excited about that.I took my laptop to her to use but could not get it to connect to there wireless network it is a unsecured network so it should have just connected so she is trying to get someone there who nows how there network is set up so that it will connect so idk if she will be able to get on line or not.Well thats all i have for now oh I did take some new pics of her and will post them on her forum hope all is well with everyone xxxxJamie
  • February 24, 2011 12:39 AM GMT
    Am glad the nursing home has a "heart". Under conditions like that she'll recover much quicker. She has to be herself!!! Will keep a good thought for her although new here, I don't know her well.
    Keep up the progress.