My first Book......

    • 2068 posts
    April 16, 2011 11:36 PM BST

    I I Know this isn't TG Related but i feel its worth posting. I have just had my first book published and printed & i'm very happy with it. Here in Lowestoft i have been doing a lot of voluntary work for the local heritage society, who look into the history of this pl;ace. For the last year i have been researching all the World war 1 medal awards made to soldiers of the local army regiments, including names, army numbers & pictures of the Actual Medals themselves. On Wednesday of this week (13th April) i had 15 copies printed and bound up for sale in our shop & on the website too. This morning i sold my first copy via the the USA of all places. As you can imagine i am feeling very happy & i couldn't NOT share it with you all.

    Anna-Marie xxxxxxxxxxxx

    This post was edited by Anna-Marie Trindall at April 16, 2011 11:57 PM BST
    • Moderator
    • 1017 posts
    April 17, 2011 12:11 AM BST

    Congrats, Anna-Marie!

    Her link doesn't work for me (Server Not Found), but if you cut and paste it into your browser, it works just fine.


    • 2127 posts
    April 17, 2011 2:39 AM BST

    Blimey AM, I'm soooo proud of you.  Congratulations!

    For some reason, the link has an HTML paragraph tag on the end of it which messes it up.  Another bug I fear.  I'll alert our developers to it.

    Hugs, Katie   x

    • Moderator
    • 734 posts
    April 17, 2011 11:49 PM BST

    Three things AM:

    Firstly, I don't want this forum restricted to just TG writing - I want it all!

    Secondly, that is absolutely fantastic hunni. So proud of your achievement and dedication.

    Thirdly, your photo's are looking good.

    Fourthly, YAY!  Laughing

    Rae x

  • April 18, 2011 5:23 AM BST

    Congratulations on your achievement, Anna-Marie. I know the hard work  and stamina that is required from the initial conception to the final birth of a book.

    • Moderator
    • 1017 posts
    May 9, 2011 5:59 PM BST

    They Served With Honour: Local Medal Awards of World War One
    Researched and Collated by Anna Marie Trindall

    Paperback: 53 pages
    Publisher: Heritage Workshop Centre
    Language: English
    ISBN: 1-904413-24-2

    The book is divided into two sections. The main portion shows a color illustration of a medal with a bit about it's history followed by a list of those who were awarded the particular medal including their rank, name and what part of the service they were in. This part of the book is primarily directed at military enthusiasts, researchers, local history buffs and historians. The format is clear and easy to read.

    The second section tells the stories of five individual medal awardees. This section is well illustrated with photographs of the men, as well as pertinent do***ents, paintings, gravestones and, of course, the medals they were awarded.

    My own college degree is in history and my area of specialization was the Treaty of Trianon (between the Allies and the defeated Hungary, formerly of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, at the end of WWI), so I have an interest in the era, though before reading this book I had little knowledge of the Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex and the rest of East Anglia's brave participation in "the Great War." I found the histories and descriptions of the medals very interesting. I especially enjoyed the pieces about the particular awardee's and their personal histories, before, during and after the War. It was made more poignant since as I was reading the last combat veteran of WWI, Claude Choules, passed away.

    I ordered the book over the Internet, using PayPal, and it arrived at my door eleven days later - pretty good service from the East Coast of the UK to the West Coast of the USA. The price, including shipping and the GBP/US$ exchange came to a mere $20.02, quite reasonable.

  • May 10, 2011 6:33 PM BST

    Well done AnnaMarie! Not only are you now a published author you have exported too!