January 16, 2011 12:44 AM GMT
Before I legally changed my name I got a credit card in my female name. If you already have a credit card, most companies here will give you a second card in another name, linked to the same account. Since you're not actually opening a new account they don't need to do any checks, nor does the name on the card actually need to exist. I just rang them, asked for a second card, they said no problem, what name? It arrived 3 days later.
So I spent a year or two carrying around 2 cards, one in each name, always being careful to use the appropriate card!
It was great to be able to book into hotels (for my girly nights out) and use my female name over the phone and then present my female card when checking in en femme.
I managed to never make a mistake using the "wrong" card or signing the wrong name, until the day after I changed my name. I bought some girly toiletries, used my girly card, and started to sign my old name! I only got a couple of letters down then quickly crossed it out and said, "Sorry I just changed my name yesterday..."
Can't have looked good, but the girl in Superdrug was very understanding, although I think surprised to meet someone who'd actually changed their name!
January 15, 2011 6:02 AM GMT
"A leading Scottish bank is to allow transvestites to use two of its new high-security check cashing cards--one with a photo of them dressed as a man and the other as a woman. "If any cross-dressing customers are confident enough to go shopping dressed as a woman, it's possible for them to have a second card so that they can avoid embarrassment or difficulties when paying by check," a Royal Bank of Scotland spokesman said. The spokesman could not say how many transvestite cards had been issued."
This was from 1994 so I presume they still offer the same facilities.
And it was very progressive for 1994 Scotland a country where in some parts they still lock up children's playgrounds on a Sunday.
January 15, 2011 5:15 AM GMT
I remember reading about Bank of Scotland issuing two cards to their CDing customers one with a male pic and one with female.
I remember thinking how progressive it seemed.
As a banks sole aim is attracting customers I'm sure there must be the equivalent somewhere in a country so vast as the USA.
I agree it can be a bit of a problem and you can't really blame a sales assistant for doing a double take when a woman hands over her credit card and the signature is prefixed by a "Mr".
January 15, 2011 2:36 AM GMT
Hi All,
Has anyone managed to find a legal way to get a credit card in your femme name without having a legal name change?
Life would be so much easier if I could make purchases as me (Melody) instead of "him".
I don't want to defraud anyone, just be able to make purchases as me.
Is there a TG friendly bank out there that would understand?
January 15, 2011 5:40 AM GMT
I was lucky that when I got a card issued to me when I was in the uk they allowed me to put Ms FR Lochaber on it. I explained it to the woman in the bank why I wanted the female prefix and they were happy to do it.
The only trouble I had was when after months of using the local shops I ran out of money in my UK account and had to pull out my Australian card, which due to the fact I haddnt been home since switching to Ms still had Mr on it. I had to laugh when the shop assistant said to me, "I think you picked up your husbands card". I was glad she let me use it without me having to pull out my Aussie drivers licence!
January 26, 2011 4:58 AM GMT
I had one for Karen at one time. A debit card. But couldn't get it renewed after it expired. Seems they wanted her to fill something out.
January 26, 2011 12:10 AM GMT
I can't imagine any banks in the US ready to go there yet. Think you have to legally change your name.
Lori in Kansas City
January 25, 2011 11:10 PM GMT
Hi Gracie,
Is your Chase card as Mary Grace?
I have several Chase Cards/Accounts - they took over a couple of failed banks that I/my family had banked at.
January 25, 2011 11:01 PM GMT
Meoldy Both my wife and I have credit cards from Chase. They used my credit history. Same with American Express.
Have you tried for an additional card on your existing accounts?
February 12, 2011 11:55 PM GMT
Hi Gracie,
Glad you are back online, I've missed you.
A couple of years ago I paid off all my balances on all my cards (I've way to many for Mellie and my male alter ego) so I'm just asking for convenience sake.
I bought a couple of tops online and told them to ship to Melody but bill my drab account. I won't go into detail, but it was a real problem involving some very embarrassing phone conversations.
February 12, 2011 11:42 PM GMT
My computer has been in the shop for the past two weeks so I'm sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner.
My wife and I don't use the same last name.
To answer your question about having a card as Mary Grace. I don't - probably because I haven't gone shopping as Mary Grace,
I'm chicken - I guess.
American express for example allows for additional cards - costs though.
Chase keeps sending me invites to bank with them and also they have a new card.
I don't need any more cards.