Hi girls,
is there a teccy girl or guy who could help with a few problems I'm having?
I would ask Katie, but I keep doing that and it wont be long till she starts going off line as soon as I come on lol Bless her, shes already trying to change my profile from transvestite to transsexual.
Another problem is that I dont seem to be able to see the pics that I've uploaded, when I goto the album I get a page saying that I dont have permission to view the page.
Hi Mandy,
Don't know about the transvestite to transsexual thing, but the reason you can't see your album is that only Full Members can see albums. Basic Members can't, even their own.
Best, Mellie
Hi all
Having problems uploading photos to change my profile. When i try to upload some photos, I get the message "File exceeds ini limits.". Are there specific pic formats and sizes we should be uloading to the site? Any help would be appreciated.
Last time I logged on I was a full member (my paypal account says that a payment was completed on April 8) but now I seem to be back again to being a basic member. Please forgive me if there is some misunderstanding on my part, but shouldn't I be a full member for at least three months?
Thank you