MEN...who needs them?

    • 1198 posts
    July 15, 2004 4:14 PM BST
    Why is it when men find out you are a TV/TS they automatically jump back with a look of paranoia, then think you are going to jump on them and stick your tongue down there throat??
    Then when you tell a woman they treat you as one of them and they accept what you are telling them( except the minority that is). I told a very good female friend lastnight and she was absolutley fabulos about my revelation and called me "julie" which brought a big smile to my JJ xx
    • 1198 posts
    July 15, 2004 4:52 PM BST
    It just strikes me as pretty sad, when a world prodomently run by men(maniacs)are so scared what TV's/TS's are going to do to them when they find out or if ever they find out we are like we are.
    I mean i don't say to a bloke who i don't know in the street and say "hey what do you get up to in the bedroom or behind close doors", so why should a man think that i or you want to leap on them, i know there are alot of men scared of the unknown, but they haven't got anything to offer me nor has the masculine world anymore. I have seen what the masculine can do to humans and i don't want ever to be associated with it ever JJ xx
    • 236 posts
    July 15, 2004 9:46 PM BST
    Hi J.J
    I think there are two reasons
    1: mens brains are located in there trousers.
    2: they often have thoughts about the femail some times pretending be one (in their mind that is) and are frightened that these thought might take hold of them when they come face to face with some one who they see as representing their fantasy in the flesh they are forced to remember those dark secret thoughts and over compensate.
    Ok this is an oversimplification but I think there is a kernal of truth in this.Its one of the reason that you get gay bashing the men who carry this out are repressed gays and try to maintain a macho image in effect the men who react in this way are insecure in their own identity and thus feel threatened.

    I ll post a thesis on this at a later date LOL
    with tounge in cheek sarah Ann XXX.
  • July 16, 2004 5:06 AM BST
    Typical female reactions when I told them about my transition process: "Welcome to the club", *hug*, "When do you come with us girls to the sauna?", And male ones: "Gosh, you are brave", "Life is wonderful...once you take it into your own hands"...
    Most of men kept silent, said nothing. Yet, I cannot blame the men. That´s the way they are...they are just.....MEN. And I kind of like men.

  • December 2, 2004 11:06 AM GMT
    This reminds me of a case study done with a man who is spending life in prison for the beating death of a transsexual. He didnt even know the girl, he actually came on to her, but she told him that she was not interested and she finally had to tell him that she was a transsexual in hopes he would leave her alone. Being that he was with his buddies and now feeling embarrased because he couldnt tell the difference, he beat her to death right on the street. The case study was to see how this triggered such an anger response. He cooperated with the test and after about a week one thing stood out that was somewhat shocking. One of the tests given was an arousal response to watching different kinds of pornographic material. It comes to find out that this true blue straight guy was more aroused when scenes of transsexuals performing sex acts were shown and in fact there was twice the arousal state with watching that then seeing GG's, lesbian scenes and other GG's scenes. The outcome of this is...he was a hiding how he actually felt, he had to prove his masculinity to his buddies by beating up a transsexual woman minding her own buisness. I think that guys who know you are a guy wearing a dress and yet have no problem being near you or talking to you are very secure in their those that take an adverse reaction to a guy dressing as a woman...doesnt that sound like they are un-secure about themselves. Why would anyone care what someone else does as long as it isnt hurting anyone. I think that if you could know the truth about those who call a girl names, give her a hard time or worse...I think we would find them going home...putting on their dress and being envious of the girl they saw in public that day. The closet makes them crazy I think ! lol
  • December 3, 2004 5:58 AM GMT
    Kind of agree with what's been said.

    There is another aspect, possibly not as profound, but - women grow up playing many types of roles. Men don't

    Women can wear "men's" clothing, manly clothing - and there is really nothing said or thought about it. (Only lately have average people begun to realize that some women dressed in an especially masculine way might be lesbians.)

    Most men are, as has been said, locked into a role, and have to dress the role. Anything that challenges that role, also challenges their entire being, challenges their acceptance of their role. The more socially repressed a man is, the more he resents someone who has challenged the status quo - has experimented with the taboo, is more free than he is. Someone else's freedom is a reflection of a repressed person's inhibitions.

    Whether or not a man is a hidden homosexual or not, he is not allowed to investigate the possibilities of an alternative sexuality. The thought of something that cannot be fully explored can lead to an obsession or fixation over what is not explored. It becomes larger than life - and is often reacted to in a much greater manner than would be normal.

