A friend made a faux pas...

    • 871 posts
    March 10, 2011 2:11 PM GMT
    This is what I emailed to my friend... (who refered to a photo of 3 transgendered women as "all blokes" and responded to offense by saying we shouldnt get all upset over it.)

    Hiya, its easy to say dont be so touchy and dont get so upset but its not as simple as that. I really hope you try to understand the point I am trying to get over in the following text. many respects Penny x.

    I realise you didnt mean anything by calling us blokes and this is what I said to my friends. The point is though, the diagnosis of "gender dysphoria" means that whenever anyone refers to us as male can induce feelings of suicide, and many transgendered people have. thats how it affects our lives and saying to us that we cant go round getting upset over it doesnt resolve our difficulties. we dont chose this, this is the way things are and the only way we can lead a normal life is for everyone, who dont necessarily need to understand but should try and respect that we live in a free society of self determination and treat us according to how we wish to be treated.

    Whoever said, treat everyone in the same way as you would like to be treated, is an idiot. An intelligent person would have said, treat everyone in a way that they would individually like to be treated.

    Im not trying to rant because I really respect you as a human being. Im just trying to show you that referring to transgendered women as blokes is fundamentally wrong. I really hope you appreciate that I have written this for the benefit for everyone.

    • Moderator
    • 2358 posts
    March 11, 2011 7:01 PM GMT
    Heteronormativity & Synopsis of the Etiology of Gender, perhaps something that should be tattooed on our forheads, lol, but seriously Penny you should have picked out the relevant bits copied and pasted it in your email, it should be made compulsive reading in schools.
    Anyone interested, in a good read, or seeking further understanding look up the two threads, not that I am saying anyone needs to validate how they feel, it might just give you some ready made examples to educate others........
    • 871 posts
    March 14, 2011 11:02 PM GMT
    Hiya, good points but somehow might be a tad too overloading for my friend. I did enjoy my use of calling a particular type an idiot for the sake of grabbing attention and making a point lol. I might use that technique again at some appropriate point in the future
    take care