    The forbidden becomes more desirable, and therefore exposure to it, or an association with it, however casual, becomes more difficult to deal with. A severely repressed person's frustrations will be manifested as violence when their frustration is confronted or challenged - if only because someone else is doing what they feel they cannot do. It is a very strong form of resentment.

    There is also the aspect of cross dressing. It is much easier physically for a woman. The members here know how much effort is necessary to look good wearing a skirt. Because of that difficulty, cross dressing will always be much less common an experience for a man. The lack of familiarty with something tends to make most people wary of it. Add that to the male's need to be masculine, and the reaction to the strangness grows all out of proportion to what it needs to be.
    • 456 posts
    July 15, 2004 4:28 PM BST
    I think it is because men have a whole problem with identity and how they present themselves to the world. This starts at a very early age with conditioning responses in childhood - boys play with cars and guns etc girls play with dolls - I was always jealous of my cousins who could go and play with dolls - perhaps that's my problem. In order to present a male image to the world we have to fit in with what are percieved as society's norms. As men get older they tend to mellow and a lot of the posturing and prejudices are sometimes removed.

    The same thing goes for gay couples who are suddenly shunned when they come out - why - are they any different from who they were before they came out? We know they are not but prejudice and social taboos are difficult to overcome. This is one of the things a site like this can try and do - in a small way.
    • 1980 posts
    July 16, 2004 2:32 AM BST
    Okay, here goes. I don't think it has to do with sexuality, at least not totally. It has more to do with class both economic and social, please, no groans about bloody Marxists. Also to give credit where it is due, I owe the gist of this argument to Stevie. Stevie, wherever you are, thank you for throwing open this window. I've since done some research, not in any rigorous way, too lazy for that, and have heard similar arguments expounded by others.

    First of all, when you reject men and choose to be or at least act like a woman you are choosing to be a second class citizen. Nearly every, oh hell every, current civilization is patriarchal. Men run the show and women are second class citizens whether we are talking states such as Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia etc where by law both civil and religious women are subjugated to men or western societies such as England and the US where by law women are equal but in practice are economically and politically below men. Men run the government, men run the big corporations, men hold political and economic power.

    Yes, women in western societies can aspire to higher positions and some do, though there are far fewer women in positions of real authority than men. Some would say tokenism. In the view of those who hold power, it is okay to aspire to a higher relative class than the one you occupy. It is okay for women to strive to act like men, to wield power, to play by men's rules. However, to aspire downward, for a man to aspire to a woman's role is just incomprehensible.

    It would be like a white man in the pre-Civil War South to reject his whiteness and the automatic superiority that came with it and wish to be a Negro slave. It is a rejection of the bedrock that all of society is based on. It shakes the foundations and when men feel the ground shake under them, it frightens them and frightened men are angry men.

    So when we reject our manhood, our maleness, we are not just doing something minor and relatively harmless, even though in reality it is harmless and minor, we are making men and women, for that matter, extremely uncomfortable way down deep where the fundamental assumptions about how things are supposed to be actually dwell.

    And, Stevie, if you're out there, please chime in. You stated it much more elegantly than I have.

    -Joni from Oregon

    PS And oh yeah, it's also cause fundamentally, men are arseholes. They can't help it, society makes them that way.
    • 2573 posts
    December 2, 2004 10:07 PM GMT
    Sherry, I would have presented it in a different way, but I think that you are very close to the truth and your presentation is very understandable. If one is secure in one's sexuality you do not need to strike out. Fear leads to anger, hatred and violence. I'm sure that there is a lot of hidden transgenderism in the male population and that stimulating that, even if it is unrecognized consciously, can provoke a violent fear response. What this says about members of anti-GLBT groups like the National Front I will leave to your imagination. These people will always be unhappy and conflicted and ready to strike out to deal with their own internal horrors. I think a lot of the violence could be eliminated by educating society to understanding that TG is a normal, biological offshoot of evolutionary processes, and not dissimilar to being a modal male or female, and not a personal choice or failing. Some will never learn because of stupidity and fear and that is a truth of humankind's perpetual ignorance.

    The most disturbing thought is that one day I may be forced to turn back to my "dark side" in self-defense against such people and stand over yet another tragic victim of their own misguided behavior. I find that possiblity very distressing now instead of a male-warrior victory opportunity. The only real solace is that you have removed another predator from society or at least given them a good reason to fear their victims potential response to being attacked. I can only hope that my training lets me act before I think too long. But, you still end up a victim of sorts then, don't you? Women (gg-type) have lived with the possibility of being assaulted for their gender throughout history. We are not so different.